Keith: “The company hosted a ball game today where 50 yuan was donated to the Hope Project for every goal scored. After the game, I congratulated the Champion: Very impressive, Champion of Scores, congratulations on winning the MVP! The Champion replied to me: congratulations my ass! I almost got fired!”1

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Keith: “Once there was an assassin, he was very cold, and then… he died from the cold.”2

Keith: “When my brother was born, my family was very poor, so I named him Wangcai. One day, when a thief broke into the village chief’s house, he ran into me and said to me, please lend me your family’s Wangcai to help look over my home’s entrance! As I was fed up with taking care of the kid, I hurriedly handed him the baby in his swaddle.”3

Keith: “Old Zhang has a neighbor surnamed Wang. Old Zhang’s wife was pregnant. My question for you is what is the child’s surname?”4

Seeing this, Ning Qingqing couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

What happened to Gu Youchen? He suddenly started posting jokes in his Moments. Did he change his career to become a comedian instead of a boss?

The jokes he posted almost filled up the whole screen, some were dry humor, and some were actually quite funny.

Ning Qingqing read each of them one by one and unknowingly finished eating everything she had ordered.

When she was about to leave, she saw Gu Youchen share a video, so she clicked it.

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The video was an animation. A stuttering man queues up to register his personal information. However, because of his stuttering, as he was reporting his phone number, an 11-digit number became 27 digits. The registrant was stunned: “Don’t you have to drive a Rolls-Royce to be worthy of such a long phone number?”

Ning Qingqing couldn’t help it this time, she sat in her seat and laughed, her shoulders kept shaking.

She knew that this wasn’t very ladylike, but it really was too funny, especially the accent of the staff in the video was very funny, and the expressions of the people in the queue behind him were also quite entertaining.

She watched it twice in a row and kept laughing.

In the car, Gu Youchen looked at Ning Qingqing’s side profile, and the corners of his lips couldn’t help lifting.

Just then, the phone rang, and it was from his childhood friend Zhou Linghang: “Brother Chen, is your WeChat okay? Did it get hacked?”

Gu Youchen frowned: “What do you mean?”

Zhou Linghang declared: “I knew it wasn’t you! I don’t know which idiot stole your account and kept posting jokes! You don’t say, some of the jokes are actually pretty funny, even I couldn’t help laughing. I can tell what that idiot is trying to do, I bet he’s going to start sending fraudulent information after posting!”

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Gu Youchen’s aura instantly became cold, and he said word by word, “I sent the jokes myself.”

After that, he hung up.

His phone was still on his WeChat Moments page, so the newly added comments and likes were refreshed again.

Gu Youchen didn’t intend to pay attention, but as he was about to leave, he saw Ning Qingqing’s avatar.

Ning Qingqing liked the three jokes he posted, and commented on the last video repost: “So what exactly was his phone number?”

On the other side, Ning Qingqing also got up and went to pay the bill after posting the comment.

Gu Youchen took the initiative to give her a comment that day, so it was only polite to return the favor. In particular, she originally had a bad mood today but was cured because of Gu Youchen’s posts.

Ning Qingqing paid the bill and went back to the company.

And the black car finally left and disappeared without a trace.

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After Ning Qingqing returned to the company, she just happened to have a relatively urgent task to deal with, and after she finished it was past five o’clock in the afternoon.

She stretched her neck, picked up her phone, and conveniently glanced at her Moments.

She received a reply, which was sent by Gu Youchen. It was only a string of numbers, which happened to be an 11-digit phone number——


Ning Qingqing looked at the string of numbers suspiciously and then watched the video again.

She discovered that the number reported by the stuttering person in the video clearly had a 4 and a 6, yet this one, except for the first 182, the rest was followed by repeating digits, which seemed to be a specially selected number.

A guess filled Ning Qingqing’s mind—this couldn’t be Gu Youchen’s phone number, right?

She was taken aback by the idea, but quickly denied it. Gu Youchen is the one and only heir of the Gu family. How much is the Gu family worth and how much is he worth? How could he easily give his number to a stranger?

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Even though she thought so, Ning Qingqing couldn’t help reaching out her hand and searched on Baidu with the keyword – Gu Youchen.

As a result, the man’s basic information was displayed, and there was also his date of birth.

It was exactly: March 7th.

The author has something to say:

Brother Chen: Can’t even share his number with his wife without using some sly tricks~

Quickly save it! Quickly save it!


My guess is that since the more scores there are the more $$$ needs to be donated, scoring a lot isn’t actually encouraged; as the scoring Champion, he was responsible for most of the donations the company needed to make, so he was more worried than happy with his win. The ML played on the word “cold”: it can describe both a personality (someone heartless) and temperature./ Wangcai is a common nickname for a dog and it’s also a prosperity-wishing phrase. The thief probably thought “Wangcai” was a dog and that it successfully brought prosperity to the family so he wanted to steal it and use it as a lucky guard dog. I didn’t understand this joke; if any of you do please explain in the comments below! The original text: “老张有个邻居姓王,老张媳妇怀孕了,请问孩子姓什么”.

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