But if she remained willful in liking that cheating guy and still very trusting of Luo Yuyi’s words, then there was nothing Luo Xi could do.

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Ning Mengmeng and Jiang Yanyan both furrowed their brows upon seeing that she would go eat dinner with them. The former was disdainful, and the latter was dissatisfied.

For someone like Luo Xi, who was a bad and good-for-nothing student and had a bad reputation, Jiang Yanyan hated it the most.

But she wouldn’t have thought that in the years to come, her life would greatly change because of this hated person.

There were four girls in the group, with each one being prettier than the other. But after looking once, their eyes all landed on Luo Xi.

A lot of people have only heard Luo Xi’s name but have never met her in person. Even if they had, she was just a ‘school flower’ who had an ugly appearance before, and they had long forgotten about her. As such, they couldn’t help but be startled when they saw Luo Xi, who was a beauty that suddenly appeared in the group.

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“Yanyan, Yiyi, are you going to eat?” Just after they went downstairs and passed by the basketball court, two boys dressed in uniform came to them. The one who asked them was the very sunny and handsome boy at the front.

What a coincidence! Speaking of the devil, and he comes.

This person is Zhu Zhao, who is Jiang Yanyan’s fiancé.

He gave people the feeling of being sunny in an illusory way. Behind him is a person Luo Xi felt slightly familiar with, but she just couldn’t pinpoint who he was. He has dark skin, a tall and powerful figure, and it looks like he is a person who exercises a lot. Looking at him for the first time, people will think that he is too plain and even somewhat scary, but after a long time, they will discover that he is actually attractive the more they look at him.

Just as she expected, the moment Jiang Yanyan saw her fiancé coming, her aloof and icy expression turned into a flushed look, and she opened her mouth to ask, “Brother Zhao, you’re back after playing basketball?”

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“Isn’t it obvious?” Zhu Zhao seemed a bit impatient with her and said nonchalantly. Then he spoke softly to Luo Yuyi, “Yiyi, it’s been a while since we last saw each other! You’re still beautiful as always.”

The corner of Luo Xi’s mouth twitched. They are clearly being blatant to each other, so how come Jiang Yanyan still couldn’t see it? Is she blind?

She fixed her eyes on Jiang Yanyan but noticed that she was standing there with a vexed look on her face, seemingly affected by Zhu Zhao’s harsh words just now and completely unaware of Luo Yuyi’s ambiguous expression while talking to Zhu Zhao.

On the other hand…

Luo Xi’s gaze landed on the boy behind Zhu Zhao, and the corner of her mouth hooked up. This is really intriguing.

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“Huh? This beauty is?” After chatting with Luo Yuyi, Zhu Zhao quickly noticed Luo Xi, and a flash of awe fleeted across his eyes. With his eyes pinned on her, he asked.

“This is my sister Luo Xi, did you forget? You’re a member of the basketball club, ah?” Luo Xi asked with a feigned surprise.

“Luo, Luo Xi?” Zhu Zhao froze. He looked through his memory to see if he knew her, then his face changed for a few seconds, as if he didn’t expect it to be her at all.

Luo Xi initially became a member of the basketball club in order to chase after the school grass, and this incident became a big deal at the time. Everyone in the school has heard about it, but when they saw Luo Xi’s crude way of dressing as well as the thick makeup on her face, they felt sick to their stomachs. So how could Zhu Zhao think that this fresh little beauty now is her?

Luo Yuyi and the others are also not bad. Dressed up beautifully, they became little beauties, but with Luo Xi as a comparison, they all seem to be lacking.

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“That’s right, senior, you have a bad memory. My sister has been in your basketball club for more than a year now.” Luo Yuyi scolded.

“This, it’s my fault. Her appearance at that time was just too different from now.” Zhu Zhao scratched his head and said in a somewhat apologetic tone.

“Sister, you won’t blame the senior, right?” Luo Yuyi covered her mouth and smiled as she asked Luo Xi.

Luo Xi looked up at them, “Do I know him?”

Everyone: “…”

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