Chapter 3 part 2: Seafood Allergy

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- April 08, 2021

 Lin Li knowingly looked at him with a faint smile and asked, "Do you want to eat shrimp burger?"

The little guy turned his head and looked at her fixedly, as if asking, is it okay?

Lin Li smiled and turned to the waiter, "Two fresh shrimp burgers, also, a large fries, please." While talking, she turned her head and looked at the little guy and asked, "Do you want grilled wings, or what else do you want to eat?"

The little guy reacted quickly this time. Although he still didn't speak, he couldn't help but nodded hurriedly, and then pointed his finger at the popcorn chicken and Coke on the list.



"Okay." Lin Li smiled and stroked his head and then turned to the waiter: "Then, let's have a pair of grilled wings, plus a colonel's chicken nuggets and chicken popcorn, a glass of milk and a glass of coke for drinks."


"Okay." The waiter smiled and nodded, then rushed and took the items she ordered one by one.


While carrying all the good things and walking to the seat, the kid Zhou Jiabin looked a little excited during the whole process. Of course, his excitement was not directly expressed on his face, but looking at his twinkling eyes, Lin Li believed that he must be very happy at the moment.


Facts had proven that Lin Li's guess was not wrong. The little guy was really excited. When he was eating the burger, he forgot to guard against Lin Li and smiled innocently.


This is the first time Lin Li has seen this child so happy. She felt pity towards him before, so her natural maternal love in her heart was exposed. When he finished eating a big burger and stared at the untouched burger in front of her, Lin Li only smiled and pushed the burger to him, "If you can eat it, I will give it to you."

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Hearing that, the little brat directly reached out and took the burger in front of him and ate it.


Lin Li just watched him eat, and didn't move much. The corners of her mouth were always smiling. In fact, it was strange. 


Before, her stomach was always called "the invincible king of the universe" by An Ran, even if there was a table of things, she could eat everything with a good appetite, but ever since that incident, she seemed to have no appetite at all.


Lin Li seemed to have no desire to eat anything, and even started to dislike it. She would not eat at all until she was really hungry and a little uncomfortable. She couldn't help but wonder if she had some anorexia.




It was almost 6 o’clock when they came out of KFC, and Lin Li* still took his hand to cross the road. Perhaps because of the KFC just now, this time, the kid Zhou Jiabin didn’t feel awkward and did not refuse her. He even obediently let her lead him across the road.


Lin Li glanced at him, with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, thinking that today she had narrowed the distance with this little guy a little bit, and this KFC was really not for nothing.


Opening the back seat door, he sat in directly. Lin Li didn't force him to accept her all at once, and knew that some things would take time to adjust slowly. She started the car to continue on the road.


The car slowly drove into a villa complex on the outskirts and then stopped in front of a three-story villa. She turned off the engine, did not look back and just said: "Xiao Bin, we have arrived."


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While talking, Lin Li also grabbed the bag that was placed on the co-pilot seat at the side, and took the jacket that she had taken off because of the heat. When everything was sorted out, she still didn’t hear anything from the back seat. 


When everything was sorted out, she still didn’t hear the door opening from the back seat. She was slightly confused. Turning around, she saw the little guy was lying on the back seat while hugging his stomach in his arms, his small face was pale, his expression looked painful and uncomfortable.


Lin Li was frightened by him, and hurriedly asked, "Xiaobin, what's the matter with you? Are you unwell?"


Xiaobin only hugged his stomach. Obviously, the pain in his stomach made him unable to speak, and his forehead started to sweat a little because of the pain.


She dropped the things in her hands and opened the door to get out of the car. She opened the door of the back seat, leaned over and asked the little guy: "Xiao Bin, where do you feel unwell, tell auntie, is the stomach uncomfortable?"


The little guy nodded with difficulty, the pain in his stomach made him clasped his stomach tightly.


Lin Li was flustered, she was so anxious that she didn't know what to do. She even froze for a while before returning to the car, and then drove directly to the hospital.




When Lin Li sent the child to the hospital and the doctor checked the little guy, Lin Li knew that the little guy’s stomach pain was due to allergies, and only then did she know that the little guy had a serious allergy to all seafood. Even if you eat a little bit, you will see immediate results. If it is serious, if you don't send it to the hospital in time, then the consequences will really be unimaginable.


After the doctor's examination, it was confirmed that there was no major problem, but due to the fact that the child was still young, the doctor arranged him to stay in the hospital for observation for one night.

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Looking at the child lying on the hospital bed, Lin Li felt her heart was painful and blamed herself more. If she hadn't taken him to KFC, maybe he wouldn't be like this now.


The person on the bed obviously slept restlessly. He squeezed his eyes tightly, as if dreaming of something. When his eyelids moved, his hands would wave in the air in panic, and even whispered, "Daddy... Daddy, don't... don't don't want me..."**


Lin Li felt distressed. She stretched out her hand and gently touched his face, and gently said in his ear, "It's okay, it's okay, Auntie is here... Auntie is here."


She didn't know if he heard it, but he became much calmer.




After sitting in the ward for a while, she made sure that his mood has stabilized, then she quietly opened the door.


She took out her mobile phone and called Zhou Han. Now that something had happened to the child, although it was not a major problem, as the child's biological father, she still felt it is necessary to inform him of the matter.


The phone rang for several times before being picked up by Zhou Han. There seemed to be a client by his side, as she heard a little noisy voice.


"Any issues?" Zhou Han's cold voice rang on the other side of the phone, and it didn't carry any warmth in it.


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Lin Li hurriedly reply, "Xiao Bin has a seafood allergy and has to go to the hospital."


There was a slight silence on the phone and asked, "What's the condition now?"


"There is nothing serious, but the doctor said that he will need to stay in the hospital for observation overnight." Lin Li said truthfully.


"Oh." Zhou Han replied coldly on the other side of the phone, only saying: "I still have something to do. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first." He didn't wait for Lin Li to respond and hung up the phone directly.


Lin Li held the phone and looked at it for a long time, and couldn't believe it. He just hung up the phone, as if the child in the hospital was not his at all!





*in the raw, the author mistakenly put "An Ran", but I took the liberty to change it to Lin Li


** this line is pretty confusing to translate. Basically, Xiao Bin is asking his father to not reject him (double negative)



TN: First few chapters will be frustrating as we learn the background for each of the characters  But hang in there! It will get better over time 


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