“Luo Yuyi, you’re asking for death!” Luo Xiao gripped the sharp stone with so force in her hand. She didn’t care about the blood the was flowing from her hand, and continued to scream woefully with a pair of bloodshot eyes. No one knew where she got the strength from, but she suddenly pushed away the two bodyguards and moved rapidly towards Luo Yuyi’s body.

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The sharp stone in her hand was aimed straight at Luo Yuyi’s face.

Yet, she could react and before she could touch Luo Yuyi, her whole body felt light and she was thrown away by a huge force. With her head facing down, she directly smashed against the rocks and steel bars beside her.

Dark-red liquid flowed from her forehead without stopping, staining her eyes that were full of intense hatred in the process. Even at her deathbed, her eyes were still staring at Luo Yuyi’s direction with unwillingness.

Die with piece!

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At night, the smell of disinfectant floated to the tip of her nose, and she abruptly sat up from the bed. Beads of sweet could be seen on her forehead.

She looked at the unfamiliar scene around her and remained rooted on her position. The severe pain before her life ended was still clear in her memory. How could she appeared in a hospital now?

She subconsciously touched her forehead. It was smooth, with no scars and wounds at all.

Luo Xi became alarmed. What’s going on?

While she still absent-minded, she didn’t see how her originally scarred hands were intact at this moment. It was not until two familiar voices sounded outside that Luo Xi came back to her senses.

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“This child, why can’t she forgive Yiyi? Yiyi hasn’t been eating and drinking for several days now. What should I do if something bad happens to Yiyi? Really letting me worry about them!” A complaining female voice entered her ears through door. Along with the female voice was a man’s sigh.

The the door was pushed open.

Seeing her daughter sitting rigidly on the bed, the woman who opened the door was frightened. When she saw her listless look, she wondered if the eldest daughter heard what she said just now.

“Xiao Xi! You’re awake!” The man, who was about forty years old, shouted.

It was Luo Xi’s father, Luo Yang, together with Luo Xi’s mother, Mu Qing, who entered the door.

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Luo Xi looked at this familiar scene with shock. The memories that were hidden deep inside her head flowed out like a water.

She remembered this.

This is the year at the end of her freshman year, and she just turned twenty.

At the same time, it was also the second year her younger sister Luo Yuyi had just entered the house!

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She and Luo Yuyi are a pair of twin sisters, but when they were just born, Luo Yuyi was taken away by a person on duty in the hospital and was sold to a poor family. Since then, she started her miserable life growing up in a poor family.

Despite the fact that they are sisters, their appearance didn’t held any resemblance at all. It was only because Luo Yuyi had the object on her body left behind by Mu Qing when she had just born, adding to the paternity test confirming her blood relationship with the Luo family, that she became the young miss of the Luo family and also her sister.

Luo Yuyi was initially called Mo Yiyi, but later changed her name to Luo Yuyi after entering the house.

She was also so very attentive and doting to this younger sister who lived a miserable life since she was a little. She will even give her whatever she wants. If the other party does something wrong, she will take the initiative to stand up and take the blame. But much to her surprise, the sister that she loved deeply started to calculate and pushed her into the abyss step by step at this moment on.

She couldn’t wrap her mind about why her parents who originally love her turned their love to her younger sister. Every time she was wronged, her parents would say, she is your younger sister, you should let her have her way, and just bear with it.

Luo Yuyi likes to take away her things, anything from clothes to jewelries, as long as she take a fancy to it, it will eventually fall into her hands.

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