But not in this life!

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She will make those people who have suppressed her get what they deserve!

“Sorry, I’m not fond of saying my name to people I don’t know. As for where I got the mask from? Do you even need to ask such a stupid question? How you come here, I also do the same way to get here.”

Upon hearing her words, the surrounding people coughed awkwardly a few times.

Sitting on the opposite side, Liu Xuan, who was dressed similar to a dog1 and had a jackal mask on his face, stiffened.

He had no idea what was going on, but he had a feeling that this girl was staring at him very coldly, as if she was looking at a dead person?

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There was a slight chill down his back, but after hearing what she said, he immediately threw this feeling into the back of his mind. A trace of annoyance appeared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth disdainfully, “Isn’t this a place for making friends? Why are you acting mighty?”

“It’s true that the purpose of this place is to get acquainted with others, but people can also choose not to, right?” Luo Xi curled her lips slightly.

Despite the fact that most of her face was covered with a mask, the faint light reveals the slightly upturned nose tip as well as the red vermillion lips, and the pair of extremely seductive eyes hidden in the fox mask. Just by these things alone, Liu Xuan can guess how stunning the face is under this mask!

If it were the other girls who he had taken the initiative to start a conversation with, they would most likely be overjoyed, and there was no way that they would have the same expression as this woman.

The reason must be because this woman was unaware of his identity. If she knows it, Liu Xuan didn’t believe that she would still have this kind of expression.

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So, he was not annoyed by what Luo Xi just said, and laughingly said, “You are quite a personality, but I was wrong too just now. I should have taken the initiative to say my name first. Now I will introduce myself formally. My name is Liu Xuan, the vice president of the student council of Cai Jiang University. My family is doing a real estate business. Although not large, it’s spread throughout the Yun City. If this classmate intends to buy a house in the future, come to me and I will give you a discounted price as a friend?”

“Oh.” Much to their surprise, Luo Xi was completely unaffected by his enthusiasm and gave a perfunctory reply.

Everyone witnessed her actions and broke into a cold sweat for Luo Xi.

It must be known that Liu Xuan has never been a good-tempered person.

The word strange could describe the current emotions of Su Xun and his group. Luo Xi did not have this kind of attitude towards them before. Even though she was a little cold, at least she didn’t show this kind of expression that she didn’t want to be friends with them.

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Perhaps this guy named Liu Xuan really annoys her?

Meanwhile, Zhou Yu and Yang Feng who had lost face to Luo Xi before felt a lot more balanced in their hearts.

If they really saw Luo Xi giving a good attitude to Liu Xuan, they felt that they might become upset.

“You!” Regarding this attitude of hers, Liu Xuan also felt annoyed. When had Liu Xuan been so neglected by a woman?

When she saw this, Luo Yuyi quickly stood up to speak, “I’m really sorry, senior. My sister’s character is really just like this, and she is not fond of making friends with other people. If it wasn’t for Senior Leng’s presence here this time, she would most likely not have attended this party. Right, Senior Leng, my sister is your loyal admirer.”

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She winked mischievously at Leng Yuan, who had been cold from the moment he stepped foot into this party until now.

The hand of Leng Yuan who was holding the wine glass stopped for a bit and he turned to look at Luo Xi’s direction.

“She’s right. It’s not a day or two since the school belle had a crush on senior. In her freshman year, she even sent senior a love letter.” Ning Mengmeng also echoed and laughed.

That being said, this incident also became one of the hot topics in school.

During the freshman year, at the opening ceremony, Luo Xi became head over heels to Leng Yuan, who was the president of the student council assigned to welcome the freshmen. Since then, she began her crazy pursuit mode. But a lot of people were also pursuing Leng Yuan, so no one thought too much about it. After all, who wouldn’t like an excellent person like him?

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