For You In The Cage

Chapter 105

Episode 105: Break the Cage (V)

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Yulif lightly tapped with his right foot. The powerful magic that spread from his toes jumped over the audience room and began to cover the entire palace. A blue aura erupted from Yulif’s body. Everyone fell to their knees at the enormous intimidation felt from him, who showed his true side as a transcendent. Without a single exception.

“However, I did not communicate with the empress. It’s your delusion, your conjecture, your conspiracy.”

“Lies. Move it. Move! Yulif is trying to kill me. We must kill Yulif before that! Come on, kill the duke. Hurry!”

“There is no need for an emperor who does not take care of his country and his people. You are not the emperor, who has neglected his duties as an emperor because of madness.”

Kwaaaaaaah! A great shout was heard from outside. It was the shout of the Allied Forces moved by Yulif as they marched toward the main palace like a tidal wave. When the sense of intimidation relaxed, some of the knights rushed out of the audience to stop the Allied Forces.

With this as a signal, the audience room became chaotic, with the nobles trying to escape and the knights blocking them. Yulif looked at them with unimpressed eyes and then turned to Deltinus. Deltinus was lying on the floor, shaking his head.

“I will kill you and usher in a new era.”

A new era for his bird, which was confined in a cage for almost the entirety of her first life.

Yulif drew the sword made by combining his magical powers, and brought it towards Deltinus’ neck.

There was a scream and splashes of blood. But it wasn’t Deltinus who fell to the floor. It was a knight in silver-white armor engraved with the coat of arms of the Elemian imperial family. Yulif looked up as his armor was soaked in blood, and then narrowed his eyes. Deltinus, who sacrificed the knight, was leaving the audience surrounded by his knights and wizards.

Yulif was not in a hurry. After all, the entire Imperial Palace was his domain. A few knights rushed at him as he walked behind Deltinus, but they were all thrown away by an invisible force. After repeating this three times, no one tried to stop him anymore.

The hallway in front of the audience was empty. But at the end of the hallway, he found the edge of the hem of a robe that was quickly disappearing. Yulif looked out the window. Unlike the quiet inside, the battle between the Allied Forces and the Imperial Army was in full swing outside. However, the numerical and qualitative differences were too great. The battle would soon be over, and the Allied Forces would occupy the main palace.

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Yulif squeezed his hand. Again, there was no feeling. He flicked his fingers lightly. After a while, Derek appeared, almost as if out of nowhere.

“Everyone else has disappeared, I’m the only one left. Huu… I was worried because I thought that I had been abandoned… Oh, my Lord, you’re bleeding again.”

Yulif casually wiped his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. His handkerchief became soaked and heavy. 

‘I can’t even smell anymore.’

“Soon the Allied Forces will enter the interior. Upon entering, the first thing to do is find Duke Theodore and the empress in the dungeon. And protect them.”

“Lord, where are you going?”

“I have to catch the emperor. Go.”

Yulif tapped Derek’s shoulder and quickly followed Deltinus’ trail. Not long after, Yulif was standing in front of the door of a tightly closed room. Deltinus was beyond this door. And this room was the room of the crown prince, Lucian.

An ominous feeling crossed my mind. Yulif broke the door with magic. Immediately, he frowned at the sight that caught his eye.

“Wah, wah, Uncle…!”

Deltinus was holding Lucian hostage. Lucian, trapped in Deltinus’ arm, wept. Yulif clicked his tongue low at the indecent behavior that never deviated from expectations.

“Do you want to live in exchange for your child’s life?”

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“I am the emperor! Everyone must protect the emperor under any circumstances. Why? Because I am the empire itself. If this body collapses, the empire will also collapse! It’s enough if a new child is born again.”

“How many more people have to be sacrificed to save you, who are not even worth as much as an insect.”

Deltinus’ eyes were filled with blood. A bug? The noble and supreme body, the highest in the empire… a bug? His arm wrapped around Lucian’s neck, and strength entered. Lucian’s face turned red, unable to breathe.

“Ugh, uncle. It’s okay, I’m fine…!”

“Shut up, shut up… Shut up, shut up, shut up! I am the king! I am the master of the empire. The worms are you guys. You guys are the ones who can’t get off the floor even after struggling for the rest of their lives!”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness. I will save you now.”

“Don’t come near me! If you move even one step there, I will kill him. Even if I go, I won’t be alone, so the road won’t be lonely!”

Deltinus, full of madness, pointed the dagger near Lucian’s throat. Life mixed with madness suffocated his entire body. Frightened by the stark murder he had felt for the first time in his life, Lucian tightly closed his eyes. His father was sincere. Seriously try to kill him. The terrifying words of just giving birth to another prince echoed in his ears.

If he dies, who will protect his mother and grandfather? Lucian opened his closed eyes. A trusted uncle who looked exactly like his father, but with a completely different soul, was looking at him. When their eyes met, the uncle nodded slowly. Lucian, who had gained courage, bit Deltinus’ arm which was wrapped around his neck with all his might.

“How dare you, even the prince despises me!”

Taking advantage of the moment his arm was released, Lucian escaped from Deltinus and ran to Yulif. In response, Deltinus threw a dagger. The tip of his sharp sword brushed past Lucian’s leg. The boy let out a short scream and fell to the floor.

“I don’t need a prince who doesn’t even recognize his father. Kill! Kill him!”

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The hesitant knights were forced to draw their swords at the angry voice of Deltinus’. While Yulif looked at the flashing blades, Deltinus pulled something out of his arms. It contained an old, well-refined magic power. Yulif’s eyes narrowed.

‘God’s blessing.’

It was an ancient magic tool that was passed down from the first emperor and that only the emperor could use once. It was designed to be used in times of great crisis in the empire, and with God’s protection, it was possible to move through space regardless of any restrictions. Deltinus was about to use such a precious magic tool now.

Yulif, who had used all of his magical power to block the Imperial Palace and move the Allied Forces, had to choose. Will they stop the emperor or save Lucian? Lucian grabbed his leg and lowered his head as if he had sensed his destiny. It happened almost at the same time that Yulif and Deltinus, who were looking at his trembling little back, disappeared.

“It’s okay.”

A lukewarm warmth enveloped Lucian. Lucian raised his head. Yulif, as always, approached Lucian with his faintly tender eyes. The surroundings were quiet. The knights who had pointed their swords at Lucian fell to the floor and did not move. ‘My uncle saved me.’ Tears welled up from the eyes of the relieved child.

“Uncle, uncle.”

“The emperor is not around. Rest assured.”

Yulif healed the wounds on Lucian’s leg. He wiped away the child’s tears and straightened out the messy hair. The shivering child cried out in surprise.

“Uncle, you are bleeding!”

Yulif, who was about to take out his handkerchief, was embarrassed. He didn’t have a handkerchief because he had used it earlier. Then Lucian held out a white handkerchief. It was a handkerchief embroidered by Estella herself. Yulif raised the handkerchief to his face and helped Lucian up.

“Do you know the secret passage?”

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“Yes. I know.”

“Go through the passage to the room of the empress. Wait a little bit there, and Her Majesty the Empress will come.”

“What about Uncle? Aren’t we going together? You seem very injured. You keep bleeding.”

“Don’t mind me and go.”

Lucian opened the secret passageway hidden behind the bookshelf. As he entered the entrance, he kept looking back to see if Yulif was all right. As Yulif nodded his head, the anxious-faced child disappeared into the darkness. The passageway that swallowed the child closed as if nothing had happened.

‘The blood doesn’t stop.’

The uncontrollable magical power within his body ran wild like a monster. Yulif drew a magic circle with the blood that was inevitably flowing. Using blood as a medium was the last resort of a wizard who had run out of magic.

There was only one place Deltinus could go to. Before activating the magic circle, Derek came in with the Allied knights. It seemed that Derek had left the empress and Duke Theodore to someone else and went looking for the prince.


“The prince went to the detached palace. Please head there.”

A light flashed from the magic circle. Derek clenched his fists when he noticed the black blood on the floor.

Ame: There’s a new announcement that you might want to check out.

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