After my part-time job, I immediately went back home.

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 As I thought when I was entering our house, I couldn’t find Yuzu’s shoes at the door.


 I wondered if she had gone shopping, but there was no way she would stay out this late at night.


 Even if she was going out to play, would she just leave Shiori-chan alone at home?


 When I entered the living room, I found only Shiori-chan there and no sign of Yuzu.


“Welcome back Onii-san, thanks for your hardwork in your part-time job.”

“Oh, yes. Shiori-chan, is Yuzu out somewhere?”


 When I asked, Shiori-chan showed a puzzled expression.

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“Eh? Didn’t you know that Yuzu-chan is going to Osaka today on an excursion for club activities?”

“Ha? ….Excursion?”


 I felt like I had been fooled by a cat.

 No, I think I heard about it a while ago.


 She had an excursion coming up soon, so she’ll be gone for a week.


 Eh? Wait a minute? Then─


“─So, it’s just me and Onii-san at home right now.”

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 Shiori-chan told me a fact that I couldn’t believe my ears, and I was immersed in ice on the spot. Wait, wait, wait, wait. What the hell is going on here?


“I’m going to leave my stuff in my room.”

“Oh, yes.”


 I left the living room to confirm the fact with Yuzu.


 As soon as I returned to my room, I called Yuzu at the speed of light, and after a few calls, I heard a cheerful voice over my phone.


“What’s wrong, Onii-chan, calling at this hour?”

“What’s the matter with you!? Why are you on an excursion!?”

“’Why’ you say, of course it’s to become better!”

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“I don’t want to talk about that right now! Why are you letting Shiori-chan stay at our house when Yuzu is not home? Didn’t you know that it would be just me and Shiori-chan?”


 For the third time in a row, my parents are on a business trip, and I don’t have any siblings besides Yuzu.


“Eh? I told you yesterday, didn’t I? I told you yesterday to take care of her. And then Onii-chan said, ‘Oh, okay.’ That’s why I thought you’d agreed to do it.”

“No, that’s not right! That was only because I agreed to let Shiori-chan stay at our house…”

“─Ah, sorry Onii-chan, the coach is here so I’ll have to hang up.”

“Ah, oi!”


 The call was forcibly terminated by Yuzu’s hand. I dropped my arm helplessly. Seriously? What am I going to do about this situation?


 It’s a week before Yuzu comes back from her excursion. I can’t force her to go home, and first of all, I don’t think Yuzu will agree.

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 The best thing to do would be to send Shiori-chan home, but she’s staying at our place because she doesn’t want to go home in the first place. I don’t know if she’ll agree to it.


 Well, I don’t think anything will happen between Shiori-chan and me, but…


 I thought about it for a while, then came to a conclusion and went back to the living room.






Editor’s Afterword: UUUUUUUOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


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