“Why?” He murmured between his lips, “Qingqing, we have been together for nine years, how can you easily say that you don’t like me anymore?”

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There were tiny beads of sweat on Ning Qingqing’s palm. She was serious about what she said just now.

However, she was speaking in place of her future self a few years later.

In a few years, she would not experience any emotional disturbances when facing Shen Zhiqian. In a few years, she should have also fallen in love with Gu Youchen.

So, she wasn’t lying and didn’t need to cover it up with any micro-expressions.

It was just that at this moment, she inevitably felt a little sad and suffocated.

It had only been a week since they broke up. Although the past relationship had been worn down a lot in the last six months, her emotions were not like a faucet where as long as she said stop, instantly, not a single drop would remain.

She was also human, so she would hesitate, doubt, and feel reluctant to give up; but she was human, so she also understood her choice.

“I’m sorry Mr. Shen, there is no relationship between us anymore, I don’t like you.” Ning Qingqing heard herself say.

“Hehe——” Shen Zhiqian’s eyes were scarlet, and in a breathy voice, “Qingqing, you actually called me ‘Mr. Shen’? You always know how to hurt me…”

The friend next to him finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and Shen Zhiqian’s stomach ache was genuinely uncomfortable, so he dragged him aside.

“Hurry up and buy medicine for Brother Qian!” Someone said, “By the way, what kind of medicine does Brother Qian usually take?”

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“F*ck, how should I know, didn’t Ning Qingqing buy them all before?!”

“WTF, what even is this situation? You guys were doing fine before, so how did she suddenly marry someone else?”

“Okay, stop talking about it. Brother Qian is still here, please keep your voice down… In short, buy everything that can cure stomach discomfort, and Brother Qian can choose himself.”

Several people were talking, one of them went out to buy medicine quickly, and the others stared at Shen Zhiqian, for fear that he would rush up to find Ning Qingqing and Gu Youchen again.

It was embarrassing enough just now; they had never seen Shen Zhiqian behave so out of control.

He usually cared about face the most, but he lost control in front of Gu Youchen, his nemesis, letting Gu Youchen’s friends laugh at him!

Unlike Shen Zhiqian’s private room, which was heavy and oppressive, the atmosphere in Gu Youchen’s private room was obviously much livelier.

Gu Youchen directly introduced to everyone, “This is my wife, Ning Qingqing.”

After he finished speaking, he introduced to Ning Qingqing, “Qingqing, they are all my friends, Zhou Linghang, you should know, this is Ye Peicheng, you must also know, this is…”

He introduced them one by one.

Everyone greeted Ning Qingqing with a smile, “Hi younger sister-in-law!”

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“Hi, sister-in-law!”

“Haha, what my sister-in-law said just now made our Brother Chen delighted to the skies, right?”

“When are younger sister-in-law and Youchen planning to have the wedding? Have you chosen a place for your honeymoon?”

Faced with all these questions, Ning Qingqing subconsciously looked at Gu Youchen.

She felt that she had sobered up a lot because of the confrontation just now.

Gu Youchen met her gaze and said, “Qingqing and I are going to wait for our parents to meet before scheduling a date.”

“Okay, let’s prepare the wedding gift in advance!”

“Sister-in-law is so beautiful, no wonder our Brother Chen decided to get married so soon. Sister-in-law, you don’t know, our Brother Chen has never been in a relationship before, and he has never even held a girl’s hand. A fresh little virgin!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Youchen gave him a look.

“Hey, Brother Chen, don’t get mad at me, aren’t I helping you by speaking nicely of you in front of sister-in-law?”

Ning Qingqing was amused and blushed for some reason.

She was about to sit down when she realized that she was still in the middle of a dare with her colleagues, and she had hung around long enough.

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So, she hurriedly shushed everyone, “I’m playing a game with my colleagues over there, you all pretend you don’t know anything, or they might punish me again…”

Seeing Ning Qingqing’s cuteness, Gu Youchen’s eyes lit up softly, “Okay, tell me anytime you want to go home.”

Ning Qingqing nodded.

She still couldn’t let everyone know about her relationship with Gu Youchen, after all, her own mother didn’t know she was married yet.

She imagined how CEO Ning would react if she actually learned about her daughter’s marriage from one of her employees, would this female overbearing CEO go berserk?

It was better to wait for her mother to come over next week and let her be the first to find out.

Ning Qingqing waved lightly at Gu Youchen and the others and then walked towards her private room like a thief.

When passing Shen Zhiqian’s side, she could feel a scorching gaze fall on her the whole time.

But Ning Qingqing didn’t turn her head and went straight to her colleagues.

“Qingqing, what happened just now? Why do I feel that after you kissed that handsome guy, the two handsome guys seemed to fight because of you?”

Her colleagues were in the private room here, and they were a little far away. In addition, after Gu Youchen and the others put down the curtains, many people stood up, so everyone’s line of sight was blocked and they couldn’t see clearly.

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“We saw that it didn’t look right just now, and we were going to rescue you. It looked like several men were confronting each other and you were being protected by that handsome guy who you kissed.”

“Qingqing, it couldn’t be that after you kissed him, he unilaterally thinks he is your boyfriend now, right?”

“Our Qingqing is that awesome, she can hold down the two handsome guys as soon as she stands out!”

“By the way, I seemed to have seen Ye Peicheng. The great film emperor, although it was for just a blink of an eye, I don’t think I’m wrong!”

“F*ck, what kind of gods are at that table?”

There was a lot of discussion.

Ning Qingqing rubbed her heavy head: “I don’t know, I didn’t even leave my contact information.”

Everyone thought they were just playing a game. After all, in a place with a lot of young people, no one would take it seriously when playing games, so they didn’t delve into it.

“Come on, come on, let’s continue—”

Her colleagues were all in high spirits, so no one wanted to stop.

After that, Ning Qingqing seemed to be lucky, and she was not drawn again once.

On the other side, as soon as Ning Qingqing left, the atmosphere at Gu Youchen’s table suddenly ignited.

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