Fix Smile Order

Chapter 135

Both Ji Zhao and Tan Lingyin were born with silver spoons; impressive-looking but useless. It was very laborious for them to move an iron grate. Fortunately, they met two county government office servants who helped move them into the inner courtyard.

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Tan Lingyin suddenly recalled that there was a man from the Western Regions from the Phoenix Camp who made delicious barbecue. It happened that they didn't have to go out to work because of the snow today, so Tan Lingyin asked someone to invite the cook from the Western Regions.


The cook didn't know how to just roast the whole lamb. This time, he asked the kitchen staff to cut all the mutton in the kitchen into small pieces, marinated them with his own exclusive secret seasoning, then skewered them with sticks, and grilled them on the charcoal. In addition to meat, he can also roast other things. To be precise, he dared to roast anything as long as it was edible. This was a unique skill that was practiced and honed when food was scarce in the early days when moving to Phoenix Mountain.


Tan Lingyin went out again to look for Qingchen. She called Qingchen over to eat barbecue together.


The craftsmanship of the chef from the Western Regions was really amazing. When the meat was roasted, the yard was full of aromas. Even passers-by outside could smell it, and they couldn't help drooling at the tantalizing smell.


Tan Lingyin ate very happily. She found that Tang Tianyuan always sprinkled chili powder on the barbecue. She also tried to sprinkle a little bit, and it tasted quite good. Seeing that she liked it too, Tang Tianyuan found his place - helping Tan Lingyin sprinkle chili.


Only a little bit, Yinyin doesn’t tolerate spice well. Uh, he accidentally sprinkled too much...


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Tan Lingyin took a bite, frowned, and returned the meat skewers to Tang Tianyuan.


Tang Tianyuan didn't mind, so he took it and ate it himself.


Zheng Shaofeng could bear to watch these two lovebirds any longer. He turned his head and wanted to talk to Ji Heng and his wife. When he looked over, Zheng Shaofeng saw Ji Zhao feeding Ruyi while Ji Heng was handing Ji Zhao a cup of warm wine. It was a loving family of three, the sight burned his eyes even more.


Zheng Shaofeng had no choice but to call Tang Tang. "Tang Tang, come here."


Tang Tang didn’t bother with him, its current male god was the cook. He stood beside the cook, watching him roast the meat, waiting to be fed. Sometimes when the cook forgot Tang Tang, he would pat the cook’s calf with his front paws to remind him.


Zheng Shaofeng finally cast his eyes on Tan Qingchen who had been silent all the time, and felt a sense of sympathy for him in an instant.


Unfortunately, Qingchen didn't share his sentiments. Qingchen had two elder sisters who pampered him. Tan Lingyin and Ji Zhao included him in their conversations, they joked with Qingchen while still handing him food.

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Ji Zhao enjoyed the meal, and kept asking the cook if he would like to go to the capital to develop. The cook was frightened by her fiery eyes and burning enthusiasm. Ji Zhao also rolled up her sleeves and showed off her skills as she grilled a few skewers of meat. Some were cooked, some half raw, and others burnt, all of which went into Ji Heng's stomach. After eating, Ji Heng felt somewhat sick.


Ji Heng was an individual with a high emotional and intelligence quotient, so it was naturally impossible for him to patronize eating and drinking. After the feast ended, he pulled Ji Zhao into his room, and asked with some concern, "Don’t you feel that A Chen's attitude towards Tan Lingyin was not like that of a brother towards a sister?"


"Why do you say that?" Ji Zhao was a little puzzled. "They are indeed as close as real brothers and sisters. Lingyin meimei is very kind to A Chen."


"That's the problem. Tan Lingyin has always been nice to A Chen. After all these years, how can A Chen have no other thoughts? They are not real siblings."


Ji Zhao was surprised, "You mean A Chen likes Lingyin?"


Ji Heng nodded his head.


"How can that be possible? I can’t see it at all."

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Ji Heng couldn't help caressing her face, "It would be weird if you could see it, stupid."


Ji Zhao covered her face to hide from him, "Then I'll go back and ask A Chen."


Ji Heng sighed, "So what if he told you?"


Ji Zhao was taken aback. Right, so what if he told her? Tan Lingyin and Tang Tianyuan were already a couple. Even if A Chen really liked Lingyin, she couldn’t force a marriage, this would only make the three of them unhappy. Ji Zhao wanted to give him everything he wanted, but it was impossible to force feelings.


Ji Zhao felt sorry for Qingchen, but there was nothing she could do.


The next day, Tang Tianyuan formally reported the progress of the laundering gold case to Ji Heng. The main perpetrators were the former County Magistrate Sang Jie, Official Sun, and Official Qi. Zong Yinglin, the prefect of Chizhou, accepted their bribes to help them suppress the matter. However, Zong Yinglin quickly regarded himself as the boss. He felt that he should take the lead from taking such a big risk. Sang Jie refused and hid most of the gold behind the backs of the other participants. This move brought him disaster and Zong Yinglin was determined to find the hidden gold.


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And now the job of trying to find the missing gold had landed onto Tang Tianyuan’s hands.


Ji Heng expressed his appreciation for Tang Tianyuan's heroic penetration into the enemy's interior. In fact it was already a great achievement for Tang Tianyuan to be able to help him find his brother-in-law. Ji Heng no longer urged Tang Tianyuan in terms of closing this case.


Ji Heng decided to generously reward Tang Tianyuan as he asked him what he wanted.


Tang Tianyuan replied, "This humble official would like to ask Your Majesty to be our matchmaker."


Tang Tianyuan didn’t care about Tan Lingyin's background, but his parents would. After all, the gap between the Tan Residence and the Tang Residence was too great. Tang Tianyuan was worried that his marriage with Tan Lingyin would be obstructed by his family, so he wanted to borrow some strength from the Emperor. With the Emperor as a matchmaker, the resistance should be much smaller.


Ji Heng suddenly thought of Tan Qingchen. Although he couldn't help Qingchen rob a woman, he could still help him indirectly. The marriage of the two families had not been finalized, it was uncertain what would happen in the future. Perhaps Qingchen will be given a chance. For the sake of his brother-in-law, Ji Heng decided not to intervene in this matter. "I can't do anything about this matter for the time being, ask for something else."


Tang Tianyuan was a little disappointed. He thought for a while and said, "I still have one wish unfulfilled."

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