At night, underneath the brightly lit villa, a luxury car slowly pulled up.

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The butler went forward to open the car door, and two bodyguards moved Leng Minhang, who was in a wheelchair, out of the car.

His solemn face looked more and more cold under the bleak night. His careless gaze looked over to the direction of the second floor, faintly swept a glance at it and then took his eyes back.


“Young Madam, she’s done picking a room, it’s just that…” The butler opened his mouth with a strange expression.

Leng Minhang looked at him.

“It’s just that she picked your room, Young Master.”

“Oh?” Leng Minhang lifted an eyebrow.

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“This, should we prepare another room for Young Madam?” The butler asked as he attentively observed Leng Minhang’s expression.

It was the first time for the eldest lady of the Luo family to enter the Leng family, and even though the young master ignores her most of the time, he still lets her do whatever she wants. So for a while, everyone had no idea how to treat this young girl.

However, they were aware of the young master’s serious obsession with cleanliness and that he never allowed any person to step inside his room except for the cleaning maids. So the butler wanted to let him know about the young girl picking his own room.

And it’s certain that it is not going to work.

Who expected that the man would curl his lips, “No need, if she wants to move in, let her be.”

A trace of surprise flickered in the butler’s eyes, “Then how about you, Young Master?”

Leng Minhang threw a faint look at him, “That’s my wife.” Then he proceeded to walk inside the villa, leaving behind the still dazed butler in his position.

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Although his words were few and short, this already said a lot by declaring his stance and giving warning to them.

The young master did not ignore this young girl sent to be his wife intentionally, and instead protected her under his wings.

Thinking in this way, it seemed that they had to start looking seriously at this young girl who had just entered the house.

Upon entering door, the scene of Luo Xi, who was now dressed in an elegant flower-patterned dress and was carefully standing on the stairway and looking at him, entered his view.

“Well, you’re back!” Luo Xi spoke with some discomfort.

Leng Minhang looked at the untouched fool placed on the dining table and furrowed his brows, “Didn’t eat?”

“Waiting for you to eat together.” Luo Xi subconsciously balled up her hands hidden in her sleeves and whispered.

She had almost forgotten how the two of them got along at the beginning, but now that her mindset had changed, she only felt that such a scene was so awkward.

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Leng Minhang didn’t speak any more and simply lifted his hand. Seeing that, the people behind him pushed him to the dining table.

Luo Xi saw this and her eyes brightened up. She quickly rushed as well and sat next to his seat.

The surrounding people look at the nose using the eyes, and watch the heart with the nose.1

Such an atmosphere is really weird.

The two started to eat without letting a sound. All of a sudden, Luo Xi picked up some vegetables and carefully put them into his bowl.

The surrounding people drew a cold breath of air, only to feel that this girl was really seeking death.

The young master is known for his extreme obsession with cleanliness. Didn’t she know it beforehand?

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Even his family didn’t have the courage to do it, and this girl is purely looking for death by having the guts to do it.

Everyone didn’t dare to make a sound. They just felt it was a little difficult to breathe.

Much to their surprise, the man just stopped for a beat, then expressionlessly picked up the vegetables he disliked the most and ate them.

Luo Xi felt slightly relieved, and the tense expression on her face finally disappeared. She poured him another bowl of soup, saying, “Your body has not yet fully healed, drink more soup to quickly heal.”

Under the crowd’s shocked gaze, the man actually stretched out his hand to receive the bowl.

Luo Xi saw this and the smile on the corner of her mouth turned even more sweet, and the action of giving him became more and more brazen.

Everyone watched this scene and only felt their hearts jumping in fear. Their mouths opened in an ‘O’ shape for a long time, but when they noticed that their young master’s face did not get angry, they breathed a sigh of relief.

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