For You In The Cage

Chapter 118

Episode 118: Finally, Out of the Cage (IV)

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Canaren slowly opened her eyes. It was a deep sleep, one where she didn’t dream. Outside the window, birds chirped. It’s morning. As she tossed her body slightly, the muscles of her body clamored for her not to move yet. It was the result of being tormented by Yulif all night long.

Canaren made a short groan and grabbed her throbbing waist. Yulif, who was nothing short of the main culprit, was sleeping well next to her, giving her his arm. Canaren pouted.

“You’re sleeping?”

She hit his cheeks carefully with her finger, with antagonism. Is he sleeping deeply? Not a single eyebrow twitched. Having gained confidence, Canaren decided to enjoy Yulif in earnest. She thought it was natural and right to do this much since he bit her throughout last night as if she was candy.

Yulif was nice and beautiful today. No, he seemed a lot nicer than yesterday. His coolly stretched eyes and a sharply raised nose looked dignified, and his lips, when his vitality returned, were slightly red, making it seem decadant even in the morning. What about his chin, which looked like it’s sharply cut?

Canaren stretched out and touched each of the features that make up Yulif, admiring him. How could he be so handsome? This person is really her husband. After a long night in Yulif’s arms, she was loved fiercely and tenaciously, and the sensations he evoked in her still vividly remained, so she still could feel it. It was a miracle for Canaren that he was alive and breathing in front of her.

The one who went against time to protect her from the emperor. He was the one who tried to save her by giving up his one and only life. He was dying, but he cared for her and nothing else.

The figure of Yulif, who had half-crossed the threshold of death with a terrible appearance, suddenly came to mind. Black blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and a pierced shoulder from the sword thrown by the emperor.

When that happened, Canaren felt an eeriness that made her heart sink. Somehow… She felt she had to touch Yulif, feel the warmth running through his body, so that she could escape her fear. Once she did, she exhaled.

‘He’s still here.’ Canaren placed a hand on Yulif’s cheek and the other on his chest. It seemed that she would be relieved only by feeling his heart beating vigorously under his tightly gripped pectoral muscles.

Yulif’s heart was pounding at the same beat as hers. She remembered the explanation Yulif gave in a quiet voice, that because she shared her blood and lifespan, their souls and bodies were bound as one. Back then, Yulif kissed the back of her hand and said the following words.

“I am all yours. So use whatever you want.”

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“Do I have to say it? It’s good to have you by my side.”

Canaren whispered softly in case Yulif might wake up, and her fingers traced his pounding heart.

Every time she felt his beating heart, it felt good to know that she saved him. She liked the fact that he came to see her back in time and it’s not a dream.

Intoxicated by the ecstatic euphoria of the drowsy morning daydream, Canaren didn’t realize that Yulif was looking down at her, his eyes open.

Her hand, which had been playing with his meaninglessly, slowly rose past his chest. When she touched his bulging collarbone and passed his neck, the neck jerked violently. His large hand grabbed her hand. Canaren’s eyes widened at the touch of slight urgency.

“Uh, when did you wake up?”

“Just before.”

“Did I wake you up? I’m sorry. Go sleep again…”

Sleep again. Canaren’s words went into Yulif’s mouth. Yulif, who bit her lower lip slightly, poked his tongue through her thick lips without hesitation. Amidst the hot, wet breaths, Canaren closed her eyes tightly, then opened them and looked at Yulif.

His half-open purple eyes were dazed. Canaren hit his shoulder, recognizing the expression that would be more appropriate for a secret night rather than a lively morning.

“No, no, no. It’s morning!”

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Yulif, who coveted Canaren’s lips, asked in a low voice. It took her breath away, and her face heated up.

“Morning… That’s…”

“Can’t it be morning?”

“Hey, let’s start the day healthy! Am I the only one who thinks of that?”

“I was trying to start off healthy. If only my wife hadn’t groped me.”


She had nothing to say. It was true that she groped the sleeping Yulif. Canaren’s cheeks were as pink as peaches, as she looked elsewhere as Yulif smirked at her. He bit her blushing cheek as if he couldn’t stand it. Barely coming to her senses, she pushed Yulif as hard as she could.

“It’s a misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to stutter in that sense.”

“Whether it’s a misunderstanding or not, you have to take responsibility for touching me first. Don’t you think so?”

“D-Don’t talk like a bully. Yulif, wait… Calm… It’s a misunderstanding, ah!”

However, Canaren was too weak to handle Yulif’s strength. Glaring at Yulif, who skillfully rose above her, Canaren exclaimed.

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“If you keep doing this, I’ll sing a song and put you to sleep!”

It was a desperate cry. With her eyes wide open, she looked like a cute little bird with its feathers upright, trying to somehow escape its predicament. The eyes that seemed to threaten to peck him with her beak with the slightest movement was lovely. In the end, laughter erupted from Yulif.

“Please do not be angry. It was a joke.”

“Are you fooling around? It was no joke.”

“Yes. If it’s not to you, then it’s not. Shouldn’t you sleep more? Are you hungry?”

Smiling pleasantly, Yulif lay down next to her and asked tenderly. ‘Ah, I don’t know.’ The moment Canaren shook her head in denial, a small growl came from her stomach. ‘Oh my God. Why now!’ Canaren grabbed her stomach and turned her entire body away.

Yulif smiled once more and hugged her from behind.

“I am hungry too. Let’s eat together.”


Fun and happy times always passed quickly.

Yulif’s expression on his way to the conference room after breakfast with Canaren was bloody. The eyes that were dripping with honey saying that they were full just by looking at her eating disappeared without leaving a trace. A colder and sharper gaze took its place than the northern wind.

He wanted to go for a walk with Canaren because she ate too much, but he had no choice but to attend today’s meeting. Of course, being annoyed was inevitable.

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Yulif opened the door to the conference room. All personnel, including Duke Theodore, had already arrived and were waiting for him. Quickly seated in the empty seat, Yulif immediately brought up the agenda.

“We must decide how to dispose of the emperor.”

It was the place to decide the disposition of Deltinus, who was bound by Yulif’s magic and imprisoned in a dungeon. Some nobles shook their heads with heavy expressions, while the nobles who had suffered a lot from Deltinus looked at Yulif with relief. Among them, the most energetic count exclaimed.

“He is a tyrant who valued human life as less than a fly’s. The country’s economy is on the verge of bankruptcy, he was not taking good care of state affairs. The empress and the duke were unfairly framed and even condemned as traitors. He mistreated Duke Theodore, a strong pillar of the empire, and imprisoned him. There’s no need for mercy for such a person.”

“I have the same opinion. The fact that the emperor had brought in the northern monsters to preserve his position had already spread widely. If you keep him alive, the people of the empire will react fiercely.”

“I think it would be better to get rid of him in order to strengthen the position of the crown prince.”

The nobles spoke with one accord. Yulif looked at Duke Theodore. The person leading this decision was Yulif, but the emperor’s disposition was an important issue that he could not decide on his own. As someone said, he had to get the consent of Duke Theodore, one of the pillars that supported the empire.

The duke, who had closed his eyes, felt his gaze and opened his eyes.

“Although he is imprisoned, he was once the leader of the empire. If we keep him alive, there may be a force who will try to save him and restore his legitimacy. Wouldn’t it be right to remove the anxiety factor?”

Even Duke Theodore had the same opinion. There was no reason to hesitate. Yulif nodded.

“After the emperor is executed, the crown prince will be crowned.”

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