Luo Xi was too lazy to care about him, rolled her eyes and turned around to leave.

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“You, what the hell do you mean by that?” When Zhou Yu has ever been treated like this? His face turned green and he yelled furiously.

The other people looked at this scene in blank dismay.

The girl sitting next to Luo Yuyi said disapprovingly, “Senior Zhou, just leave her alone. She’s just so shameless, who does she think she is!”

“Senior Zhou, I’m really sorry. My sister’s character is not very good, and she likes to offend people, so I apologize to you on her behalf.” Luo Yuyi opened her mouth and said apologetically.

“Yiyi, why are you saying sorry on her behalf? If I have a sister like her who only knows how to attract troubles, I won’t be good to her. It just makes me ashamed to death. Besides, didn’t Senior Zhou already tell her to get in the car? It was she herself who didn’t want to do it. Let’s go, just leave her to squeeze on the bus. Cut, let’s see if she doesn’t regret it to death!” The girl said smugly.

“Stop saying that. She was after all my big sister.” Luo Yuyi said, as a struggling expression appeared on her face.

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“You’re so kind-hearted.” The girl sighed.

“Luo Xi, I’ll give you one last chance!” Zhou Yu squinted his eyes and spoke menacingly.

Everyone looked at Luo Xi with dissatisfaction.

“She still let Senior Zhou invite her again and again. Who does she think she is?”


Seeing that her footsteps didn’t even pause for a moment, Zhou Yu was so angry that he slapped the steering wheel, causing the car to let out an ear-piercing beep sound.

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Just then, a black limousine stopped in front of Luo Xi without any notice. Then a man dressed in a black suit who looked elegant and noble stepped down from the driver’s seat.

“Eh? Who is that?” The crowd stared at the scene with surprised expressions.

As soon as Luo Yuyi saw that person, her brows furrowed.

Wasn’t he the man who delivered the gifts sent by the young master of the Leng family to Luo Xi that day?

“Miss Luo Xi, our president heard that you are going to a party, so he specially instructed me to pick you up.” The man put one arm on top of his chest and bowed slightly before removing his arm to gesture to her as an invitation.

“Oh my god, he’s so handsome!” One of the girls couldn’t help but scream excitedly.

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The noble aura of an aristocrat butler on this man who had just arrived was too attractive.

They were far away, so they couldn’t hear the contents of their conversation clearly, but judging from that man’s posture, it was as if he was inviting Luo Xi to get in the car, and he was respectful to her.

They couldn’t help but get startled. The Luo family is not by any means a true wealthy family. At most, they could be considered to own a company and don’t lack any money. But it was obvious with one look that this man was not simple, and there was no way that a small family like the Luo family could afford him.

The girls were all fascinated by his handsome temperament, but Zhou Yu and the other boys stared at the car with blank expressions.

A limited edition Maybach, a luxury car that costs more than fifty million yuan.

After looking at it once, Zhou Yu, who had a deep love for luxury cars, quickly determined the brand and price of the car.

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A luxury car that cost more than fifty million yuan just picked up this woman Luo Xi?

Just what exactly is her identity in the end?

There was only a single person present who reacted differently. He looked in the direction of the car with unfathomable eyes.

If he was just doubtful before, now Leng Yuan was certain that this woman Luo Xi was the one who was going to marry his brother!

A glint appeared in his eyes for a brief moment, and he quickly withdrew his eyes.

“Yiyi, what’s going on? Is that man your housekeeper? He looks gentlemanly! I recalled that this person was not the one who usually came to pick you up before. And that car, it’s obvious that it’s expensive with just one look. Your dad really treats you well!” The girl on the side asked with some jealousy.

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