Fix Smile Order

Chapter 97

Tan Lingyin looked around and saw a big broom in the corner. She walked over quietly, picked up the big broom, and top-toed towards the pervert.

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Tang Tianyuan was watching anxiously, so he did not notice that someone was approaching behind him. It was not until he suddenly felt a gust of wind hitting him.


He turned his body to the side, leaning his back against the window.


He thought it was just a stick, so he could easily dodge it by turning over. However, to his surprise, it was a big broom.


Tang Tianyuan: "..."


Unable to dodge in time, he directly covered his face.


Tan Lingyin retracted the broom and recognized him now, but her acquaintance did not affect her performance. She held up the broom and continued to hit him. While beating him, she scolded, "Rogue! Pervert! Dare to peek at my brother bathing? Think I would just let you go?!"


Only then did Tang Tianyuan realize she had misunderstood. He defended himself while hugging his head, "This is a misunderstanding!"


Misunderstanding my a**! Tan Lingyin didn't believe it, as she continued to scold while chasing. One chased while the other one ran, causing the small courtyard to turn into a mess. Tan Qingchen heard the movement outside. He put on a layer of clothing and opened the door.


Seeing that his hair was still wet and his thin layer of clothes, Tan Lingyin said quickly, "Qingchen, it's cold outside, go back quickly."


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Qing Chen looked at the two of them worriedly.


Tan Lingyin pointed to Tang Tianyuan and said to Tan Qingchen, "I will explain everything after I kill him."


"..." Tang Tianyuan had no choice but to jump over the wall and left.


Tan Lingyin's face was ashen, she paced back and forth in the courtyard, "I'm pissed! I’m pissed! I’m pissed! Animal! –Beast!" Tan Lingyin realized that she really had bad eyesight. How could she like someone like him? How could she develop feelings for someone like him? Not only did he have poor vision, he also lacked a brain!


Tan Qingchen bent down and picked up a bunch of chrysanthemums on the ground. The chrysanthemum was stepped on a few times, and some of their petals had fallen off. It was not easy to see fresh flowers during this season, so Tan Qingchen tried to fix them and make them look better.


"Qingchen, throw it away." Tan Lingyin ordered.


Tan Qingchen was very obedient, and immediately threw it outside of the wall.


The chrysanthemum fell over the wall and dropped right on top of Tang Tianyuan's head. Tang Tianyuan looked at the chrysanthemums on the ground, shook his head and sighed. The so-called ‘standing alone amidst falling petals’ probably meant something like this [1].


Alas, how do I explain to Tan Lingyin?...


Tang Tianyuan went back to wash himself first, changed his clothes, and asked a doctor to treat his wounds. Fortunately, that girl wasn't very strong. Although she beat him a few times, it didn't hurt much. The wounds were mainly concentrated on his face; small cuts made by the broom bristles. After cleaning the wounds and applying some medicine, it will heal in no time, without leaving any scars. It's just that his current appearance was not so pretty, as if his whole face was filled with uneven dark red freckles.

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After dealing with his wounds, Tang Tianyuan began to worry again. Things were getting more and more out of control. If things go on like this, how long would he have to wait before he could marry Tan Lingyin?


But the most important thing now is to clarify that he was not a pervert!


Tan Lingyin was invited by Tang Tianyuan to the Retreat Hall. This time, she brought a small rolling pin with it; the kind that was used for rolling dumpling skins. Also very easy to beat people with.


Tang Tianyuan’s scalp throbbed when he saw Tan Lingyin raise her rolling pin. He said helplessly while hiding, "Little Ancestor! Can you listen to me explain?"


Tan Lingyin sneered, "I’ve already caught you in the act! What else do you have to say?!"


"Your brother's past identity may probably be related to a friend of mine."


Tan Lingyin halted. "What do you mean?"


"It means that Tan Qingchen may still have relatives in this world. I mean real, biological relatives."


"Re– Really?"


Tang Tianyuan took the opportunity to bring her rolling pin over and helped her sit down. "I'm not too sure, after all, this is too coincidental. Tell me first, does Qingchen have any scars on his body?"

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Tan Lingyin nodded, "Yes, quite a lot."


"Any on his back?"


"Yes, the biggest one is a knife scar. From the bottom of his left shoulder all the way to his right-side waist. My uncle said for Qingchen to still be alive after such a wound, meant that the King of Hell opened a back door for him."


Tang Tianyuan nodded. He felt a little more sure as he continued to ask, "Then, does he still have any impression of the past?"


"No, he was so badly injured that he forgot it long ago. He can hear, but can’t speak because of his injury. You said he has relatives, where are his relatives?"


Tang Tianyuan thought for a while and replied, "That person… Her identity is a bit special. I have to confirm this matter first. I’ll explain everything once I have a better grasp of things. Otherwise, if there is a mishap, I will be hacked to death by her husband. "


Tan Lingyin shrank her neck, "Her husband is so fierce."


"Yes," Tang Tianyuan shook his head helplessly. "I have one more thing to explain to you."


"Say it."


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He looked at her with a solemn expression. "I am not cut sleeve [2]."


Tan Lingyin scratched the back of her head embarrassedly. "Um... I'm sorry, I hit you quite hard. Does your wound still hurt?"


Tang Tianyuan looked straight into her eyes and answered irrelevantly. "I like a girl."


"..." Tan Lingyin opened her mouth. She really wanted to ask who this girl was, but was unable to speak even after hesitating for a while.


Tang Tianyuan wanted to just straightforwardly tell her. But he quickly remembered his current state: A scarred face and a rolling pin in his hand... Such a blinding appearance wasn’t so suitable for a confession...


So he reluctantly shut his mouth.







[1]Standing alone amidst falling petals (落花人独立) - from a Song Dynasty poem 


[2]  Cut sleeve- Another word for a homosexual. Chinese language has a special term to express homosexual love. The term ‘duanxiu’, or 'cut sleeves', first appeared in the Han dynasty. It is widely used today as a euphemism for a gay relationship.

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