Chapter 13 part 1: Pitying each other

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Light changed to red and the car slowly stopped.

Zhou Han turned his head, only to see Lin Li was staring outside, her expression was very serious, but her eyes were empty.

She has been like this from the start, she has not even changed her posture, and the forehead that she accidentally bumped into is now red and slightly swollen, but she seems to be not affected at all.

Zhou Han stared at her for a long time, until the red light turned green, and the car behind honked its horn in dissatisfaction, then he came back to his senses and started the car to leave.

When Zhou Han parked the car in the garage downstairs of the company, Lin Li still had the same posture and expression, as if she didn't even know that they had arrived.

Zhou Han was silent and turned off the engine, but did not open the door and get off immediately.

Lin Li's thoughts were still stuck in that moment, and Cheng Xiang's expression just now remained in her mind. Her heart was cold like the broken glass fragments, one by one scattered on the ground.

Why does her heart still hurt, like being pricked by a needle? She thought that the most painful thing was when he turned to leave, the most painful thing was when the doctor told her that the child was not saved, the most painful thing was that she decided to end these ten years of relationship. But when she saw his questioning expression, she was still heartbroken. 

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She felt that her feelings for the past ten years were given to a man who didn't believe in her character at all, and she herself had paid more painful price for it. She felt it's not worth it, it is not worth it.

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"How long are you going to mourn for your unworthy relationship?" Zhou Han's voice was cold and fierce, without many emotions and feelings.

Hearing the sound, Lin Li slowly regained her senses and fixed her eyes on the outside, only to realize that somehow they had arrived at the company.

She turned her head to meet Zhou Han's slightly serious face. After getting along for more than half a month, Lin Li has gradually adapted to this face that doesn't have too many expressions, and only said lightly, "We have arrived."

Zhou Han raised his hand to looked at his watch, then stared at her, and said coldly, "It's been 10 minutes!"

Lin Li was taken aback for a moment, her expression was a little embarrassed and annoyed, and she whispered in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell me sooner when we got there?" See, this will make her feel like she is being watched, which is awkward and uncomfortable.

Zhou Han opened the door and said, "Are you sure you can hear me when I called?" Just now she was simply indulging in her own world, her thoughts occupied her, it probably made no difference whether he called out or not.

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Lin Li bit her lip, naturally she knew the answer, but it didn't feel good to be unveiled by someone like this, she didn't like it very much!

Without turning her head or arguing, Lin Li just hurriedly walked towards the elevator with her bag in hand.

Zhou Han walked over, his steps were steady and orderly, and he stood beside her, waiting for the numbers on the monitor on the wall to change.

Lin Li didn't look at him, just dropped her head slightly and kicked the floor lightly with her feet, making a small sound.

Zhou Han said softly and indifferently, "That man was the one who left you at the wedding?" He should have said a question, but his tone was surprisingly affirmative, as if this was a fact, a fact that everyone knew. There is no controversy.

Hearing this, Lin Li's foot movement stopped, and the strength of holding the bag also became a little heavy. She didn't raise her head, only replied softly, "En..." The voice was as low as a mosquito buzzing. If it wasn't for Zhou Han's good ears, he would have missed it, thinking she didn't speak.


The elevator finally arrived with a ding sound while the two were waiting. There was no one inside. Zhou Han stepped in first, while Lin Li outside the elevator seemed to have not come out of what Zhou Han had just asked. Still stupidly standing there and not moving.

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Frowning slightly, Zhou Han asked coolly, "Aren't you coming in?"

Lin Li came back to her senses, looked up at him, and walked in.




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Their office was on the twenty-sixth floor, and the atmosphere in the elevator was awkward and weird. Zhou Han stood upright, with a briefcase in his hand, his eyes were fixed on the front, and the expression on his face was still indifferent while Lin Li stared at the LCD screen and watched the numbers jumping up one by one, her heart gently followed silently.

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Because it was work time, no one pressed the elevator along the way. The elevator was almost going directly up to the twenty-sixth floor, so this awkward and somewhat weird atmosphere didn't last too long.

When the elevator door dinged open, Lin Li wanted to walk away, only to hear Zhou Han's faint voice, saying, "It seems that you don't see men very well."



TN: If you are an avid Chinese novels reader, you may be familiar with the term "En". Usually, other translators will put this word as "Well" and I personally don't like it. 

嗯 = en = confirmation of "yes"

Just like how English speakers like to say "Yeah", "En" is similar to the affirmation of yes.

I think in this chapter, we slowly can see Lin Li's emotion slowly progressing to open up more to Zhou Han. Her inner feelings here recognized that she 'doesn't like' Zhou Han revealing her secret of not realizing that they have arrived in the office. She's actually sulked a little in that paragraph 

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