This year, Beijing’s spring chill arrived more ferociously than in previous years. At half past ten in the evening, Ning Qingqing got out of the car and couldn’t help but shiver from the cold wind. She readjusted her windbreaker and walked towards Lanyue Club.

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Twenty minutes ago, she received a call from her boyfriend Shen Zhiqian, saying that he had a stomachache after drinking, and asked her to bring him some medicine and take him home later.

The Lanyue Club is run by a friend of Shen Zhiqian. He visited often throughout recent years, and Ning Qingqing visited several times as well, so going upstairs to the “Tingyu Pavilion” was a walk in the park.

As soon as she arrived at the entrance of the private room, she saw the waiter who had just brought wine walk out. The waiter recognized her, nodded at her, and left the door open.

From the open private room, out came melodious singing, accompanied by the conversation of men and the laughter of women.

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Only to hear a male voice say, “Hey, this song sounds familiar.”

Another person laughed, “This is Si Luoqing’s debut song isn’t it?”

That person paused after speaking, and his voice contained a bit of teasing, “Speaking of which, someone here even has some connection with Si Luoqing!”

This piqued the interest of the man from before, “Who?”

The others said together, “It’s Brother1 Qian, Si Luoqing is his ex-girlfriend!”

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When speaking about this kind of topic, it seems that even men can’t avoid gossiping; several people began to discuss:

“Brother Qian grew up with Si Luoqing since childhood. They are technically childhood sweethearts2 . It’s just that Si Luoqing went abroad for high school after graduating from elementary school, that’s why the two broke up.”

“After that, Brother Qian quickly got together with Ning Qingqing in high school, who is his current girlfriend. You will get to see her soon, Old3 Chen.”

After investigating up to this point, another person from the group asked Shen Zhiqian, who had not said a word about this subject, “Brother Qian, did you know that Si Luoqing returned today?”

Outside the door, Ning Qingqing’s hand which held the medicine bag tightened slightly.

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Si Luoqing…she had heard this name before, but each time Shen Zhiqian would brush it over and say that she was just a girlfriend he got while playing house during elementary school.

But she didn’t know that they were childhood sweethearts…

At this moment, Shen Zhiqian’s indifferent voice came from inside: “Really?”

His friends obviously still wanted to gauge his attitude: “Today the airport was crowded with her fans, she’s extremely popular now; Brother Qian, do you still keep in touch with her?”

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Shen Zhiqian said unenthusiastically, “Lost contact with her a long time ago.”

Seeing that he really did seem to not have any feelings towards Si Luoqing, another friend reeled back the discussion: “It must be that Brother Qian loves his current girlfriend more, our sister-in-law4’s personality is very good, her beauty doesn’t lose out to Si Luoqing, she is even heads over heels in love with Brother Qian!”

“Exactly, sister-in-law is a good girl.” Another person said, “By the way, Brother Qian, when are you guys planning to get married?”


“哥” is an affectionate way to address a male friend and does not mean a biological brother in this case. It’s more like “bro”. 青梅竹马 is a metaphor for a boy and a girl who were friends when they were kids; it can be a completely platonic relationship. “老” in this case is also an affectionate way to address a close friend. He’s not actually old 嫂子, in this case, is an affectionate way to address a close friend’s girlfriend.

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