Inside the coffee shop, Ning Qingqing chatted with Wu Fei for a while. Seeing that it was time for lunch, she picked up her phone and found that Shen Zhiqian had called her twice.

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She quickly called Shen Zhiqian back.

No one answered even after the ringtone ended, so Ning Qingqing sent him a message, explaining that her phone was accidentally muted that’s why she didn’t hear his calls.

At the same time, Wang Qian happened to ask her out for lunch, but there was no news from Shen Zhiqian, so Ning Qingqing bid farewell to Wu Fei and went to the staff cafeteria with Wang Qian.

The elevator incident most likely had already spread around the company. Many people continued to greet Ning Qingqing enthusiastically, but some of them had subtle expressions.

As soon as she and Wang Qian sat down with their meals, they heard a commotion from the small dining area.

Ning Qingqing followed the sound and turned her head to look and saw Shen Zhiqian and her father walking side by side in front, behind them, Si Luoqing, Kai Ni, and Shen Zhiqian’s special assistant walked behind and went to the small cafeteria together.

Almost at the same time, everyone looked right at Ning Qingqing after seeing this scene!

Ning Qingqing was holding the chopsticks in her hands, her face almost expressionless, but she could feel that she was barely holding onto the light chopsticks!

Honestly, she has always trusted Shen Zhiqian, even at this moment seeing Shen Zhiqian, Si Luoqing, and the others eating together, she understood that it was only for work.

But understanding in your heart is one thing, to not mind is another.

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She is also a girl, who is sensitive, who cares, and who gets jealous.

Especially now, with so many people looking at her meaningfully, as if to say——

Ning Qingqing, you’ve lost.

After all, this lunch meeting was not very formal, Shen Zhiqian could have easily invited Ning Qingqing over to eat together instead of letting the official girlfriend eat cafeteria food while his rumored ex-girlfriend eats gourmet!1

“Qingqing, are you okay?” Wang Qian looked at her worriedly: “Actually, CEO Shen is just engaging in business socialization. Some of these people just have the sour grape mentality and over-interpret the situation.”

Ning Qingqing nodded and squeezed out a smile: “It’s okay.”

She thought of the phone call she made to Shen Zhiqian and understood that the other party was angry.

Why is he mad? Just because she apologized for herself when they were in the elevator and didn’t give him face2?

But he doesn’t know, the one who was wronged the most was her. She was pushed violently by Kenny, and even now her waist hurts.

After an unpleasant meal, Ning Qingqing went to the bathroom after returning to the office.

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The moment she closed her stall door, she couldn’t stop her tears from falling.

Her phone remained silent; Shen Zhiqian didn’t explain a thing.

She believed that Shen Zhiqian should have seen her when h he passed by the entrance of the main cafeteria to get to the smaller one.

Ning Qingqing gingerly touched her lower back with her fingers. Since it was injured by collision, there was no wound, but it felt a little swollen to the touch.

She bought Yunnan Baiyao medicinal cream with the delivery app on her phone, and after getting the delivery, she called Wang Qian for help.

“Qian Qian, I accidentally bumped myself just now, can you check if it’s bruised?”

Wang Qian lifted the edge of Ning Qingqing’s shirt for a look, and frowned immediately: “It’s red, the middle part is still a little purple, and it’s a little swollen, my God, how did you get this?”

Ning Qingqing explained: “Just now in the elevator, after Si Luoqing was burned, her manager pushed me, and I hit the handrail in the elevator.”

“What?! ” Wang Qian was shocked: “Does CEO Shen know?”

As she spoke, she lifted the cap of the spray bottle and said, “I don’t know if it will hurt, I’ll be gentle…”

“En.” Ning Qingqing replied: “He doesn’t know, I haven’t gotten the chance to tell him yet.”

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Wang Qian sprayed the medicine, and after making sure that Ning Qingqing was not uncomfortable, she lowered her voice: “Qingqing I’m not just saying, you see that Si Luoqing, although she acts like a big celebrity on the outside, I think she just wants to take over your position! You and CEO Shen have already been together for so long, you can’t let someone else step between you two.

I have always thought, you have a great personality, looks, and temperament. Even though your family conditions are average, if I were CEO Shen, I would definitely marry you! But men are different, there are so many temptations every day, so you have to seize the opportunity…”


Ning Qingqing knew that Wang Qian was genuinely worried for her. She tidied up her clothes and said with a smile: “En, I know. But I’ve always felt that, if there isn’t a problem with the relationship then there is no need to be on guard. Rather, if there truly is a problem where you can’t even protect it despite your efforts, you should just come to terms with it.”

Wang Qian frowned: “Qingqing, you—”

Ning Qingqing hugged her: “I’m almost done finishing up my work recently, then I’ll take a long vacation. You have to take good care of yourself at the company!”

Wang Qian’s particular premonition grew stronger, and her tone became serious: “Qingqing, you and CEO Shen…is there a problem between the two of you?”

Ning Qingqing shook her head: “That, I don’t know yet, but I will soon.”

There are two days left until her birthday, and after her birthday, everything will be settled.

After hearing her say that Wang Qian was alarmed, she wanted to ask again, but another person came into the bathroom, so the two could only walk out tacitly.

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When it was time to get off work that afternoon, Ning Qingqing received a message from Shen Zhiqian saying that he had a business dinner this afternoon.

She told him that she would take the subway home by herself, and the man replied okay.

The next day, Ning Qingqing finished the last contract. Before she got off work, she attached the statistics report to an email, wrote the name of the recipient, and scheduled for it to send the day after her birthday.

When she got off work, Ning Qingqing took the elevator downstairs and met Xiao Wen, the CEO’s administrative assistant.

Xiao Wen is a newly recruited university student who is usually enthusiastic and talkative. When he saw Ning Qingqing, he politely called her “Sister Qingqing”. After chatting for a few sentences, he started whispering gossip to Ning Qingqing:

“Our CEO Shen seemed unhappy all day today for some reason. When he asked me to print some materials, his expression looked like it could eat people! It scared me to death!”

Ning Qingqing nodded: “Oh, are there some problems with the project?”

Xiao Wen shook his head: “I don’t know. Anyway, he has been like this since after lunch yesterday. Fortunately, he left at four o’clock. He left with his luggage, so he probably went on a business trip.”

When Ning Qingqing heard this, she was completely stunned.


The author compares the two using the terms 大锅饭(big pot rice) and 小灶(small kitchen dishes); since “small kitchen dishes” are eaten by a small number of people, and the chefs are more meticulous in their workmanship, so they are naturally delicious; in contrast, since “big pot rice” is made in large amounts at once, the chefs are often rough in their workmanship, resulting in subpar taste. i.e. honor/reputation/respect 

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