“What do you mean!”

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Lin Lifei’s expression changed slightly.

“What do I mean? You know better than I do!” Luo Xi’s gaze silently swept over the puzzled faces of the people around her. Then she withdrew her gaze and looked at the PE teacher before saying calmly, “And by the way, teacher, I don’t accept your punishment either!”

Upon hearing this, the people around them erupted!

“What does she mean? Not apologizing is one thing, but refusing the teacher’s punishment too?”

“Exactly, it’s too shameless. Who does she think she is, daring to challenge the PE teacher? Does she not want to stay in this school anymore?”

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“Reason?” The PE teacher is not a fool. Hearing her words and seeing the instant change in Lin Lifei’s face, he realized that things might not be as simple as they appeared, so he furrowed his brows and questioned.

“Reason? I’ve already explained it clearly, and I didn’t push her. As for how she fell on the ground, that’s something you should ask the person involved. She came running behind me. Do you think I could have turned around and pushed her?” She sneered.

Everyone exchanged confused glances. If Lin Lifei was behind Luo Xi, even if she was pushed, she shouldn’t have fallen forward.

“That’s right. I seem to remember that Lin Lifei was the fastest runner, even overtaking everyone from behind. Luo Xi didn’t even complete one lap.”

So, what exactly happened?

The PE teacher’s brows furrowed slightly when he heard this, and he looked at Lin Lifei. “What do you have to say?”

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Lin Lifei’s eyes briefly flickered with panic, but she quickly regained her composure and explained, “Teacher, she’s trying to argue her way out of it. It’s true that I ran a few laps and got behind everyone, but later on, I overtook her. I didn’t expect that she would suddenly push me from behind. Otherwise, why would I have fallen? Don’t let her deceive you!”

“Is that so? Are you sure you were running ahead of me?” Luo Xi looked at her with a smile that didn’t look like a smile.

“I, I’m definitely sure. There was no one behind me except you at that time. If it wasn’t you who pushed me, then who else could it be? Do you expect me trip myself and frame you?” Lin Lifei retorted angrily.

“Who knows, maybe that’s exactly what happened?” Luo Xi blinked her eyes, not showing any disbelief.

The people around them couldn’t help but twitch their mouths.

Do people nowadays have self-destructive tendencies?

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But upon closer inspection, something did seem off.

Could Luo Xi really be that daring?

“You!” Lin Lifei glared at her in anger.

“Teacher, I saw it.” A female voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

Everyone turned their heads in unison, and when they saw that it was her, they were all surprised.

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The PE teacher also looked over and asked with doubt. “Student Jiang, what did you see?”

Jiang Yanyan stood up with a complicated expression and said, “I witnessed what happened between them. I happened to be standing behind them, so I saw it.”

“Sister, Yanyan has seen it, so don’t try to argue anymore. Just apologize quickly. Your actions are really making things difficult for me!” When she heard her words, Luo Yuyi’s eyes lit up, and she hurriedly tried to persuade Luo Xi.

Luo Xi cast a cold glance at her, then turned to look at Jiang Yanyan. She narrowed her eyes slightly. Could it be that she really misjudged someone?

Jiang Yanyan furrowed her brows and spoke, “What I meant is, it wasn’t Luo Xi who pushed her.”

Luo Yuyi stiffened suddenly, and then she looked back at Jiang Yanyan with disbelief in her eyes.

“What?” The PE teacher’s expression quickly changed upon hearing this. “What the hell is going on!”

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