At the Night Charm Headquarters.

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At this moment, in the meeting room, everyone was sitting and having a meeting.

Night Charm was a very mysterious organization, code-named “Fox.” The people here engaged in some shady activities but nothing too heinous. Their influence extended throughout China, and they had territories everywhere. However, no one knew who was behind the scenes.

Everyone only knows that there are three leaders here. The first leader with the codename “Silver Fox,” the second leader with the codename “Black Hawk,” and the third leader with the codename “Jackal”.

Their identities were unknown, and they always wore masks when meeting people, so no one has ever seen their true faces.

The jackal operated in the open, while the black hawk operated in the dark.

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As for the first leader code-named Fox, people had never seen him and only heard his name. Many even believed that it was just a rumor and that this person didn’t actually exist in reality.

At this moment, in the meeting room, the man sitting in the main seat was casually listening to the information from his cellphone when all of a sudden, a pleasant cellphone ringtone echoed.

The high-ranking members sitting in their respective seats exchanged glances, each expressing that it wasn’t their phone.

Back to the man sitting in the main seat, his eyebrows were knitted at this moment, and his hand moved to pull out his phone.

Everyone was quite surprised after seeing this. They didn’t expect it to be his phone.

Who didn’t know that their boss disliked being disturbed the most during meetings?

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Nobody knew who it was, but that person had definitely hit the bullseye.

They wiped their cold sweat away for the person on the other side of the call.

Much to their surprise, the dark expression on the man’s face disappeared in an instant when he saw the caller’s name.

Everyone bowed their heads and dared not look at his expression, but they could also clearly feel that the temperature around him had risen by several degrees.

The two men sitting beside him, one indifferent and the other with a carefree attitude, were the only ones who dared to look at him at this moment.

On the other side of the call, Luo Xi heard the sound of the phone connecting after a couple of rings. Her heart thumped wildly with joy, and she quickly threw a question: “This, are you coming back today?”

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“Something’s wrong?” Leng Minhang’s voice was cold and indifferent. For Luo Xiao, it was indeed the case, but little did she know that the others sitting there felt like they had never heard their boss’s voice sound so pleasant before.

Normally, his voice was enough to freeze someone to death.

But now it suddenly turned into a gentle breeze in March, which made them feel somewhat uncomfortable. They all speculated about who could be on the other side of the phone to elicit such a gentle response from the boss, and they were even starting to wonder if they still had their jaws.

Luo Xi’s mouth lifted and she replied in a complaining voice, “The butler asked me to call you to come back for dinner.”

The butler downstairs: ? ?

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Leng Minhang’s lips curled slightly, but he then heard her continue speak with a tone that didn’t take any refusal, “Come back quickly, or I’ll eat everything, and I won’t leave any food for you!”

“I’ll be right back.” After saying this sentence, he stood up in the next second. His face was restored to its former coldness, but strangely enough, everyone felt that he seemed to be in good mood at this time.

“Meeting adjourned.” These words drifted with the wind, and when everyone lifted their heads again, the man on the main was nowhere to be seen.

The others exchanged glances with astonished looks on their faces. Inwardly, they let out a sigh. Who on earth is powerful enough to make their boss leave with just a single phone call?

“Tsk, interesting.” Ouyang Xuan, the man who has a carefree attitude, stood up with a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

The man sitting opposite him squinted his shard eyes and turned to look at him.

“Second Brother, I’ll leave the rest to you. Big Bother is starting a family and not in the mood for work, and as for me, I’m not getting any younger. I should find a partner, so I won’t participate in this mission.”

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