“I’m going to the bathroom for a second.” Her face did not waver in the slightest, she straightened her back and walked out.

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Shen Zhiqian originally wanted to say that the private room also has a bathroom, but Ning Qingqing had already walked out and even thoughtfully closed the door for them.

The service desk here has various emergency supplies for guests. Ning Qingqing asked for a pack of sanitary pads and walked toward the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

Yet, when passing by the entrance of a private room, someone opened the door, and Ning Qingqing couldn’t step back in time. While caught off guard she bumped into a person.

As she was falling back, she reflexively raised her hand and grabbed the person’s arm to stabilize herself.

“Pa ~.” The sanitary pads slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground.

Ning Qingqing hurriedly backed up a half step and was about to bend over to pick up her things, but the person in front of her had already taken the initiative to bend over and pick them up.

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As a result, Ning Qingqing saw a well-defined fair, and slender hand. The man’s nails were neatly trimmed, and two big characters were boldly written on the place where his thumb was pressing – Overnight Use.

For the sake of hygiene, the clubhouse provides all the customers with individually packed items, like such, so right under “Overnight Use” there was another phrase – soft and gentle care for your heavy flowed evening.

“Sorry.” The man’s voice was clean and crisp, and he handed over the soft thing in his hand.

His eyes instinctively looked at what was in his hand.

The two big words ‘Overnight Use’ entered his clear and frosty eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, then seemed to realize what it was, and quickly looked up.

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This way, he met Ning Qingqing’s gaze again.

The moment Ning Qingqing recognized his appearance, she was momentarily dazed. Isn’t this Shen Zhiqian’s nemesis, Gu Youchen? He used to always be abroad, but he actually returned?

After a brief puzzlement, Ning Qingqing’s mood was immediately replaced by the feeling of wanting to dig herself into a hole, but her expression remained very calm: “It’s no problem, it’s only because I was in a rush and didn’t pay attention.”

After speaking, she could even calmly retrieve her things, nod politely to Gu Youchen, and quickly leave.

In doing so, she didn’t notice that the man was momentarily stunned when he saw her face.

He turned his head and watched Ning Qingqing disappear into the corner, then he withdrew his gaze.

The phone in his hand already stopped ringing, and Gu Youchen was no longer in the mood to return the customer’s call, so he went straight back to his private room.

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The private room was very lively. Today’s gathering was organized by a few friends because of his return. Seeing that he returned, his childhood friend opened a new bottle of wine and raised a glass to him.

He leaned back on the sofa, picked up the wine glass, and took a sip. Still, his mind was filled with the image from before.

“Brother Chen? Brother Chen?” his childhood friend called him.

“Damn it, why does Brother Chen look so licentious? You’re not thinking about girls, are you?”

“How is that possible, if it’s anybody else who’s thinking about women I’d believe it, if it’s our Brother Chen I wouldn’t believe it even if I died!”

“Wait… Brother Chen’s ears are red! Damn, Brother Chen, quickly, tell us what you did when you left just now, why are your ears red after coming back?!”

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As if they had discovered a new world the group of people surrounded Gu Youchen.

Gu Youchen frowned and glanced at everyone coldly. However, the reddish tips of his ears made his usual authoritative gaze lose half its killing power.

Looking at his current appearance, the group unanimously came to a conclusion——

The sky wants the rain to fall, and mothers want to marry you off1, and our Brother Chen has finally begun to yearn for love.

The author has something to say: Ah, I can finally dig the pit that I’ve been wanting to dig for two or three years now…


天要下雨,娘要嫁人 is an idiom used to describe something that is bound to happen and cannot be stopped.

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