“Even if he didn’t make a promise before, I never thought about it. As you already know, my parents divorced when I was a child, and I followed my mother. My mother is a successful career woman1 and usually has no time to care about me. I grew up with my grandmother, and I am very close to her. ”

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“When I transferred to Beijing, my grandmother’s health was already deteriorating, but she said that the education in a small southern town wasn’t good, so she had to let me go. I didn’t know she was sick, so I went. Until my third year of high school, my grandmother became seriously ill. Shen Zhiqian secretly borrowed his father’s name and arranged a private plane to take me back so that I could see my grandma for the last time.”

Ning Qingqing took a deep breath: “Because of this, he was beaten by his father for the first time after returning home, and he couldn’t get out of bed for two days.”

“Qingqing–” Qiao Xiaomian took Ning Qingqing’s hand. As someone with a bad temper, she didn’t know how to comfort her best friend.

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“So, I feel love and gratitude towards him.” Ning Qingqing scraped the cream that was on the edge of the milk tea and said, “But it will be my birthday soon, and I will ask him for an answer before my birthday. I have always wanted stability, so if he doesn’t have a plan for our future then I’ll choose to break up.”

Qiao Xiaomian looked at the firmness in Ning Qingqing’s eyes, she suddenly felt that although her best friend looked soft, she was always resolute when making her decisions.

Not knowing what to say for a moment, Qiao Xiaomian picked up her milk tea and raised a glass to Ning Qingqing: “Exactly, we can’t waste all our time on one person and not see a future! In that case, let’s get an answer. No matter what the result is, your best friend, I, will always be by your side! ”

“Great!” Ning Qingqing and Qiao Xiaomian clinked glasses. She picked up her phone and opened her Moments: “The Moments you posted just now, I’ll repost it now.”

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She found that ‘wearing the same outfit isn’t bad since only the ugly one gets embarrassed’, clicked into the post, copied its contents, and forwarded it.

She didn’t attach any pictures, just the line of text. Since the post was starkly different from her usual posts about work, she received a lot of curious comments right after she posted.

“Yesss! Our Big Beauty Ning would surely be the one who overshadows all the other beauties, so why be afraid of clashing outfits? Clashing with all the outfits in the world would be even better!”

“So which unlucky creature clashed outfits with my goddess’ today? Please allow me to gloat over her misfortune for ten minutes!”

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Many of them were Ning Qingqing’s university classmates and friends from work until a comment came into view——

Keith: “You definitely wouldn’t be the embarrassed one.”

Ning Qingqing was stunned for a second when she saw this name until she noticed the avatar with abstract geometric lines.

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Oh, it’s Tiramisu.

Oh, wait no, it’s Gu Youchen.


女强人 translates to ‘strong woman’ a term used to describe women who are intelligent, independent, and have successful careers. It’s the Chinese version of ‘Iron Lady’

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