Luo Xi’s hands never get tired of controlling things behind the scenes.

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She looked at her father’s remorseful appearance from the corner of her eye and placed the chopsticks down from her hand. She spoke helplessly, “Since my sister said so, then dad, I don’t want the card anymore. You can just give it to sister. Anyway, after going to the Leng family, they will give me money once they see that I have no money to use. After all, big families like them can’t afford to let their daughter-in-law be left without money, right?”

“Alas, I just wanted to keep the card. It’s not that I don’t want to give it to sister, but I need to buy some decent clothes and jewelry. I don’t want our family to lose face after getting there. But dad, I don’t want to let sister misunderstand and think that you’re favoring me over her.”

Luo Yang’s expression of remorse quickly changed. Saving a face is the thing he placed great importance on. If a person told him that he let his daughter marry without even preparing some decent clothes and jewelry for her, then wouldn’t that make him lose face!

It was really wicked for the youngest daughter to fight with her sister just for this small matter!

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Mu Qing scolded her, “What are you talking about! People don’t care about those things now. So what if you give Yiyi such a small thing? Yiyi has a willful temper. What if she really leave the house and something happened!”

Luo Xi lowered her head and said with a hint of fear, “Mom, I know it’s my fault. I’ll give the card to sister right now.”

“That child who used to be obedient before now wants to get everything from Xixi! She can get out of the house if she wants to, just don’t come back if she has the guts!” Luo Yang did not expect his wife to favor the youngest daughter. She even said such words to the eldest daughter. His dislike for Luo Yuyi deepened, and he said angrily.

Luo Yuyi, who was lying on her bed upstairs and secretly listening to them, almost vomited blood when she heard this!

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She just said those words intentionally to remind her parents to coax her. Who knew that it would backfire on her!

It was completely out of line from what she expected!

Damn Luo Xi, how can she speak so well!

Usually at times like this, she will keep her mouth shut and only knows how to give things to her right?

When she saw that her husband lost his temper, Mu Qing didn’t have the courage to open her mouth again. After all, Luo Yang was the one in charge of the family and he especially disliked it when people contradicted his decisions. Although he also loves their youngest daughter, this time his mood was not calm. Just compensate the youngest daughter later.

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Luo Xi walked back to her room. When she walked past Luo Yuyi’s room, she heard the sound of Luo Yuyi’s crying inside together with Mu Qing’s comforting words. She looked down at the card held in her hand, and her eyes flashed with a touch of coldness.

Luo Yuyi, this is just the beginning.

The next day, Luo Yang and Mu Qing were planning to go out when they heard their eldest daughter’s shout from upstairs. The two quickly climbed upstairs and saw Luo Xi having a panicky look while looking for something. They frowned and asked, “Xixi, what’s wrong with you?”

“Dad, the card you gave me disappeared. I placed it inside my wallet yesterday, but I can’t find it now!” Luo Xi looked at them, with an expression of crying at any second, and said worriedly.

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“What?” Luo Yang’s expression turned solemn upon listening to her words. The card must have at least one million inside. And she was saying that it had disappeared. The eldest daughter was too careless!

He was about to scold her when he heard Luo Xi continue to say anxiously, “You gave me the card last night, and I have not been out of the house. The card was placed inside my room all along. How could it disappear all of a sudden?”


“Has any aunt entered your room today!” Mu Qing’s expression turned stern when she heard that there might be a thief inside the house.

Although the Luo family could not be considered a big family, they still owned a huge company, so they still held a considerable position in the business industry. The house was filled with servants, and she was worried that someone from the cleaning maids became jealous and decided steal things!

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