Fix Smile Order

Chapter 154

Tang Tianyuan could not sympathize with Cong Shun. Yes, his family had been held hostage, but this cannot be a reason for him to hold others hostage.

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However, if the reason why Cong Shun helped Zong Yinglin was because his family was held hostage, it would be easier to solve than counter bribing. 


Tang Tianyuan said, "This is easy to handle. When I arrest Zong Yinglin, he will naturally have no time to embarrass your family."


His tone was overbearing. A small County Magistrate dared to arrest the Prefecture Magistrate? Cong Shun naturally didn't believe it.


Tang Tianyuan disdainfully said, "You still think I'm just an ordinary county magistrate? Zong Yinglin lost because he had poor vision in picking the right people. Everyone under him is so blind."


Cong Shun was ridiculed, but instead of getting angry, he felt a glimmer of hope. He actually had already suspected the County Magistrate’s background wasn’t minor. One , he was able to borrow troops from Anqing overnight. Even until now, Zong Yinglin had no idea how he did it. The second reason was due to the arrival of the County Magistrate's friend. Cong Shun instinctively felt there were many more martial arts masters present, which was unfathomable.


So Cong Shun asked, "Then who are you?"


"This official, Tang Tianyuan, was ordered to investigate the case of plundering gold in Tongling County. As an imperial envoy, not to mention the Prefect of Chizhou, even the Provincial Administration Commissioner is under my disposal."

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Cong Shun's first reaction was that this man was talking nonsense. Although he had never seen Tang Tianyuan with his own eyes, he also knew that Tang Tianyuan, as an imperial envoy, once appeared in Tongling and scolded the County Magistrate... Ah no, how was ‘Tang Tianyuan’ able to appear in such a timely manner? And then after that appearance, they had never heard of the imperial envoy again, which was very unusual. If, from another perspective, the imperial envoy was faked? What if that real imperial envoy has been staying in Tongling and keeping tabs on everyone... then everything could be explained.


Although a little shaken, Cong Shun has always been wary of County Magistrate Tang. He was reluctant to trust him just because of one-sided words.


Tang Tianyuan untied a bag and took out a heavy object. He knew that it had been the right choice to bring out this seal. He had initially bought this in case of any chaos. Since they were entering a tomb, it was hard to say what would happen. Now it really came in handy.


"I'm going to throw something upwards. You must catch it. If you break it, you’ll have to pay with your life!"


Cong Shun didn't know what kind of tricks Tang Tianyuan had in his pockets. Nevertheless, he still caught the item when he saw something wrapped in cloth flying out of the passage.


He unwrapped it and saw a seal with two distinct features: It was rectangular and purple.


Now he couldn't help but not believe it. Cong Shun put the things away and asked, "Are you not afraid that I will take it to Zong Yinglin?"


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Tang Tianyuan didn't believe that Cong Shun would be that brainless, nor did he believe that he had the guts. If he dared to plot against the Imperial Envoy, he would be indirectly slapping the Emperor's imperial face. Worst case his whole family would be implicated. Want to escape? Although the Emperor did not oversee all the land, even if they sought refuge in Persia, it would not be safe. Daqi has official and business contacts with many small countries, so it wasn’t a difficult thing to be found, captured and brought to the Emperor.


Therefore, such a crime was on a completely different level from being coerced by the Prefect Magistrate to become an accomplice. Even a mentally handicapped would not hesitate to make a choice.


Cong Shun added, "I just want my family to be safe and never get retaliated against."


"It's easy to handle. I don't need you to do anything, just let Head Commissioner Tan go. If you are still not at ease, you can go back to Chizhou and tell Zong Yinglin that I have already become suspicious of you and that I won't let you interfere anymore."

"Okay, please come up."


"You come down first."


Cong Shun came down obediently. After he got down, Tang Tianyuan went up, followed by the Feng Shui Master and others. After learning they were poisoned, everyone learned that the person in front of them was an imperial envoy. They were frightened so much that their legs became weak. Because their legs were trembling, they had difficulty walking, so Cong Shun was delayed.


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When Tang Tianyuan went up, he saw Tan Lingyin smiling and jumping towards him.


Her hands and feet were bound, so she couldn't walk, she could only bounce around like a rabbit.


Tang Tianyuan caught her and then embraced her.


Tan Lingyin blushed, "I want you to untie me..."


"Cough." Tang Tianyuan couldn't help himself. Now he knew he was embarrassed, and there were so many people present.


He untied her, and the group left the tomb.


The person guarding the entrance of the tomb didn't know what had gone on below. Seeing the different faces of the people coming out, he murmured in his heart. It seemed like something happened in the tomb, he was lucky to have just been guarding the outside...


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Tang Tianyuan had the boulder moved back and covered again. This way, even if someone wanted to go in, it would take a long time. After he brought everyone back, he did three things.


First, Tianmu Mountain was closed for the same reason as before: evil spirits were spotted. Because it could endanger people’s lives, no one was allowed to enter. Anyway, everyone believed this reason.


Second, Tang Tianyuan asked someone to deliver his handwritten letter to Anqing Prefecture to Zheng Shaofeng. Zheng Shaofeng would know what to do after reading the letter.


Third, he stayed in the Retreat Hall to distribute the antidote. Whoever had a stomach ache would take it.


Tan Lingyin initially thought Tang Tianyuan was bluffing, but she didn't expect that he really acted. She was a little puzzled, "When did you poison everyone?"


Tang Tianyuan didn't answer, but instead asked her, "Do you think I'm too vicious?"


"No." Tan Lingyin shook her head. "You don't intend to harm anyone." With so much money, anyone would be shaken when they see it. Zhao Xiaoliu and the others only knew that there was gold at the bottom of the water. What if they were to find out that there was at least one hundred thousand taels of gold at the bottom of the river? They’ve only known each other for a long time, so they had to be fully prepared.


There are some things that soft-hearted people couldn’t bear to do, but they had no right to accuse those who dare to do them for being vicious. If right and wrong were judged by results, soft-hearted people may not be true and kind, and cruel-hearted people may not be really vicious.

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