By the time Leng Minhang got out of the bathroom, a person was already lying and sleeping on his bed.

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His quilt, which was usually tidy and arranged, was folded into several folds by her, and her long black hair was scattered everywhere.

A disgusted expression appeared on Leng Minhang’s face for a split second. He fixed his eyes on this girl who was not aware of her surroundings and felt a little helpless. He moved in her direction and pulled the quilt to cover her exposed little feet. Then he looked at her sleeping face for a long time before he got out of the wheelchair. He stood up, turned and went outside of the room.

Inside the study room, looking at the tall man who was standing in front of the window, the man standing in the middle and dressed in a strong suit with a serious expression reported, “Master, the young miss of the Luo family is indeed different from what we checked before, but these changes seem to start after she got out of the hospital. Before, her parents were very biased towards the youngest daughter, causing Miss Luo to suffer a lot of grievances. After she fell into the river and was saved, her personality changed greatly. Her younger sister ate a lot of loss in her hands, and we also discovered that starting from the time she woke up, she didn’t resist the matter of marrying like before.”

“Oh? Fell into the river, how did she fall into the river?” A crease appeared on the man’s forehead, and a touch of coldness flashed in his eyes.

“It is said that it was because of a fight with her sister at school. She was pushed down by her sister, and her sister didn’t intend to rescue her. Perhaps this is the reason why the two became hostile to each other.”

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Leng Minhang remained silent. He just lifted his hand, indicating for him to leave.

In the blink of an eye, it had been three days since she arrived at Leng’s house.

Leng Minhang hadn’t returned since the first day he showed up.

Luo Xi sat alone downstairs, feeling bored after eating a hearty breakfast, and finally knew why she was so eager to leave this place in her previous life.

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This is too boring!

Feeling a little depressed, she couldn’t help but ask again, “Is your Young Master coming back today?”

The butler listened to the words he had heard many times for the past three days, but still shook his head with a smile, “Young Madam, the Young Master’s whereabouts are uncertain, and he might return at any time. Don’t worry, if you miss the Young Master, you can give him a call, and I think Young Master will return by then.” He said comfortingly.

Luo Xi hooked her lips. She thought, if she dared to call Leng Minhang and say that she misses him, he might mistake her as a demon and burn her.

Who doesn’t know that she was so desperate not to marry him before?

Now they had only been married for a few days and she says she misses him. Don’t talk about others, even Luo Xi herself doesn’t believe it.

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After eating breakfast, she went back to her room and opened her phone to scroll on Weibo.

All of a sudden, Luo Xi’s face changed after seeing a popular post.

The person who sent the tweet was none other than Luo Yuyi.

In her previous life, it was not wrong to claim that Luo Yuyi was a famous inspirational internet celebrity since she had a poor life history. In college, she is already an established internet celebrity who has millions of fans, changing from a sparrow into a phoenix.

As such, when posting something online, there will be millions of views with countless likes and reposts.

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And her Weibo post this time is: “My sister got married today. Although parting is very sad, I am really happy for her and hope that she is also happy.”

Happy for her?

Luo Xi felt that Luo Yuyi was indeed very happy.

She always thought she had married a dying man, and that it wouldn’t take long before she became a widow, so how could she not be happy?

Because she was following Luo Yuyi on Weibo, she quickly saw her post the moment she opened Weibo.

What followed next were the puzzled comments of her young fans.

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