Chapter 8 part 2: Suspecting pregnancy 2

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- April 23, 2021

 When Father Zhou heard about a baby, his eyes widened. Compared to Lin Li's astonishment, his eyes were obviously showing a little hint of joy, and the corners of his mouth also had a happy curve of smile.

On the other hand, Zhou Han's reaction was somewhat the same as Lin Li, but after a daze, he turned to look at Lin Li, frowning, and the look in his eyes seemed to be probing, asking her if it was true!

Mother Zhou thought that this pregnancy was unplanned by the couple, but thinking that soon there will be new member coming from their family, she was in a very good mood. She turned her head and said to Xiao Bin who was aside: "Xiao Bin, you are going to be a brother. Are you happy?"

The little guy didn't know if he understand it, so he decided to look at his grandmother, and then at Lin Li and Zhou Han who were sitting across from him, without shaking his head or nodding.

"Just now auntie told me that Lin Li was vomiting very badly, and her symptoms were similar, saying that she was 80%......."

"I'm not pregnant!" Lin Li put down the bowl and said in panic, interrupting what Mother Zhou.

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Mother Zhou was taken aback, and then smiled, only treating that her over-reacting was her being shy, and said: "Haha, it's okay, tomorrow let Ah Han take you to the hospital for an examination." That tone seemed to confirm Lin Li to be pregnant!

"I really am not!" Lin Li hurriedly explained, "Zhou Han and I... Both of us...."

"Lin Li." Zhou Han interrupted her explanation, turned to look at his mother again, and only said: "Mom, I know, I will take her to the hospital tomorrow."

"Of course you know, I simply...." Lin Li turned to look at him, trying to say something, but was stopped by Zhou Han's eyes, and finally could only swallow the unspoken words back into her stomach.

Mother Zhou smiled and looked at the two of them, "Have a good check up tomorrow. By the way, Ah Han, should I ask Aunt Li, she is a Representative in the department."

(TN: I'm guessing this Aunt Li is someone with a significant position in the hospital, perhaps?)

Zhou Han declined and said: "Don't bother, mom, I will just go for a check up tomorrow, and after confirming it, it will not be too late to ask Aunt Li."

Mother Zhou thought about it, agreeing, she nodded, and just about she wanted to say something, Xiao Bin on the side seemed to be eating too quickly, and was choked. His whole face flushed and started coughing. Mother Zhou didn't bother to finish her words anymore. She busily patted the child and scooped some soup for him to swallow the food that was stuck, which turned her attention away.

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The atmosphere of the meal made Lin Li feel a little embarrassed and depressed. She just wanted to finish her food as soon as possible, and then hurried back to the room. So Lin Li immersed herself in eating, trying to eat all the dishes in the bowl, but the more she forced herself, the more she couldn't eat any more. Her stomach felt nauseous. She just felt that her stomach rolled, just like in the afternoon. Then she realized that she wanted to vomit, so she quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, hurriedly stood up. While holding her hand in front of her mount, she rushed in the direction of the bathroom.

Upon seeing this, Mother Zhou hurriedly said to her son, "Go hurry and have a look."

Zhou Han recovered his senses, and stood up. He walked towards the bathroom. While standing at the door of the bathroom, he saw Lin Li kneeling down in front of the toilet, vomiting very badly.

Zhou Han gently closed the door and stood aside and frowned.

Finally, after vomiting all the contents in her stomach, Lin Li leaned back on the ground somewhat feeling more relieved, her chest rising and falling with a little gasping.

Zhou Han said coldly, "You won't really be pregnant, are you?"

Hearing this, Lin Li gave him an angry look, "This joke is very lame."

Zhou Han shrugged his shoulders, "It's hard for people not to misunderstand you like this." With her vomiting this badly, it's no wonder that his mother misunderstood.

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Lin Li ignored him. She just sat for a while. And then she slowly stood up while leaning on the wall, and reached out to the sink to rinse her mouth. When she turned around and wanted to go out, she suddenly swayed and fell again. Her feet were numb from kneeling for a long time, her eyes watched her whole body leaning forward and about to fell.

Just when Lin Li thought that her forehead was going to come into close contact with the solid wall, Zhou Han stretched out his hand behind her and pulled her into his arms, he put his arms around her waist, and looked at her condescendingly.

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His hands were on her waist, and their two bodies were close to each other. She could feel him breathing on the top on her head. For a moment, Lin Li blushed subconsciously and stretched out her hand uncomfortably to push him away, only to hear his slightly serious voice ringing above her head, "Are you sure if let you go now, you can stand by yourself?"

The numbness on the leg caused Lin Li to stop the movement of her hand and slowly put her hand down. Then, before Lin Li could react, she felt that her body suddenly lightened, and when she reacted again, she was already carried by him.

Lin Li reflexively wrapped her arms around his neck, staring wide-eyed at him, "You! What are you doing!"

"I don't think staying in the bathroom like this is a wise choice."

Lin Li thought for a while, stared at his eyes and said, "Don't go back to the dining room, I... I don't want to eat anymore." She was afraid if she's going to eat again, and she would come over to vomit later. And whatever she tried to explained after that, she would not be able to explain clearly.

Zhou Han frowned and asked in his deep voice, "Why?"

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"Because... because I'm full!" Lin Li opened her eyes and lied. She really didn't want to go back to eat those things. Faced with Father and Mother Zhou, she would feel sorry for them if she didn't eat, but it's really true that she really had no appetite.

However, Zhou Han didn't ask any more, he opened the bathroom door and carried her towards his previous room.

He put her on the single bed that he had slept in, and looked around the room, thinking secretly, how long has it been since he came back!

After a while, he recovered, turned his head to meet Lin Li's inquiring eyes, a little embarrassed, and said, "I'm going to pour you a glass of water." After speaking, he turned around and went out.


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TN: It's interesting to see two wooden-block people trying to interact. Each doesn't care about their own being, and just live day by day like robots. As if their lives only have two colors, black and white.

But little that they know that they each carry different colors within themselves, and soon will paint rainbows all around their tiny world.

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