“Shiori-chan… I have to go to work now, so…”

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“No, I don’t want Onii-san to leave. Why don’t you just skip your part-time job?”

“No, I can’t. It’s not school… No, I can’t skip school either.”

“If Onii-san goes to his part-time job, how am I supposed to spend my time without you?”


 Yesterday has passed, and right now is a new day.

 I was putting on my shoes at the entrance to go to the family restaurant where I work part-time.


 All I have to do right now is leave, but Shiori-chan has been grabbing my clothes and blocking my way.

 I could shake her off if I wanted to, but I didn’t want to force the issue.


 Shiori-chan puffs air into her small cheeks and makes a miffed expression.

 I scratched my hair and smiled at her.


“Why don’t we just follow the same procedure as the day before yesterday? The day before yesterday, I was at my part-time job, and Shiori-chan was alone at that time, right?”

“That’s true, but the situation is different now than it was back then. At that time, Onii-san and I were not yet lovers, but now we are. For me now, a boyfriend is like oxygen. If I’m not near you, I’ll die.”

“T-That’s tough…”

“Oh, you don’t believe me, Onii-san, you’re even abandoning the tsukkomi!”

“No, I’ll be late and I will be in trouble if I take it easy. Can I go now?”

“I told you already, I don’t want you to leave. Do you think there are girlfriends who just sit back and watch their boyfriends go to work?”

“That’s probably the majority of the girls who are in a relationship, yes.”

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 I smiled bitterly and began to ponder on what I should do.

 Even though there is still plenty of time before the start of my part-time job, I’m afraid I’ll be seriously late if I’m not careful.


 How should I shake off Shiori-chan…? A moment later, as I was thinking about it.

 The memory of yesterday’s call with Yuzu flashed through my mind.


 Last night, Yuzu taught me how to deal with Shiori-chan.


 It’s a secret technique to control Shiori-chan, who seems to be reckless in some way. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to put it into practice, but I think I’m going to have to take a chance and try it out.


 Shiori-chan stares at me with an upturned gaze, and then begins to speak with a grudge.


“Onii-san, which is more important to you, your work or me─”

“It’s Shiori-chan.”


 I gently hugged Shiori-chan.

 I hadn’t put much effort into it, just a hand on her back, but since we were almost zero distance apart, I could feel her body heat even through her clothes.


 Shiori-chan’s voice trailed off. Her white skin was quickly turning red.


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 It had been so noisy earlier, but now it was so quiet that it was almost deserted.

 It seemed that what Yuzu had said was true.


“Shiori-chan becomes quiet when you give her a hug. That’s all it takes to make her obedient, so I think she’ll listen to you to a certain extent. It’s not the same for everyone, but I think Onii-chan will probably do well.”


 That’s what Yuzu had told me last night.

 I did as she said and gave her a hug, which was surprisingly effective.


 She’s not used to hugging, even though she’s been sticking to me without any embarrassment.

 I’m not used to it either, but I’m surprisingly able to keep my cool because of Shiori-chan’s bright red face.


“Can you wait quietly until I get back from my part-time job?”


“Okay then, I’m going now.”

“H-Have a good day.”


 She obediently listened to me, as if the conversation we just had earlier was a lie.

 I gently patted Shiori-chan’s head and opened the front door.


 I waved lightly at Shiori-chan’s red-faced pouting face and headed off to my part-time job.


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“…E-Etto, what’s up, Nishiyama?”


 I’ve been working part-time for a while now, and after changing in the changing room, I went out to the break room.

 The first thing that happened was that Nishiyama Aoi─ a junior employee at my part-time job, called me by my name, but the unusual way she called me made my cheeks twitch obliquely.


 It was a relief that there were no other employees nearby.


“Heh, that’s strange. My assumption was that you would turn red right here.”

“Of course not. That’s obviously the case.”

“Well, you know, Junpei-senpai, you’re a little sister moe, right? After all, you made your girlfriend call you ‘Onii-san’.”

“Didn’t I already explain it properly last time!? I’m not a little sister moe! Stop making me into a siscon type of character!”


 When I denied it with a change of tone, Nishiyama’s expression hardened.

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 She was staring at me with a stern look in her eyes. I wondered why she had to look at me like that.


“Or rather, what do you want from me? Nishiyama, it’s still work time, right?”

“Oh, that’s right. Actually, I have a favor to ask Junpei-senpai.”

“What do you want?”

“Yes, actually, I have an urgent matter to attend to, and I can’t make the next shift.”

“Until what time?”

“Until 18:00.”


 Eighteen o’clock. Well, that’s less than two hours away.

 I look up from my watch and make eye contact with Nishiyama.


“It’s okay. I’ll take your place.”

“Thank you very much. Junpei-senpai, I love you!”


“I’m going home first then. In return, I will listen to one thing Junpei-senpai says next time. Even if it’s something sexually explicit.”

“Wha-!? Don’t be silly, just go home.”



 Nishiyama hurriedly went into the changing room and prepared to leave.

 With a faint blush on my cheeks, I redoubled my efforts to get ready for my extended part-time job.

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