Chapter 2 part 2: Cheap Mom

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- April 06, 2021

Lin Li thought that the intersection between them was nothing more than that, and they would still live their own lives in the future. But she was a little surprised that one day she would encounter a middle-aged woman with a very good temperament at the door of the company after she got off work. 

The woman looked very kind, she took Lin Li by her hand and said that she wanted to talk to her. Just when Lin Li was still a little confused, Zhou Han while holding the briefcase had came out of the company, and called the lady "mother", and then he winked at Lin Li to signal her not to talk more.

In the end, because of the difficulty of finding a job, Lin Li just went along and ate together without knowing why. During this period, Zhou Han’s mother held her hands and said a lot of things. But from Zhou Han's conversation with the old lady, Lin Li can also vaguely hear that Zhou Han seems to have a bad relationship with his father. 

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The two father and son seem to have not been in contact for several years, and over the years, Zhou mother had been feeling uncomfortable being in between her own husband and son.

And on the third day after that weird dinner, when Lin Li was introducing the house to a client (she was working as a Sales at Zhou Han's company at the time), she received a call from Zhou Han. He wanted to invite Lin Li to dinner and waited for her at the restaurant that day after get off work.

When Lin Li entered the dining booth, even before she had the time to drink some water, Zhou Han had directly handed over a document and motioned her to open it. She thought it was something related to work. But after reading it, she realized that it was a prenuptial agreement. And in fact, it was not actually a prenuptial agreement, it was more like a contract. The object of the transaction was not the house, but a marriage.

Lin Li was stunned while holding onto the file, and she didn't understand what he meant.

Zhou Han didn't beat around the bush, and he went straight to the point and said that he wanted to have a "marriage contract" with her. It was the kind of that ridiculous setup that Lin Li always saw on TV dramas before, ‘Spouse Contract’!

Lin Li was puzzled, and even more, she could not accept it, she asked him why?

Zhou Han didn't say much, just asked her to carefully review the contract, and then consider whether to agree or disagree, and even more so, she could just treat this as a job offer.

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Lin Li felt completely inexplicable at the time, although she would never love again because of Cheng Xiang's affairs, but she never thought that she would use her own marriage as a trade. So on the spot, she directly pushed back the contract in her hand to express her position.

Zhou Han looked at the folder on the table. He was silent for a while, before he pushed the folder directly in front of her again. He looked at her and asked her to think about it first, and to not reply to him in a hurry. He asked her to think about it carefully and then give him an answer. Of course if she still did not accept it, then he certainly would not force it.


The atmosphere of the dinner that day was not too stiff, but it was not very harmonious. 

Lin Li thought he would say something to her, at least to persuade her to agree, but no. The two barely said a word during the entire meal. When Zhou Han came out of the restaurant after eating, at least he politely offered to send her home. He didn't say anything on the road. He waited until she alighted from the car and then told her again to seriously consider it.

If not for receiving a call from home the next day, Lin Li might not really think about it.

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She could hear her parents’ worry about her during the call, and due to her father’s illness recently, now her family owed a lot of money to the relatives and neighbors. Now, even some of them were in urgent need of them to payback the money because something happened at home. 

They asked her parents to pay some portion first. Although her parents did not want to disturb her, but there was really no other way, so they wanted to ask Lin Li if she could find someone to help.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li picked up the contract again. This time, she really read carefully, everything was just a cooperative relationship. This marriage was really a business contract for both of them. The terms in the contract were very clear and reasonable. It didn't make people feel biased, the two would just be a simple cooperative relationship, and there is no difference in status.

When she came to Zhou Han with the contract again, he did not feel surprised. In addition, other than agreeing to the terms, she had also asked him to lend her some money before getting married. He also made a request, hoping that she would be responsible for picking up his son from school. Of course, he allowed her to knock off work ahead of time.

Lin Li didn't feel his request was too much, so the two directly signed the contract under the witness of the lawyer, and then both of them went directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau the morning after.

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The car slowly stopped because of the traffic lights in front, and then she recovered from the previous memories. Lin Li couldn't help but feeling a little crazy. 

At the time, she felt that An Ran's flash marriage was a little unacceptable; she wouldn't even thought that such a thing would ever happen to her. But when it really happened to herself, she felt a little helpless.

Lin Li looked up from the rearview mirror. She wanted to see what the little guy was doing. The little guy wasn't playing with his Transformers. Instead, he turned his head and looked outside. His eyes were fixed and there was an expression that matches his age -- a look of yearning.

Lin Li was curious, she followed his gaze and saw that there was a KFC across the road. At this moment, a mother who had just picked up her child from school also led the child and opened the door. The child seemed to be younger than Xiao Bin, and looked so happy now running and jumping around.

Lin Li glanced, her lips were half-curved. She turned her head to look at the little guy and said, "Xiaobin, Auntie will take you to eat KFC, okay?"

Hearing that, the little brat turned his head and looked at her, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, looking at Lin Li with a look of expectation.


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