Flower Demon’s Inn

Chapter 6.2

Chapter 6.2

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Scholar knocked on the abacus and took a look at the records, “There is a sum of money in Donglin Town that was not recovered. Shao Zi, we are going out.”

She shook her head, “You go innkeeper, I want to guard the inn.”

Even if it’s going out for five to six days, she should not go. That yuan waii[1] Wang was originally zhuang yuanl[2] from town, and later moved to the next town of Donglin. This coincided with the old innkeeper selling the inn. That side was busy moving places and so had forgotten about this matter.

[1] 員外 yuán wài – Landlord according to some dictionaries online. Basically this was an employee/official position that was in the “foreign area” for whichever ruling dynasty. Another way to look at it is that it’s officials outside of the typical governmental officials under the king. A lot of ministries would employ these landlords.
[2] Top scorer in palace examination and hold highest rank of the Imperial examination system.

Footnotes are done by ChocolateCosmos from her blog called bananachocolatecosmos.

“Oh … this account is relatively large. I am a man without the strength to truss a chicken and has to run back and forth with so much money. I also have to go through the mountains. There should be no bandits, right?”

Through his clothes Shao Zi squeezed his arm. It’s obviously very sturdy but felt that his appearance was rather thin. Let’s escort him or otherwise what to do when the money become lost, “I will go back to the room to tidy up.”

Going back to the room to pack actually means going back to the room and then jumping from the window to the flower bed to instruct the demons to take good care of the house. Don’t allow any bad person to come in and steal. If there are any ghosts coming here then they must quickly stopped it and so on. At the end, Shao Zi thought of another problem. She leaned her head and asked Pa Pa, “Did the stupid Scholar went out yesterday?”

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Pa Pa conscientiously said, “No, he has been in the room.”

Shao Zi frowned, “How come he can still wake up. Was it not I who set up the boundary/barrier formation…”

Money tree[3] said, “Little lady, has the heart to remind you that Scholar is not as simple.”

[3] ChocolateCosmos’s translator note: His actual scientific name is Pachira_aquatica, but I will call him money tree for easier understanding.

Shao Zi rolled her eyes and took the luggage to the lobby. As long as the Scholar obediently guard the inn and do not play any tricks then that’s no big problem. After another two hundred years, she can keep the human form every day and can be the guardian of the inn herself with a peace of mind.

Scholar has already prepared the horse cart. Standing under the sun, the sunlight reflected on the fresh and cool face. Shao Zi secretly thought that this Scholar is in fact not too bad, but caused others to think that if a burst of wind blew, it would have blown him to the horizon [sky].

Sitting in the cart, Scholar raised the reins and lightly said “drive”. The horse cart did not move… He pondered for a moment and then raised the reins to “drive”. The horse was still looking east and west.

The corner of Shao Zi mouth twitched, “Do not tell me you don’t know how to drive/whip…”

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Scholar was slightly helpless and said, “I really do not.”

Usually… Usually he does not take something slow as the cart, what’s good…

Shao Zi wanted to kick him to the ground. She angrily took the rope, “Let me!”

Scholar was very pleased, “Shao Zi, you really are a reliable partner.”

Shao Zi silently raised the middle finger toward him, clearly you are too unreliable of a person.

Shao Zi raised her middle finger to aggregator sites who steal bananachocolatecosmos’s translations!

Thus, the people in the town saw the scene of the innkeeper of Tong Fu inn sitting lightly on the side while the pretty small female waiter has to pull the cart with hard work. Cannot help feeling sorrow as this innkeeper really does not understand “to have tender, protective feelings for the opposite sex (idiom)” and used great efforts to exploit the labor force of another ah.

Donglin town is not far, but had to go through two rugged mountain paths. Sometimes there would be bandits’ interception on the mountains; claiming the ground saying that this tree was planted by them and this path was opened by them. After that, they would easily robbed a large sum of money back to enjoy. Shao Zi detests these people bitterfly, but the thing was that she does not plan on taking action. She intended to wait for Scholar to showo[his skills].

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As a result after crossing over one mountain path, the usual bandits that formed gangs, not a single person appeared!

Translations belong to ChocolateCosmos.

The two peacefully crossed the mountain and the sky grew darker. It’s time to look for an inn to stay. The two stayed in two rooms adjacent to one another. Shao Zi put down the luggage carefully and right away heard the creaking sounds of “zhi zhi, ya ya” from the next room. Scholar came over to discuss over tomorrow’s journey. Shao Zi asked, “How come next door is so noisy?

Scholar stopped to hear, zhiezhieyaeya …zhi zhi ya ya… He raised to his hands to cover Shao Zi’s ears “Indecent does not look, indecent does not hear. I will switch room with you.”

Shao Zi looked at him who had a suspicious face and moved his hands, “No,I’m going to sleep. Innkeeper quickly return to your room.”

Scholar was disappointed and looked at her, “Fine.” Finally poured her a cup of tea, “All day and have not drank tea, feeling thirsty.”fudgeyouaggregatorsites,youstealers

Shao Zi licked her lips and felt a bit thirsty. She took the cup and tilted back to drink. Ow! Stomach immediately burned up again. Sniffing the cup, it’s really is tea and not wine.

It’s truly difficult to finally shoo away the long-winded Scholar to go to his room. Shao Zi hugged the flower pot in the room and carefully spread legs on the bed, ready to spend the night with this regular small flower pot. Her bed was next to the wall and heard the bed from next door squeaking quite loudly.aIf pressed ears to carefully listen, it seemed as though someone’s mouth was blocked and cannot shout.

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Shao Zi brought down the thought of not meddling into someone’s business and a bit after would crawled out from the pot. Basically there was no peace of mind ah.

Walked quietly on tiptoe from the window that she jumped, she went to poke a hole into the window paper of the next room. She looked inside to immediately see one man and one female tied next to a round table. Their outfits were lavish and on the head of the female was a silver hairpin placed. Their mouths were stuffed with a large cloth into dumpling. She [Shao Zi] was about to open the window, but saw the door opened and the innkeeper of this inn e[the one they were staying in]e along with the waiters stepped in.

The female innkeeper stepped toward and pulled out the female’s headdress. She tossed to the waiter on the side. She curled her lips and said, “Everyone would say that opening an inn will make good money, but this was not a lot compared to when we were bandits on the mountains. Every day have to display a smile. This old lady is fed up.”

The waiter with the crooked back laughed, “Zhailzhu [tribal boss], if not to escaped those soldiers chasing, wait for the situation to get better, and we will return.”

Shao Zi held her breath and retreated her head. No wonder there were no bandits on the road. It’s because they were scared of the official capturing them and hide here to open up an inn that kills and robs guests.”

“Zhai zhu, the two people who stayed here today, what will we do with them? Looking at them, no meat or oil [profit] ya.”

“That man is good-looking. Let me take him back to force him to be Zhai [tribe]’s bride. As for the woman, sell her and use the money for you guys to drink.”

“Zhai zhu’s wise!”stupid thieves from aggregator sites who steal this translations. 

Shao Zi grew angry and wanted to teach them a lesson. Scholar is the innkeeper of Tong Fu inn. How can he be captured and become the tribe’s bride. Shao Zi is the first person to not agree to that okay! When she just stood up, she heard the voice of the waiter coming closer. The window screeched as it opened, “Let’s us go from here to them and kill them so that they have no time to react.” Shao Zi could not avoid it and window slammed “bang” into her face. Her face started getting red and she could see stars…

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