Flowers for the Forest Beasts

Chapter Afterword


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It’s been a while. This is Kimito Kogi. It’s been precisely a year since my last release.
Now then, the idea for this story came to me more than three years ago. Back when I had yet to make my professional debut, I got hooked on this game called Etrian Odyssey.

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That game has this young-girl type monster that’s half-plant half vegetation called Alraune. The first time I encountered that monster, I thought, ‘What’s with this girl, she’s so cute!’
(TL: Wait, what?)
The Alraune is all alone in the depths of a see of trees. When a human finally comes all the way, she attacks them without question. There’s no way she could make any friends like that. And so, until the day some highly skilled adventurer defeats her, she lives without letting her heart go to anyone. How heartrending. How fleeting.

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If the Alraune met a young boy, and had some opportunity, by just a bit of chance, if she let that boy live—what would happen?
That is the origin of Flowers for the Forest Beasts.
And the months pass by, I had my ups and downs, but I finally completed this work and delivered it to you. I truly am deeply moved. I offer my deepest respects to the game that gave me this idea.
And Soto-san who drew such beautiful illustrations, I really am grateful.

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Roselyne is a magic beast, she can grow vines from her back, and she eats blood-dripping meat raw. To put it in words, the heroine may be a bit close to the danger zone. But thanks to Soto-san’s illustrations, Roselyne is cute, it’s alright, everyone understands you. Hooray for illustrations. Hooray for Soto-san.
You may be coming last, but of course, I offer all readers my sincerest gratitude.
To those who have already read the main story, thank you ever so kindly. Are there many of you who are reading one of my works for the first time? If so, I hope you’ll stick with me next time.

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For those who are holding the book, but are still thinking over whether to buy it or not, why don’t you bring it up to the register? When my books don’t sell, it’s a matter of life or death. Please cooperate so I’ll be able to put out my next book. Seriously.
Well then, earnestly praying we can meet again—

April 2012
Kimito Kogi

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