He told himself that although Ning Qingqing was a project specialist since she could have a meal with the CEO, maybe she had some connections.

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She looked young, and clearly inexperienced, which made her easier to manipulate.

So, Si Yunli instantly put on a warm smile as he reached out a hand to Ning Qingqing. “Miss Ning, we’ll have to trouble you with the Si family’s projects. Thank you!”

He realized that Ning Qingqing and Ning Ruojun had the same surname as he spoke. Thinking that Ning Qingqing was probably related to Ning Ruojun in some way, she must be hired through nepotism.

These people were the easiest to manipulate and also the easiest medium to pass on information to Ning Ruojun.

So, his smile became even more sincere.

Ning Qingqing shook hands with the other party and said, “CEO Si, please guide me in the future.”

“Don’t be so formal!” Si Yunli smiled and replied, “We still need to rely on Miss Ning’s help. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!”

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On the other side, ever since Ning Ruojun introduced Ning Qingqing, Si Luoqing was frozen solid.

She was shocked to see Ning Qingqing, who she had never expected to have jumped ship to Ning Venture Capital!

Si Luoqing was not familiar with the financial industry and had only recently learned from her father that Ning Venture Capital was their first choice for investment. Due to their strong financial capabilities and excellent reputation in the industry, cooperating with them would have the highest chance of saving their company.

Although other companies might also invest in their project, they tended to use underhanded tactics or go against the rules. Cooperation with them was like courting disaster.

However, her father had said this morning that Ning Venture Capital would probably not be impressed by their project’s potential returns so most likely they won’t be interested in investing; they might not even bother to use this opportunity to conduct a hostile takeover of the Si family’s company. So, the Si family was now in a dilemma.

This is why Si Luoqing made a desperate move by inviting Shen Zhiyu for lunch. Although Shen Zhiyu had just finished the college entrance examination and had not yet participated in the Shen family’s business, Si Luoqing hoped that if Shen Zhiyu could speak well of them in front of Shen Zhiqian, and help the Si family secure some investment, perhaps…

However, after a meal, it was obvious that Shen Zhiyu knew nothing about the financial industry, moreover, she had a simple mind and was not that different from Xue Wenlan.

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Si Luoqing was feeling depressed until she saw Ning Ruojun just now.

If meeting Ning Ruojun was like flying to heaven a moment ago, then the next second when Ning Qingqing was introduced by Ning Ruojun, it felt like falling into hell!

But as if the world was against her, right at this moment, her father was grinning as much as he could at Ning Qingqing and talking to her. Si Luoqing felt as if a loud slap had fallen on her face!

She wanted to leave, but then she heard her father say to Ning Qingqing in a flattering manner, “Miss Ning, about our project, I will have my secretary send you the documents this afternoon. After you have reviewed them, can we discuss them further tomorrow?”

Ning Qingqing nodded and said, “Sure, CEO Si. I have something in the morning, but how about we meet at 3 pm tomorrow?”

Si Yunli quickly agreed, then waved at Si Luoqing and introduced her to Ning Qingqing, “Miss Ning, I’m not sure if you ever paid attention to the entertainment industry, but this is my daughter, Si Luoqing. She is a singer with quite a few fans.”

When she heard this, Ning Qingqing’s gaze fell on Si Luoqing’s face, and seeing her stiff expression, she smiled, “So you are CEO Si’s daughter? No wonder, I was just thinking why you are so beautiful, turns out you are a singer. I used to sing off-key all the time!”

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‘Ugly’ was no longer enough to describe Si Luoqing’s expression. 

Si Yunli slightly furrowed his brows and glanced at her, then quickly turned to smile at Ning Qingqing and said, “Miss Ning must have spent all her time studying when she was in school, which is why she has become CEO Ning’s capable employee!”

He turned to Si Luoqing and said, “Xiao Qing, give me a few of your albums to gift to Miss Ning to listen to. You are similar in age, so you will probably like the same things.”

Si Luoqing clenched her hands tightly by her side, looking at Ning Qingqing, hoping to see a look of satisfaction in her eyes, but she failed.

Ning Qingqing remained calm and smiled throughout, seemingly to hide any joy from getting her revenge.

However, the more Ning Qingqing acted like this, the more suffocated Si Luoqing felt because she was being overlooked.

Her father was trying to please Ning Qingqing and even dragged her along. Shen Zhiyu and Gu Youchen were beside them, and even CEO Ning was watching their father-daughter performance. She felt like she was being publicly executed!

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She forced a smile and nodded, “Okay, I’ll send a few signed CDs over another day.”

Ning Qingqing smiled faintly, “Thank you, Miss Si.”

Si Yunli then said, “Then we won’t disturb you anymore, CEO Ning, please carry on with your business. Miss Ning, my secretary will send you the documents this afternoon, and we’ll talk more tomorrow when we meet!”

Ning Qingqing nodded, “Okay, CEO Si, take care.”

Everyone left separately.

Shen Zhiyu’s gaze was still fixed on Gu Youchen until everyone had left. She then turned to Si Luoqing and asked angrily, “Sister Luoqing, what’s going on with them?!”

However, Si Luoqing’s face was pale and she didn’t say anything.

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