Even though they had no feelings for each other when they got the certificate, she could clearly feel that he was also working hard to maintain their marriage.

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And the problems she was worried about facing when meeting the parents were all taken care of by Gu Youchen alone and the troubles were left for him to deal with.

Now that Ning Qingqing felt less pressure, she was afraid that her mother would target her anger at Gu Youchen, so she added, “Mom, although I was drunk at the time, my mind was sober1, so getting married was my own choice, not something that Youchen forced me to do.”

Seeing this young couple taking responsibility for each other, Ning Ruojun’s worries dissipated quite a bit.

She did not respond directly, but looked at Gu Youchen and asked, “What has your family planned?”

Gu Youchen replied, “I took Qingqing to meet my parents last weekend. They really liked her and said that when you and dad have time, we can sit down together to discuss the wedding details and other aspects.”

Ning Ruojun caught the critical point from this reply and asked Ning Qingqing, “Does your dad know about this?”

Ning Qingqing shook her head and said, “I haven’t told him yet.”

Ning Ruojun’s lips curled up slightly. “Okay, you can tell him now.”

Ning Qingqing understood immediately–

Her mother was at it again, trying to outdo her father; her father found out later than her, so she won this round.

Ning Qingqing made the call in front of her mother, and her father, Tan Haize, quickly answered. “Qingqing.”

Ning Qingqing had the phone on speaker, and she said, “Dad, I want to tell you something.”

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Tan Haize quickly sat up straight and said, “Qingqing, go ahead.”

Ning Qingqing said, “Have you heard of Beijing’s Gu Group?”

“I have, but Dad’s company has no business dealings with them,” Tan Haize replied.

Ning Qingqing said, “I got my marriage certificate with Gu Group’s Gu Youchen.”

There were several seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, it sounded as if Tan Haize had bumped into something. There was a series of banging sounds, which was in stark contrast to Ning Ruojun’s calm demeanor.

Tan Haize’s tone rose by several degrees. “Qingqing, when did this happen? How could you not discuss such a big thing with your Dad?”

“At the time, we were… in a hurry. But Youchen is pretty good, so…” Ning Qingqing trailed off.

Tan Haize seemed to take a few deep breaths before saying, “Dad is coming to Beijing right now, and the parents from both sides can meet each other.”

At this point, he seemed to have thought of something and suddenly lowered his voice to ask, “Does your mother know about this?”

Ning Qingqing: “…” She knew she was going to be asked this question.

Just as Ning Qingqing was about to answer, Ning Ruojun spoke up beside her.

She laughed coolly and said, “Oops, I knew about it an hour before you did.”

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To outdo Tan Haize, she even revealed that she had already known about it at the airport.

As expected, Tan Haize was unhappy when he heard this. “Ha, you’re really something, flying to Beijing all the time for no reason. Just look at your age, yet you still seem to think you’re an 18-year-old flying around like an acrobat!”

Ning Ruojun replied calmly, “I don’t need your concern, my figure is still like that of an 18-year-old, unlike some people whose hairline and belly chase people away!”

Ning Qingqing: “…” 

She didn’t understand why her own mother would transform from an overbearing boss into a primary school kid whenever she encountered her father. 

And it seemed that her father shared the same psychological age.

Alas, these two must have been enemies in their past lives and should not have gotten married!

She gave a light cough and reminded her father, “Dad, Youchen is also here. Do you want to chat with him for a bit?”

Upon hearing this, Tan Haize instantly regained his composure, picked up his face, and spoke with a serious and steady tone, “Xiao Gu, please give my regards to our in-laws and ask when they will be free. Let’s arrange a time for our two families to sit down and chat together.”

Gu Youchen said, “Dad, my parents are available anytime. Whenever you’re free, you can come over.”

“Okay,” Tan Haize replied, “I’ll prepare for a bit and come over soon.”

“Sure, Dad. Once you’ve confirmed your schedule, Qingqing and I will go to the airport to pick you up,” Gu Youchen responded.

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Finally hanging up the phone, Ning Qingqing felt a little embarrassed about her parents’ sudden change in behavior.

However, Ms. Ning Ruojun remained calm and collected. Coincidentally, her phone rang, and she answered it, instantly transforming into the image of a female overbearing boss.

Once she hung up the phone, Gu Youchen handed her a gift bag that he had prepared. “Mom, Qingqing and I prepared a small gift for you. Take a look and see if you like it.”

Ning Ruojun accepted the gift, “That’s very thoughtful of you, Xiao Gu.”

As she opened the gift in front of Gu Youchen, she found a high-quality Hetian jade. Her eyes lit up. “The material and craftsmanship are excellent. Did Xiao Gu get this at an auction?”

Gu Youchen nodded. “Yes, I saw it and felt a connection to it, so I bid on it.”

At this moment, a server came over to serve the food, so Ning Ruojun put the gift away, and everyone began to eat and chat.

After the meal, Ning Ruojun gained a deeper understanding of Gu Youchen. Since the ship had already sailed, she had a neutral stance regarding her daughter’s marriage. She believed that as long as her daughter had made the decision herself, she should take the rest of her journey seriously.

If they were happy together, they should stay together. If they were not happy, they should cut their losses.

Life should not be wasted in regret. As long as they followed their hearts and made choices that feel right, it would all be alright.

Since her daughter was married and they were going to meet the in-laws, Ning Ruojun postponed her other plans for the day and prepared to meet the Gu family.

Meanwhile, Tan Haize called to inform Ning Qingqing that he would arrive in the capital that night, and they would all sit down together the next day.

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Everything was arranged, and the three of them walked out together. Ning Qingqing went to the restroom, leaving Gu Youchen and Ning Ruojun waiting in the hallway.

At that moment, the door of the adjacent private room opened, and Shen Zhiyu and Si Luoqing walked out together.2 Walking behind them was Si Yunli, the current head of the Si family and Si Luoqing’s father.

Shen Zhiyu saw Gu Youchen at first glance and her expression froze, but her footsteps instinctively moved in his direction.

Meanwhile, Sui Luoqing also saw him, but she had no connection with the Gu family, and given Kenny’s embarrassing performance on the court that day, she chose not to approach him.

However, the man behind them, Si Yunli, suddenly strode forward, sweeping away his previous dejected expression and smiling beamingly towards Ning Ruojun, “CEO Ning, what a coincidence! You’re here in Beijing already? I’ve been trying to contact you these past few days…”

The author has something to say:

It’s always a joyful occasion for Xiao Gu when he meets the in-laws.

Alright, some scum are about to be slapped in the face!




Translator’s ramblings: don’t think that’s how being drunk works, LOL Translator’s ramblings: drama brews whenever Ning Qingqing goes to the restroom (-‸ლ)

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