Then, at the front of the room, Shen Yeyuan raised his paddle and directly added 500,000.

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Many people present noticed that Shen Yeyuan had not participated before, so it was obvious that he had come for this painting.

The two people still competing called out a few more times, but when they realized they couldn’t compete anymore, they gave up.

Shen Yeyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to gift this calligraphy painting to his father.

His father was going to be seventy in three months and his family lacked nothing. Just in time, this painting caught Shen Yeyuan’s eyes, so he decided to buy it as a gift.

However, just as the auctioneer announced “13.8 million going once,” Ning Ruojun behind him immediately wrote the number she was offering on her paddle –

15 million.

Ning Ruojun never liked to waste time, especially this kind of back-and-forth tug-of-war. She felt it was wasting away her life force.

She added more than a hundred thousand in one breath, just to let the people in front know her determination.

In this way, even Shen Yeyuan couldn’t help but be suspicious. Was there someone else competing with him?

He didn’t turn his head the whole time before and couldn’t help but furrow his brow when he looked over.

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At first glance, he saw Ning Qingqing and Gu Youchen sitting together.

How come they were sitting together?

Shen Yeyuan had almost forgotten about the competition for the auction bid.

Until he saw the woman on the other side of Ning Qingqing.

Ning Ruojun, whom Shen Yeyuan had met in Haicheng before, they had exchanged business cards and had dinner together at someone else’s place, but they didn’t become close.

But two months ago, the Shen family received news that Ning Venture Capital was planning to move to the capital city.

Shen Yeyuan had recently confirmed that Ning Venture Capital had indeed moved, and he was planning to find Ning Ruojun’s contact information and invite her out for a meal.

After all, in the business world, having another friend would open more paths.

Especially when it was someone like Ning Ruojun, who was both powerful and capable, and had been a symbol of financial power in the south in recent years!

Right at this moment, Shen Yeyuan saw Ning Ruojun looking at him.

In response, he nodded slightly and gave her a smile.

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He also decided to stop bidding.

He would have to find another gift for his father’s birthday.

As for Ning Ruojun, he didn’t need to cause conflict right after she arrived.

As such, the battle that everyone wanted to see ended with Ning Ruojun being the final bidder.

The calligraphy painting was delivered to her after the formalities were completed.

Although the auction was over, there was a reception afterward, and among many who attended, there were some business dealings, so most of them stayed behind to drink and chat.

Someone recognized Gu Youchen and approached him, then saw Ning Ruojun and became more enthusiastic.

Ning Qingqing stood among them, feeling the fame and fortune that money had to offer.

Until she heard a somewhat familiar voice –

Shen Yeyuan and Shen Zhiqian walked over, and Shen Yeyuan took the lead in greeting Ning Ruojun, “CEO Ning.”

Ning Ruojun turned her gaze and smiled at Shen Yeyuan, “Thank you for giving up earlier, CEO Shen!”

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Shen Yeyuan smiled and replied, “It’s because I haven’t fulfilled my duty as a host! I’ve been wanting to visit CEO Ning for a while now, but I didn’t expect to meet you here first!”

Ning Ruojun knew beforehand that Shen Yeyuan was Shen Zhiqian’s father, but she always separated public and private matters, so she didn’t reject the idea of cooperating with the Shen family if it could help develop Ning Venture Capital, regardless of the relationship between her daughter and Shen Zhiqian.

So, she shook hands with him and said, “I came here specifically for some personal matters this time. My subordinates are slowly moving over as well. I still have some loose ends to finalize; however, the plan is to officially move next month!”

Shen Yeyuan nodded and said, “Then when CEO Ning officially moves over, we’ll come to visit!”

After speaking, he turned to look at Shen Zhiqian.

Shen Zhiqian’s gaze had been on Ning Qingqing all along, but Gu Youchen deliberately blocked his line of sight, only allowing him to see the hem of Ning Qingqing’s shirt.

“Zhiqian-” Shen Yeyuan frowned slightly and hardened his tone.

Shen Zhiqian had to retract his gaze and quickly get into character, reaching out to Ning Ruojun, “Hello, CEO Ning, I’m Shen Zhiqian.”

Shen Yeyuan smiled while explaining, “My son has grown up. Most of the company’s affairs have been handed over to him. In the future, he will inevitably collaborate with CEO Ning. Please help give him more guidance then!”

Ning Ruojun smiled. “President Shen is too modest. Your son looks like a talent and is also managing the company well!”

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As she spoke, she suddenly turned the conversation around, “Instead, it’s my daughter who has been taken care of by the two of you at Shen Group for the past two years and has learned a lot. Now, she finally wants to come back and help me out!”

Upon hearing this, both Shen Zhiqian and Shen Yeyuan looked stunned.

Ning Ruojun turned to Ning Qingqing behind her and said, “Qingqing, come over and greet the two CEO Shens!”

Ning Qingqing walked up.

Shen Zhiqian and Shen Yeyuan still had polite smiles on their faces, but a tsunami-like shock erupted in their eyes!

Ning Ruojun smiled, “This is my daughter, Ning Qingqing. I sent her to study in Beijing before and she refused to return to the south after graduation. This child has been with the Shen Group for the past two years. She didn’t cause any trouble for the two of you, did she?”

Shen Zhiqian didn’t say anything, but there was a whistling sound in his ears.

He felt as if he was frozen in a barren wasteland, and all the voices and scenes seemed to be very far away.

His eyes reflected the figures of Ning Qingqing and Ning Ruojun, as well as the crystal light particles that were scattered across the entire hall, but there was only desolation in the depths of his eyes.

He felt it was absurd, even feeling that this was a ridiculous dream he had made up.

Scenes of the past began to resurface in his mind–

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