However, this is the Night Charm Club. There was no way that a man such as Leng Minhang would enter this kind of place filled with smoke and wine, right?

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Luo Xi was slightly baffled.

Luckily for her, she found no uncomfortable feeling in her body, which meant that nothing should have happened.

“Who changed my clothes?” She questioned, her teeth pressing against her lips forcefully.

“I changed it for you.” The other party replied.

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

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At the next, her expression changed slightly as if recalling something and asked, “How about my clothes before?”

“It has been cleaned for you, I’ll bring it to you right away.” When she saw her bad expression, the waiter quickly said.

Luo Xi wore her clothes and left without wasting any time.

She felt slightly at ease when she saw that the other party did not have the intention to block her way.

Now it was already morning of the next day, and she did not come back all night. It goes without saying that Luo Yuyi must be making trouble at the house now. This kind of thing can only be explained by herself.

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Stroking her dull and aching head, Luo Xi’s eyes flashed with a trace of remorse.

She was really too careless!

She hailed a taxi back home, arrived on the first floor, and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar villa. She drew a long breath and took a step forward.

But to her surprise, the moment her foot stepped inside the house, her parents who were seated on the sofa welcomed her with a smile, “Oh, Xixi is back?”

A hint of surprise appeared in Luo Xi’s eyes, and then Luo Yuyi’s blaming voice sounded beside her ear. “Sister, what’s wrong with you? You left halfway while we were having dinner, causing everyone to search for you for a long time. Then later, Young Master Leng’s assistant called, saying that their young master had met you by chance and noticed that you were not feeling well, and brought you back. Say, how could you leave without telling everyone?”

It turned out that after Luo Xi excused herself to go to the bathroom last night, she did not return to the box. Everyone was anxious about her situation. Then Luo Yuyi made up a lie that Luo Xi had gone home first, making everyone feel dissatisfied with her impolite departure.

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Upon returning to the house, Luo Yuyi expressed her dissatisfaction with Luo Yang and Mu Qing, speaking ill about Luo Xi being shameless at the party and left without saying a word. After hearing what she said, the couple quickly became angry and felt that what Luo Xi did was disgracing the family’s reputation. When they were about to call her, someone from the Leng family called.

The couple, who were initially angry, heard that the young master of the Leng family was with Luo Xi, and quickly became happy. If the Leng family really placed great importance on the eldest daughter, then their Luo family would certainly benefit from it. So what’s the use of being angry with the eldest daughter now? They just hoped that she could permanently stay at Leng’s house and never return again.

Luo Xi became startled. Perhaps the man last night was really Leng Minhang?

Or else how come someone from the Leng family called to assure her parents that she was safe?

She was stunned for a while. If it turned out to be true, then it was indeed Leng Minhang who she encountered last night. Furthermore, she actually encountered him in such an embarrassing situation.

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Is he thinking that she is an ill-mannered girl who went to that kind of place just to get drunk?

Luo Xi’s eyes flashed a look of annoyance.

It was a pity that she had no way of confirming any of this.

She turned her attention towards her parents who had overjoyed expressions plastered on their faces, and heaved a sigh of relief before saying, “The marriage is not yet done, and I don’t want to let the other party think that I’m pestering him. Moreover, I’m afraid that mom and dad would worry about me.”

The two listened and commented that she was really a filial child. Then they asked, “Xixi, did you get a glimpse of what the Leng family’s eldest son looks like? How about his health?”

Although Mu Qing did not like this eldest daughter at all, she was still her child after all, so she certainly did not want to see her marry into another family and become a widow. If Leng Minhang got well, then as the only heir of the Leng family and the president of the Shengjia Group, with Luo Xi being his wife in the future, the Luo family would definitely bask in his light and glory too.

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