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The two elders who came in are Ye Mingli and Dong Qian, they are the biological parents of 'Ye Ci'. Her parents are selling pot paste on their hometown for income. Although their life can't be considered rich or anything, it was still a good life.

Ye Ci blinked, feeling a little bit lost … Ah, these two are the original owner's parents! In the future, they would be her father and mother too! But she wasn't close to them …

When Dong Qian saw that her daughter did not react, the tears in her eyes started to fall uncontrollably.

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"Old Ye, look at our daughter. Has she gone insane from all those pressure? "She doesn't even speak anymore when she sees us"

Ye Mingli was also worried about his daughter's situation, and when he heard his wife's words, he couldn't help but scold her, "Are you trying to curse our child?"

Seeing this, Ye Ci subconsciously cleared her throat. After hesitating for a moment, she said, "Mom, Dad …" "I'm fine."

Hearing this, Father and Mother Ye looked towards their daughter. In fact, ever since Ye Ci entered university, she had only come home once a year (every new year). However, she would left right away after 2 days, and her personality is getting more quick-tempered and snobbish.

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She would locked herself in her room everytime she went home … Mother Ye was always worried, so she would make a phone call every month. However, most of the time, her daughter wouldn't answer the call, even if she got lucky and Ye Ci would answer the call, she would still hang up without saying anything.

It wasn't that they didn't worry back home, but afterall, their daughter had already grown up and had left home for school. Although they have lived in the county city all year round, they knew little about the news in the big city.

It was precisely because Ye Ci has never been close with them that the two old couple couldn't help but be stunned upon hearing Ye Ci's voice. How long has it been since their daughter had last spoken to them in an amiable manner?

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Dong Qing's tears couldn't stop flowing. She dabbed her tears with her sleeve and looked at her daughter who had obviously lost a lot of weight.

She said carefully, "Little Ci, since this entertainment circle isn't easy, then let's go back home, although dad and mom doesn't earn much, it's not a problem to support you. Why don't you stop this so it won't be hard on your anymore?

After pausing for a moment, Father Ye silently put the cigarette pack into his pocket. Hearing Mother Ye's words, he also nodded his head, looked into Ye Ci's eyes with a somewhat reserved yet sincere expression and said, "My daughter, if you can't take it, let's go home."

Ye Mingli and Dong Qian would get up early every morning and work greedily at their own work shop. Their biggest free time are spent on watching News Simulcast and TV series at 8 o'clock. They are completely unaware of what was going on the internet, nor did they have any idea that Ye Ci had already been scolded and cussed to get out of the entertainment industry in the past two days on Weibo. They just thought that since their daughter had just graduated, the life pressure in the big cities was too great and couldn't get over it.

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On the way here, the old couple kept thinking, if they weren't able save her in time, wouldn't their daughter already be gone? The Ye family only had this one child. How could they endure the pain of losing their only child? When they thought about it again, they felt regretful.

They felt that they didn't care enough about their daughter, thinking that she would be fine as long as she can study in university. However, they failed to understand the pressure that comes with real living.

Hearing the words of her parents, Ye Ci's eyes also turned red. In her previous life, her family was so poor that in order to take care of her little brother and sister, her parents sent her to the palace when she was just eight years old. She didn't feel a single bit of familial love from her parents, but now, seeing Ye Mingli and Dong Qian, she couldn't help but feel touched.

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