Ning Qingqing took two sick days after finishing her IV drip and finally recovered from her cold.

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Arriving at the company riding in Shen Zhiqian’s car, Ning Qingqing received an extremely warm welcome from her colleagues; everyone came up to greet her.

Only Wang Qian whispered to her during lunch, “Qingqing, you probably don’t know yet, that day, after CEO Shen carried you out of the office, the whole company exploded1.”

They have two employee Wechat groups, one included Shen Zhiqian and Ning Qingqing, and the other group was made specifically to exclude the two, including the company’s executives.

Wang Qian handed the phone to Ning Qingqing, “Look, everyone is saying that even though Si Luoqing signed on as a spokesperson, she can’t make any waves2. Just because she won over the father, doesn’t mean she got the son.”

Looking at those comments, Ning Qingqing kind of felt like she couldn’t laugh or cry3. She suddenly remembered what she asked her mother’s special assistant Nie Yu to help investigate two days ago.

As they say, “when you speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives”4, right on time, Nie Yu called.

Ning Qingqing went to a quiet place to answer the call, “Older Brother Nie.”

Nie Yu said, “There really is a problem with the Si family. It’s being said that Si Linjun’s advance into the short video platform5 market failed. Due to them being overambitious at the early stage, they spent a lot of money, and now they have lost everything.

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The Si family business started with and now relied on venture capital investment. The moment their funding source would get cut off, the risk they would have to face would become very high. On top of that, I heard that they happen to have projects where all their projected financial statements were off, so they’ve lost their investment of hundreds of millions.

Now, the Si family could only rely on the dividends from their previous investments to tide them over; they are basically just an empty shell now. It’s unlikely that they’re in debt, but their grandiose image is definitely only superficial.

Our Ning Venture Capital has always been their competitor. Your mother was also puzzled near the end of last month, wondering why the Si family wasn’t making any moves lately despite there being several good projects. It was only over these few days that we discovered that the problem lay here.

Now their market share, which used to rival ours, has been taken away by your mother and another venture capital firm. Since they were always hiding it well before, we only found out recently.

We predict that there are only two ways for the Si family to get out of this predicament——

The first is to find a company with substantial capital and who is willing to contribute funds to help them turn around. In turn, the Si family will use these funds on what they’re good at, venture capital investment, and hand over most of the shares while keeping only a small part for themselves. Most of the dividends will belong to the other company.

But this is unlikely, because if that company really had the funds, why wouldn’t they choose our Ning Venture Capital or a more well-known international venture capital firm, and pick an empty shell instead?

The second is, didn’t Si Luoqing return? She can take advantage of her popularity in the entertainment circle, find someone to invest in, or have a marriage alliance.

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As long as her husband’s family is strong and has a good reputation and can be the Si family’s collateral, then the Si family can apply for a bank loan and use these funds to bring the project back to life. Coupled with the news of a marriage alliance, they can re-enter the market and compete with us for market share. “

After speaking up to here, Nie Yu suddenly spoke with a joyous tone, “Qingqing, you’re trying to understand our Ning Venture Capital’s competitors, have you finally thought it through? Are you willing to return home and help your mother now?”

When Ning Qingqing heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched.

After a while, she said, “Alright ah, I will consider it carefully.”

Nie Yu was already prepared for Ning Qingqing’s refusal, so he was shocked when he heard her reply, “Qingqing, you really intend to come back?”

Ning Qingqing said, “Although I have a double degree in finance and law, I only worked in law after graduation, so I am still a complete novice in finance.”

Nie Yu smiled and said, “That’s not a problem, as long as you want to come back, our whole company will support you.”

After he finished speaking, his tone suddenly became more serious: “But Qingqing, I’m asking you this question as an older brother, are you suddenly willing to leave the Shen Group because Shen Zhiqian did something that let you down?”

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He also learned today that Si Luoqing signed a contract with Shen Group. At this juncture, seeing that Ning Qingqing wanted to leave, he couldn’t help but think more deeply about it.

Ning Qingqing waved it off, “Not at all, I only think that working for others isn’t as good as working for myself. Aren’t I my mother’s only daughter? I have to go back home sooner or later.”

“Okay.” Nie Yu’s tone became more cheerful: “Then let me tell you another good news, Ning Venture Capital is currently preparing to officially relocate to Beijing.”

“Ahhh?” Ning Qingqing was completely shocked.

Nie Yu explained, “The investment scene in Beijing has gotten better than here in the south, so we already started preparing at the beginning of the year. We expect to officially transfer over next month.”

Ning Qingqing couldn’t stop the corner of her lips from lifting, yet she still pretended to be angry, “Wow, who would’ve known that you all united together to hide it from me!”

Nie Yu laughed, “Isn’t it because we intended to surprise you? Well, if you plan to resign from Shen Group, you can start preparing for the work handover now. Once that’s done, you can take a break for a week before heading straight to Ning Venture Capital for work.”

Ning Qingqing agreed, “Sounds good.”

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After hanging up the phone, she suddenly felt relieved.

She decided, no matter whether she and Shen Zhiqian continued to be together or not, she would no longer continue to work at the Shen Group.

She had already developed her skills in legal matters for two years, so if she were to continue this job, she would not be able to improve herself unless she joined a law firm and became a lawyer.

Since there were opportunities at home, why not use them? She also liked to study investment projects when she was still in university, so maybe she could find the sense of accomplishment that she was looking for in this field.

She never wanted to be a little flower that was protected by Shen Zhiqian. If they stayed together, she also hoped to become a tree that could stand side by his side.


炸了(burst/explode/fried) i.e. the news spread like wildfire 翻不起风浪i.e. doesn’t pose a threat 哭笑不得this idiom is used to describe a situation where both crying nor laughing seem appropriate; an awkward situation 说曹操曹操就到 is the Chinese version of the English idiom “speak of the devil and he shall appear”. It describes a situation where the object of conversation unexpectedly appears. The origin of this Chinese idiom is pretty interesting: Cao Cao was one of the central figures of the Three Kingdoms period (220 – 280 AD); he was the penultimate grand chancellor of the Eastern Han Dynasty and eventually amassed immense power in the dynasty’s final years. They say that when Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was in danger from the pursuit by Li Jue and Guo Si someone recommended Cao Cao, saying that he had made great achievements in suppressing the Yellow Turban Army rebellion and that Cao Cao could save him. However, before they could even send out a messenger, the Li/Guo coalition forces had already caught up. Just when they thought they were doomed, Xiahou Dun, a general sent by Cao Cao, arrived leading the army and successfully saved the emperor. So, the saying describes how Cao Cao preemptively saved the emperor read: TikTok/Douyin

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