Gloom and coldness filled Leng Yuan’s face, but to the surprise of everyone, he didn’t say anything.

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Su Xun and the others coughed. If they didn’t know Luo Xi before, they might not have felt that her words had deep meanings behind them, but now that they knew her, they felt that Luo Xi seemed to dislike this group of people who came with her.

After all, when it came to them, Luo Xi was still very polite.

They also had no idea about what these people did that caused to be extremely disgusted with them.

Watching these people blow each other up1, Luo Xi’s mood turned bad. After sitting for a while, she made an excuse to go to the bathroom. She intended to slip away first before going back.

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Anyway, it is sufficient that she knows Luo Yuyi came here to know some specific people.

Stepping her feet outside the bathroom, a series of surprise voices from the crowd entered her ears. She lifted up her head, her pupils widening. Is that Leng Minhang?

The man was dressed in a high-fashioned black suit, and the whole person looked very tall and imposing against the crowd. Although the other party’s back was facing her, Luo Xi was certain that this man was Leng Minhang, and who she had slept with for three years. There’s not that she would remember it wrong!

Her eyes became hot, and she ran after him quickly. It was a pity that the man’s steps were very broad and he soon disappeared into the dense crowd.

“Did you notice the man who walked by just now? He’s so good-looking, and he even had a silver fox mask on his face. Although his face was hidden, this man must be of the best quality.”

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“No! Unfortunately, the aura around him is too overwhelming, causing people around to be completely afraid of going near him.” The crowd were talking to each other in soft voices, their tone lamenting.

Luo Xi remained rooted on the spot where the man was standing just now, and her eyes were flushed. She looked helpless with tears brushing down on her face under the mask, but she no longer saw the familiar back of the man.

Did she see it wrong?

How could a person like Leng Minhang appear in this kind of place?

At this time, someone tapped her from behind, “Hey, Luo Xi, what are you standing there for? We are going to eat. Do you want to go?”

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Zhou Yu furrowed his brows and questioned. From afar, he saw the figure of this woman standing there stupidly. After all, she was really eye-catching wearing that plain dress on her body.

He couldn’t stop himself from scoffing in his heart. This is a girl who doesn’t even know how to dress up properly for a party, so how can she please others?

But when Luo Xi turned around for a moment, Zhou Yu froze.

The girl who was still cold and angry before now had her eyes turned red. With tears brimming in her eyes, watery lights were constantly flashing, and she looked extremely pitiful with helplessness and sadness coming from the depths of her body. For a while, Zhou Yu had his heartbeat quickened.

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“Hey, you, what happened to you?” The sudden contrast caused Zhou Yu to be at a loss for words and opened his mouth to ask.

Upon seeing it was him, a touch of disappointment appeared in Luo Xi’s eyes for a brief moment. She immediately snapped out of her grief, wiped away her tears, and restored her former cold expression.

“You woman, you really don’t know what to do.” Seeing that she walked past him, Zhou Yu scolded a bit furiously.

For a moment, he really thought that she was quite pitiful! Just how blind is he?

“Alright, what have you been looking at downstairs?” Ouyang Xuan came over and saw Leng Minhang looking downstairs. He also looked over, and then spoke with some surprise’ “Ah, a small flower ran out of the thousands of flowers. Green leaf, so cute. Eh? Why is her mask a white jade fox mask? Didn’t you say that the silver fox is your own signature mask?”

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