“…I like you, Onii-san.”

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 Clasping my hands in hers, Shiori-chan told me straight away that she liked me.

 I was stunned, but Shiori-chan continued.


“I like you. I love you, Onii-san.”

“U-Umm… T-Thank you…”

“Do you understand what that means?”

“Y-You mean fraternally, I guess.”

“Onii-san and I are not exactly what you’d call friends, are we?”

“T-That’s… Well, yes.”

“Just so you know, I’m not going to let you get away with being insensitive, Onii-san.”

“…Ugh, I-I’m sorry…”


 She smiled at me affectionately, and my heart jumped with pride.

 I can’t stop the cold sweat from breaking out as she sees right through me… I’ve been exposed.


 I know it’s rude and disgusting to pretend not to notice when someone likes you.

 But the situation at hand still stands. I wanted to avoid talking about romance as long as we were living together temporarily.


 But I guess I can’t do that anymore.


“No need to apologize, I knew Onii-san didn’t see me as a partner for romantic interest. I knew he didn’t have a pulse when he pretended not to notice me even after I made such a blatant appeal.”

“Ugh… Eh, umm…”


 I gently averted my gaze and swam my black eyes from side to side. Everything was exposed… I wonder if I am that easy to understand.


“But I love Onii-san. I can’t give up that easily.”


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 Shiori-chan leans forward and closes the distance between us. Her face is small and beautiful. Her eyes and nose are very clear and clean for a middle school student.


 Even if she’s a middle school student, the opposite sex is still the opposite sex. I can’t help but to be flustered when someone puts their face so close to mine.

 I blushed and averted my gaze as if to escape.


“So, I’m going to go all out and attack Onii-san. I’ll make you see me as a love interest.”


“…… Are you serious?”

“Yes. I’m declaring war on you, Onii-san♡.”


 Shiori-chan’s mouth loosened as she held up her index finger.


“Before you start, can I make a quick suggestion?”

“Eh, ah, yes.”

 Maybe it’s because I’m so dumbfounded, but I can’t give a good answer. I’m a little bit creeped out right now.


 Shiori-chan smiled at me and made a proposal.


“Will you make me your girlfriend just this once?”



 I opened my mouth wide.

 I thought Shiori-chan understood that I didn’t see her as a romantic interest. 


“Please make me Onii-san’s girlfriend on a trial basis.”

“Trial basis huh…”

“A trial is a trial. It’s like a free period of subs. You can try going out with me and then reconsider whether you can see me as a love interest. Oh, and if you find someone else you like while you’re dating me, then you can change your mind.”

“No, you can’t do that. You can’t sell yourself short like that.”

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“I’m not selling myself cheaply, it’s a plan only for Onii-san. By the way, as long as you’re okay with it Onii-san, you can register right away.”


 Smiling amiably, Shiori-chan made an outrageous proposal.


 We’ll go out on a trial basis. If I find someone else I like, I can switch. It’s so insincere.


 By the way, I think the term “real registration” here means a formal relationship.


“I’m sorry but, I can’t do that─”

“…Ugh… Uuu… *sniff.”

“Eh, wait, Shiori-chan? If you look like you’re about to cry like that, I can’t stand it.”

“T-That’s because…Uuu~”


 Shiori-chan’s expression clouded when I tried to refuse her proposal to go out with her on a trial basis.

 She bites her bottom lip sweetly and starts to cry louchely. She looked as if she was about to start crying, which made me feel frustrated. [TLN: How dare you make Shiori-chan cry man, this is unforgivable.]


 I didn’t expect such an expression from her.


“─Do you really hate going out with me that much?”


 While I was confused, Shiori-chan looked up at me.

 I couldn’t look Shiori-chan in the eye anymore.


“It’s not that I don’t like it.”

“If that’s the case…”

“But a trial… that’s just…”

“If you’re worried about the trial, you should just go out with me officially.”

“That’s not how it works.”

“Ugh… I knew Onii-san didn’t want to go out with me…”

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 She sniffled and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes again. I don’t think I can keep my mental strength anymore.


 Shiori-chan puts red ink on my cheeks and grasps my hands in hers.

 She leaned forward and stared into my eyes.


“In any case, it’s still no? I wanna be Onii-san’s girlfriend.”




“Please, I beg of you.”




 What should I do?

 Shiori-chan, she’s coming at me really hard.


 To be honest, I don’t feel uncomfortable with her expressing her love for me so openly. A middle school student and a high school student. I feel like there’s a bigger barrier than the age difference between them… I wonder if it’s truly okay.


 Well, it wouldn’t be a man to say no after being told so much. In fact, and I’ll say it again, I just don’t see her as a partner for romantic interest, probably because I perceive her as a friend of Yuzu. If this continues, I doubt I’ll ever see her as a love interest in the future either.


 If that’s the case…


 I swallowed my gullet and stared back into Shiori-chan’s eyes.


“Are you sure you want to try this out?”


“So, do you want to go out with me for a while?”

“Yes. By all means!”

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 Shiori-chan burst into a smile. It was a big change from the gloomy expression she had just had.


 Is it possible that she was acting until just now? The tears that were threatening to overflow have already receded. This is the crying drop that I’ve heard about… No, it’s not good to doubt.


 As I was reflecting on this in my mind, Shiori-chan left her seat. She sat down next to me.


“…Erm, Shiori-chan?”

“I was able to become Onii-san’s girlfriend, albeit on a trial basis. I have the right to make out with you, right?”


 Then, without waiting for me to reply, Shiori-chan wrapped her arms around me.


“Eh, so sudden…”

“Ehehe~ Onii-san♡”

“Wait, Shiori-chan…”


 I was confused, but Shiori-chan didn’t care and increased the degree of closeness. Eventually, she leaned her head on my shoulder.


 It’s not only the smell of shampoo, but also the unique scent of girls that pervades the nose. It’s very stimulating…


 However, for a while, Shiori-chan did not leave me.






Translator’s Afterword: Although I never experienced something like this, as an older brother with a younger sister, if something like this happens to me, I will actually act like the MC. Normally, that’s how one would act whether you’re a male or a female especially if they’re of a mature way of thinking. Only those who would say otherwise would be a bit childish driven by emotions quickly. That’s just my take, feel free to disagree with me on the comments or stuff.

Also, please help Matsu reach his Ko-Fi goal of buying a new cellphone that he’ll be using for editing all the series we’re working on. The one he’s currently using is quite trippy and would be of big help if he ever reaches it!

(Useless info, Matsu might’ve died out of Shiori-chan’s aggression that’s why he didn’t have an afterword now kek)

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