Fix Smile Order

Chapter 147

Madam Tang was stunned. The development of the matter was beyond her expectation. She originally wanted to force them to submit through their love affair, not to force them to break up. She was not allowed to be the main wife; this request was reasonable.

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Unexpectedly, her son confronted her and wanted a physical examination.


On the contrary, Madam Tang was at a loss. Her son was not a reckless person. Why did he suddenly take the initiative to make such a request?


The situation had already come to this point, there was no way down. Just check it!


The female servant by Madam Tang side had experience in performing such physical examinations. Unfortunately, Tang Tianyuan didn’t believe his mother anymore. The main reason was that his mother's reaction was too abnormal just now. Why did she suddenly lose her temper and insist that Yinyin was not a virgin? If she hadn't lost her mind, then she must have something up her sleeves.


So Tang Tianyuan ordered his servant to invite a reliable female servant. The two female servants did the examination together and supervised each other; no one could cheat.


The check-up process was quick and the results were clear.


——Head Commissioner Tan was still an innocent maiden.

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Madam Tang's expression was brilliant.


Tang Tianyuan really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, but in order to save face for his mother, he restrained himself. He said respectfully, "Mother, you can't go back on your word."


Madam Tang glared at him.


"Of course, you are my own mother. Even if you take back your words, this son has nothing to say."


On the surface this sentence meant that you are my mother and you have the final say.  However it really meant: you are an elder, do dare you go back on your word?


Tang Tianyuan thought for a while, and then added, "You misunderstood Lingyin, so naturally you should give her an explanation."


Madam Tang sneered. "You requested the physical examination." 


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In other words: Tan Lingyin’s humiliation today was half Madam Tang’s fault and half Tang Tianyuan fault..


Tang Tianyuan couldn't help feeling a little worried. Now this matter should be settled, his mother would no longer oppose them anymore, but... Will Yinyin be angry?


Thinking of this, the first thing Tang Tianyuan did after coming out of his mother's place was to look for Tan Lingyin.


Tan Lingyin was in a bad mood after the physical examination, so she had already gone back. Tang Tianyuan went looking for her, but this time he didn’t need to avoid anyone.


Tan Lingyin wanted to shut the door when she saw it was Tang Tianyuan.


Tang Tianyuan stepped in, locked the door, and said cheekily, "Let’s talk, just the two of us."


Tan Lingyin lowered her head, not knowing what to say. She knew it was not his fault,'s not her fault either. Why let her go through such words and such things?


Why insist that she had lost her virginity? And why must she do a physical exam to prove it?

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Tang Tianyuan walked closer, held Tan Lingyin's hand, and said with a smile, "Yinyin, my mother promised us."


It was something to be happy about, but Tan Lingyin wasn’t able to cheer up. She withdrew her hand and looked at him calmly. "That's great. Do I have to set off firecrackers to celebrate?"


Tang Tianyuan could naturally hear the sarcasm in her words. She was wronged in this matter. To be honest, he also felt that his mother was a bit that. Her action today was not her usual style at all. It was simply incomprehensible. Tang Tianyuan appeased, "My mother just lost face and is peeved. How about I take you to see her tomorrow and have her give you justice?"


"I dare not."


"It's my fault this time," Tang Tianyuan blamed himself, "I didn't expect her to be like this all of a sudden. I promise you won't be wronged next time."


Tan Lingyin's eyes were red, and she suddenly said seriously, "You have to know, I don't have to suffer this kind of grievance. The reason why I am willing to endure it is because of you."


Tang Tianyuan said softly with a warm heart, "I know, I...I promise you won't regret it in the future."

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Tan Lingyin nodded.


Tang Tianyuan was unwilling to leave, so he approached her room and sat for a while. He was still wondering why his mother insisted that Tan Lingyin and him had made a pledge for life. The biggest possibility was that an insidious someone had told his mother about this matter, but who would it be? Even Xianggua wouldn’t have the guts to create such rumors...


Tan Lingyin suddenly remembered something. When her father came to look for her, she seemed to have said something to her father about ‘pledging for life’...


So she hesitated but soon explained to Tang Tianyuan.


Tang Tianyuan was taken aback for a moment. He soon understood after some contemplating. That's how the rumor spread. The perpetrator originally used for ill intent, but it turned out to have an unexpected effect in the end.


But... She actually said such self-destructive words just to be with him. Tang Tianyuan was indescribably moved.


At the same time, he felt a little ashamed. She was always so considerate of him and even disregarded her reputation for his sake. Even though she was wronged today, Tan Lingyin didn’t make a fuss because of him. For such a good girl, he actually allowed her to be slandered, slandered, suspected, and even humiliated... He should be damned.


Never again in the future. Even if he couldn’t disobey his elders, at least he should give her the deserved justice. Otherwise he would be too cold-hearted.

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