For You In The Cage

Chapter 111

Episode 111: Salvation (IV)

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Her mother always told her that she must not show her abilities to others. Her ability was very special and precious, so many people would covet it. It’s an ability that she would have to sacrifice her life for, so no matter what, she shouldn’t use it too much.

When she was young, she didn’t really understand. The words ‘life’, ‘price’, and ‘ability’ were just as difficult and unfamiliar as the languages ​​of other worlds. But as she grew older, her mother detailed her own abilities and the legend of a ‘golden bird of escape’.

The ability to give her life to make a person immortal, neither aging nor dying.

It was a great ability that she had never heard of anywhere, but it didn’t feel right. When she heard the story, she wasn’t an adult, and she didn’t know the feeling of love yet. She didn’t even know what death was. The death of the best and most precious mother in the world was far in the future.

She must save her mother before her mother dies. That was what she thought to herself. The expression on her mother’s face that explains her abilities looked so sad. It felt like she was about to cry.


Canaren stroked Yulif’s pale, cold cheeks. This person had been living with a very heavy and heavy burden. His twin was a terrible curse handed down from birth. What was it like to see a brother push you into the lake with obvious murderous intentions? Before he became an adult, he had to travel all kinds of battlefields to deal with monsters or get rid of something.

Also. How much regret, sorrow, pain and self-blame he had before he decided to turn back time and throw everything away to save her. Seeing her clinging on, wanting him to love her without knowing anything… how must it be?

‘How many nights did youI cry alone in pain?’

“You don’t have to do that anymore.”

Blood, like melted gold, dripped down her arm and wet Yulif’s lips. Even though there was a deep wound on her arm, it didn’t hurt at all, it wasn’t painful. Canaren hugged Yulif affectionately with her other arm and closed her eyes. Her wings fluttered like a pat on Yulif’s shoulder.

“It’s weird, right? It’s really sad, but I’m also really happy. I wondered why I had to do this to you… I’m so happy to think that Yulif felt the same way as me. I hate you, but you’re much more lovely than that.”

Canaren recalled the last words Yulif said. She shouldn’t sacrifice herself because of me. That was why Yulif desperately tried to hide his death. He already knew her ability. He would have tried to hide it to the end in case she came out to save his dead self. He didn’t even want her to see his body, so that she could never sacrifice herself.

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“You are half right and half wrong.”

As he predicted, she would use her powers. But she would not make him immortal in exchange for her life. Then he would be left alone without her and live forever. He couldn’t turn back time anymore. It would be better to die than live the countless days and nights with her with remorse and regret.

‘I don’t want to make you like that. I want you to be happy. I know now that I have to be by your side to do that. Because I…   Because I don’t have the confidence to live the time without you.’

So what would happen if she fed Yulif the right amount of blood? With enough power to make one immortal, it might also be possible to save the dying. It was an ability to resist the constraints of time, so it might work. No, it must work.

‘I’ll give you half of my time. So, Yulif. live with me.’

‘If you die, I will die too. There’s no meaning to being alone.’

“Yulif, wake up. Wake up and listen to me. There are so many things I want to tell you. Yes?”

Canaren whispered in his ear and began to sing. As soft as a melody, as sweet as her voice, blood seeped into Yulif’s slowly hardening heart.


“No matter how hard it is. It was too much to bring in another woman.”

Her slender fingers tapped his forehead as if scolding him. Her white fingers were stained with her blood. The blood on her finger left a small mark on Yulif’s forehead. Yulif felt nothing, but he just smiled. He thought she was smiling, so he smiled along.

In an abyss deeper than the abyss, a vision of Canaren awaited him. Canaren, who he couldn’t save, had her wings ripped off by Deltinus, poison flowing from her mouth, and scars and wounds all over her body.

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Yulif hugged her. She embraced Yulif and led her into the depths. Although knowing that she was an illusion of death, Yulif did not resist.

‘Yes. Free Canaren. Instead take me. Let her be happy. She’s been in a lot of pain. It hurts so much.’

“Do you really think so?”

At the end of the dark and empty abyss, Canaren, who placed Yulif’s head on her thigh, asked. Yulif opened her eyes and looked at her. There was an infinitely benevolent smile on her elegant face.

“Do you think she would be happy without you?”

‘I should. I can’t be with her anyway. My time is over.’

“You are a strong person. There’s nothing you couldn’t do. Even turning back time. However, there is also a side of giving up that is strangely quick. Why?”

She tilted her face with a genuinely puzzled look. He was giving up quickly? It was the first time he heard such a thing. When Yulif responded bluntly, she smiled again.

“I mean. I wished you would follow more persistently. Hold my hand, hug me tight, kiss me, and more…”

‘Stop. Stop teasing me.’

“Do I look like I’m teasing you? I mean it. You’re too serious. Try moving your body rather than your head sometimes. You’ll like it.”

Canaren, who laughed a little, tapped his shoulder. ‘Yulif, wake up!’  Up there, far away, a clear sound echoed. Yulif rose as if possessed by the voice. Canaren’s vision from behind embraced him with all her might.

“I am saved by you. From the moment you asked if I was okay. It was the emperor who killed me, not you. So don’t be sad anymore.”

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‘Canaren, I…’

“You need to go to her and tell her the next thing. It’s time for me to go, too. Goodbye, Yulif. My savior.”

Canaren pushed his back. At that moment, wings sprouted from Yulif’s back. The white, large, two pairs of wings were the ones that Canaren had lost horribly. The wings moved arbitrarily and led Yulif into the air.

Yulif looked down. Canaren was smiling. With a clean and bright appearance without a single wound.

“Make me happy.”

“Yulif, please… Please wake up!”

The darkness all around was shattered like glass. Above his head, Canaren reached out her hand towards him. 

—You give up too quickly.

‘Oh, I see. This hand is the hand that never gives up. Still… to me… Your love, my love.’

‘I won’t give up.’

He vowed never to fail again. It certainly wasn’t a failure, but it wasn’t a complete success. Canaren was about to make his half-successful turn into perfection. He had to live up to that expectation.

He gave up his life. What could he do? He could do anything he wanted. If he regretted it once, he should not regret it twice. Doing a stupid thing once was enough.

He took Canaren’s hand. The consciousness, which had been submerged in the cold, heavy water, was raised to the surface in an instant.

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Canaren let out a low moan. It felt like her energy was being sucked away. It was an incomparable sensation to when she healed wounds. When she healed, she was only a little weary, but now she felt like she was going to collapse from exhaustion. Perhaps, along with the blood, her vitality seemed to be transferred to Yulif. She calmly steadied her breathing and focused.

But Yulif showed no sign of waking up. What if Yulif dies like this? Nervous, Canaren, thinking that she should cut herself more and feed him more of her blood, unconsciously raised the dagger. And it startled her. If she did not restrain herself, if she did not maintain the proper level, Yulif would have an immortal body. It wasn’t a waste to give her life to Yulif. But she wouldn’t be able to keep the promise to make both of them happy.

Forcing her quivering lips to move, Canaren sang. It was not easy for her to sing while her vitality was draining away, but she did her best. She wanted to save him. She wanted them to have a future together. Her own suffering was nothing compared to the pain Yulif had endured.

How much time had passed? Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, and her body was soaked with cold sweat. She was really in danger now. Until the end of this song. If Yulif still didn’t wake up, she must find another way. The song entered the last stanza. She sang slowly on purpose.

‘Yulif, open your eyes. Wake up. Come back to me.’

Her vitality, which had been flowing endlessly, was suddenly blocked by an invisible force. Canaren stopped her singing and opened her eyes. Her energy, which had passed through her body via her blood, returned. And a foreign sensation came. In her chest, a very strange and full sensation, as if another heart was beating, was filling up tight.

Canaren felt it instinctively. It’s Yulif’s heart.

Yulif’s heartbeat, which was very slow and faint, gradually began to resemble hers. When the heartbeat of the two finally became one.

Yulif’s eyes opened.

Ame: Everyone, we made it! Operation… success!

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