“Onii-san. hee~, you’re surprisingly muscular, aren’t you…? hehe~.”

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 You may be surprised to know that I’m currently in the bathroom with my little sister’s friend.

 I was not expecting this turn of events, even though I supposedly started a trial relationship with her today.


 However, Shiori-chan is wearing a school swimsuit, and I am wearing a pair of sea pants that I bought earlier. So we were not completely naked.


 Shiori-chan looked at my body as if she was licking me and she let out a voice that was not like a girl’s. Now Shiori-chan seemed a bit perverted.


“Abs, abs…!!!” [TLN: Oh no, she has a muscle fetish or something like that.]

“No, it’s not that big of a deal, you know. It’s just that I can’t stand it when people are that interested in me.”


 I just do some muscle training, but it’s nothing serious. I’m not sure if I have any cracks or not.

 Shiori-chan slackens her cheeks and reaches for my abdomen.


“Guhehe~. It’s okay if I touch you a little, right?”

“No, you can’t, Shiori-chan.”

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t help feeling that I’m in danger, seeing you like this.”


 Normally, you wouldn’t take a candy bar from a suspicious person.

 In the same way, letting Shiori-chan touch my stomach was a dangerous act.


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“…I’ll be gentle.”

“That smile is making me even more anxious.”

“Let’s call it an exchange then. You can touch my br**sts and you’ll let me touch your abs.”

“That’s not the point!” 

“Would you rather have my @ss?”

“Seriously, that’s not the point… I mean, it’s a bath, right? Let’s just get it over with.”


 I’ve been in the bathroom for a while, but I’m getting sidetracked.

 I want to finish what I have to do quickly and get out of this bizarre space.


“You’re right. I’m sorry, I was so distraught because Onii-san had such a good body. Now, Onii-san, please sit down on that chair over there.”

“Uhn, after you…”


 As Shiori-chan urged me, I sat down on the bath chair. Shiori-chan gave me the right to wash my hair first. As soon as I reached for the shower,


“Oops, what are you doing, Onii-san?”


 Shiori-chan grabbed my right wrist and interrupted me.


“Eh? I was just trying to get out of the shower.”

“What was I supposed to do while you were doing that?”

“No, I don’t know… Normally, we don’t take a bath at the same time.”

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 It’s not like we’re in a public bath, so we usually take a bath one at a time. There was only one shower, and one of us had to be on his or her own.


 However, Shiori-chan didn’t seem to think so, and her mouth relaxed.


“I’ll wash Onii-san’s hair. That way, one of us won’t have too much time on our hands.”

“No, I think it’s fine if one of us has too much time on our hands.”

“Ahaha~, that’s funny, Onii-san.”

“There’s nothing funny about it.”

“Anyway, I’ll take care of it. I’m good at washing hair.”

“…No, but………… Okay. Then I’ll leave it to you, Shiori-chan.”


 If we keep talking like this, it will only lead to a parallel exchange. [TLN: parallel exchange, in other words, it’s a conversation/exchange that won’t reach a conclusion because they are parallel, and parallel lines are lines that will never interchange.]


 It’s hard to believe that Shiori-chan will back down in the middle of the conversation, so it’s better to make up my mind here. At a hair salon, you would have a female staff member wash your hair, right? I’ve never been to a hair salon, so I wouldn’t know.


“Hai~. Well then, leave it to me, I’ll make Onii-san feel good.”



 Shiori-chan’s enthusiasm for washing my hair was a little off-putting, but I’m sure she meant nothing by it. She clasped her hands together and started the shower.


 I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to Shiori-chan.


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 It’s not every day that I get the chance to have someone else wash my hair. It’s usually the time when I go to the local barbershop and have my hair washed by a man who’s close to his 60s.

 This was my first time to have my hair washed by a girl of the opposite sex… and a person younger than me.


 A mixture of fear of the unknown and curiosity made me cower.

 It wasn’t long before Shiori-chan’s hand touched my scalp.


 She adjusted the direction of the shower and let the hot water soak into my hair.

 It felt different from what I usually do. She carefully massaged my scalp with just the right amount of pressure.


 Once she stopped the shower, she put some shampoo in her hands and started lathering it on my head.


“Onii-san, do you have any itchy spots?”

“I don’t think so. Moreover, I don’t think I’ll be able to answer well even if I have an itch.”

“That’s true. Even if I had an itch, I’d be reluctant to answer.”


 Shiori-chan giggled and took out the shower to wash off the shampoo. Then she took her hands out of my hair and let out a satisfied exhale.


“Thanks… Shiori-chan.”


 It felt good to have my hair washed by Shiori-chan, even though it was half forced.

 While I thanked her, Shiori-chan tilted her head with a nonchalant expression.


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“Eh? I’m not done yet, Onii-san. I still have to put the treatments in.”

“No, I don’t usually use treatments, so I’m fine.”

“Nothing’s okay. The treatment protects your hair. You should take good care of your hair.”

“Even if you say so…”

“Anyway, Onii-san, please just sit there. I’ll take care of everything.”



 I did as I was told to and sat back in my chair.


 After that, I just sat there until Shiori-chan finished the treatment.

 After my hair was washed, I was released, and I quickly stood up from my chair.


“Thank you, that’s all for now…”

“No, what are you talking about Onii-san? I’m going to wash your body now. I’m not done yet.”


 Shiori-chan said this as a matter of fact, as if it was natural.

 She had a body towel in her hand.


“No, my body is a bit…”

“Don’t be shy, Onii-san.”


 It’s not that I’m shy or anything, but…

 I was desperately trying to figure out how to get through this situation.

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