For You In The Cage

Chapter 120

Episode 120: Finally, Out of the Cage (VI)

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Rumors spread swiftly that the emperor disguised himself as a beggar and tried to escape the prison, but was caught by the people of the empire and beaten to death’s door. A more miserable and wretched stigma followed than the loser in the power struggle.

Deltinus, who was saved thanks to Yulif’s healing magic, could not even die on his own, but lay in a dungeon waiting for his execution.

As Deltinus fell into Yulif’s trap and completely collapsed, the forces that had been turbulent in their movements calmed down. Duke Theodore, who had been contemplating the situation while sitting back and smiling haphazardly, finally came to the fore. When he, who had a knack for managing internal affairs, stepped in, everything went smoothly.

The first thing the duke did was announce through Yulif that Crown Prince Lucian would inherit the throne.

Although Yulif strongly said many times that he had no intentions for the throne, the appearance of Duke Theodore in the foreground was also an indirect expression that Empress Estella would eventually assume the role of regent. The nobles accepted all these without much objection as if they had expected it.

Nevertheless, Yulif could not free himself from work. Duke Theodore, who took the big things, was very busy. No matter how much of a tyrant the previous emperor was, it was not so easy to bring down a healthy emperor and establish a new emperor.

There were too many things to check and care for, and Yulif, who was the center of the rebellion and also an imperial family member, was in a position where it was difficult to avoid responsibility. There were many things that had to be done or taken on behalf of the young prince.

“Should I run away?”


Canaren, who was holding Yulif’s hand and walking, asked back. The two were walking around the back garden of the detached palace after breakfast. Was she wrong? Did she hear wrongly? A low voice pierced Canaren’s ear as she tilted her head.

“I better run away.”

Canaren stopped her steps and grabbed Yulif’s hand. Her worried eyes scanned Yulif from head to toe. It didn’t look like he’s in pain…

“What’s the matter?”

“A lot.”

“A lot… okay? What is it? Tell me. Don’t hide it.”

“Too much work.”


Canaren tilted her head again. Oh? She felt like an idiot, but she couldn’t help it. Yulif had a very serious expression on his face. He frowned slightly and kept his mouth shut, so much that she thought anyone else who saw it would think he was upset. 

Canaren reached her hand out and gently rubbed his stiff lips. Purple eyes turned to her without a sound.

“Aren’t you used to it? You’ve been busy every day at Pionia.”

“I was pretending to be busy.”


“I needed an excuse. I didn’t want to see you.”

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Ah, it was that time when he was forced to hide and suppress his heart. Unable to pour out his love to her, he had to make up work or jobs he didn’t have.

For a moment, Canaren’s eyes, which were tinged by sadness, curved nicely. She hugged Yulif’s neck. Yulif responded by wrapping his arms around her waist and bowing his head.

“I thought it was difficult because I was alone, but I wasn’t. Yulif had a hard time as well as me…”

Canaren’s slender arms hugged Yulif tightly. Her arms, which smelled warm and sweet, embraced him. He was comforted by her touch, and when she noticed that, she became happy. ‘It’s okay now.’ Canaren patted Yulif’s back and stroked his hair.

“Still, you can’t run away. There’s no one else who can do it. You have to do it for Crown Prince Lucian to become emperor.”

‘Oh, Yulif.’ He really didn’t like the work. But it was truly amazing, just holding on without running away from the piles of papers. If it was her, she would have run away already. Canaren said he was doing well, and patted the huge Yulif. Liking it, he buried his face in the nape of her neck.

“It’s not just about work. There are other reasons.”


“I’m worried if it’s okay for you to stay in the Imperial Palace.”

For Canaren, the Imperial Palace was a painful place where most of her horrific memories were made. Even if the scars on her body had disappeared, the scars on her mind could not be erased for the rest of her life. Yulif was worried about that the whole time. It was a place she didn’t really have good memories of, so he really hated having to leave her alone during meetings and everything. Even if Roana was by her side, she wouldn’t be of much help in dispelling the darkness that loomed everywhere.

“Answer me honestly. Don’t think about anything else. Isn’t it difficult to live in the Imperial Palace? Shall we go back to Pionia? If you really like it, you can stay in the cabin until the work is done.”

“Yulif, look at me.”

Yulif raised his head and his gaze met Canaren’s. When their eyes met, she smiled brightly. Purple eyes were dazzled by the brilliance of golden eyes shining in the sunlight. As if possessed, Yulif wrapped his hands around her cheeks. Canaren closed her eyes and rested her face in Yulif’s hands. The light and warm touch proved that the two were together right here and now.

“I’m fine.”


“I am not lying to reassure you. I’m really fine. Of course, sometimes I am afraid. Sometimes I wonder if the deposed emperor might come out of nowhere and drag me away. Memories don’t go away easily.”

Yulif closed his eyes tightly. ‘Ah, she doesn’t want to be in the Imperial Palace. Whether it’s going back to Pionia or going to the cabin, she’ll want to leave the Imperial Palace. I must tell her I’m okay.’ He was about to say that, but Canaren continued speaking gently.

“But it is just the past. Now there is Yulif by my side. We’ll be together forever, so it’s okay. As long as I have you, I’m fine with the Imperial Palace or anywhere. I think I can live in a field where there is nothing.”

It was honest, but it was also embarrassing. She was also slightly worried that she might be clinging to him too much. Yulif wouldn’t get tired of her, but… still. Canaren’s gaze shifted as she blushed. The sunlight fell on the long, rich eyelashes, and they sparkled like jewels.

Yulif did not answer. No, he couldn’t answer. His chest was pounding hard. If one was too happy, if one was too happy… one would forget the language. She was so lovely that his head turned white and he couldn’t think of anything.

He wanted to just hug her.

Yulif hugged Canaren tightly. ‘I’m out of breath.’ A small laugh followed at the end of Canaren’s voice as she murmured that. Happy. She was so happy that she could die right now. Canaren hugged Yulif back and whispered as if singing.

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“If you are still worried, how about thinking like this? During my stay in the Imperial Palace, Yulif gave me a lot of good memories. I think of Yulif wherever I go, so I won’t even remember what the emperor did?”

Like a wound that healed and new flesh covered it. Canaren thought she would be able to cover the scars of a bitter past with happy and joyful memories if she was with Yulif. And she, too, wanted to do the same to Yulif.

The wounds Yulif received must be deeper and bigger than hers. Because he saw her choosing death right before his eyes. Her wounds are nothing compared to his. Canaren shouted inwardly. She knew all too well now that saying such words would hurt Yulif.

“From now on, all we have left to do is be happy.”

“…Yes. You are right.”

She was right. She saved him, he saved her, and she was his master, all of him.

Yulif put his forehead to Canaren’s. She liked his elegant purple eyes, and she was the only one contained in them. As if dealing with the most precious and beautiful being in the world, his eyes were full of affection and reverence.

“I really… I can’t beat you.”

How could he? How could she always look forward and walk without getting caught up in the painful past, without giving up, and without stumbling? How could she always overcome her fear and walk, with a small and fragile body that seemed to break if he held it tight?

“Am I stronger than Yulif? Okay.”

Canaren smiled as she spoke in a clear voice, as if in a good mood. Tak. Canaren grabbed his arm and kissed him lightly like a bird pecking at a flower petal.

“Go quickly. You have to go to work soon.”


He knew she was okay with staying in the Imperial Palace, but still. It was a little bit too much to leave the twinkling her, the pretty her, who he wanted to kiss every corner of her body, alone and go to work. No, a little too much. He hated it.

He hated to work. He wanted to be with her, but he couldn’t. It would have been better just to run away from the Imperial Palace. He wanted to be with her all day along, not ever parting. 

Instead of letting out a grunt, Yulif followed Canaren’s footsteps. The flower petals in full bloom were blown away by the wind as the two took their steps.

With a clear view of the bright blue lake, they sat side by side. The breeze from Yulif gently whirled around Canaren. Canaren rested her face on Yulif’s shoulder. Yulif smiled sweetly as he clasped her hands.

“It feels good.”

“I like it too.”

Intoxicated by the beautiful scenery and the fragrant body scent of Yulif, Canaren could not even guess. What Yulif, who had grown up with a dark heart, was thinking.

Yulif’s mind was filled with only thoughts of taking Canaren to his office and the conference room, with the excuse of creating memories.


“I am not going today. Duke Theodore will understand.”

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“You promised to go in the afternoon. Yulif, are you really going to be like this?”

“Well, Lord? Canaren?

“I’ve been working day and night, so I can take a day off.”

“If you make a promise, you need to keep it!  It’s already two o’clock. Go now, quickly.  People are waiting.”

“Two minutes… Everything is good, but why put this between us… Let me take some time.”

“You’re still here? Go away.”

“No way, Roana! Block Yulif from coming in!”

Ahahah! Roana laughed as she didn’t know it would be like this when the duchess ran after her and said she was looking for her.

Yulif and Canaren had been arguing for ten minutes with Roana between them like their gate.

As could be seen from the way they communicated, the two were not sincere in their argument. She didn’t know for sure because she couldn’t see Canaren’s expression behind her, but at least she could tell for certain about Yulif, judging by the soft expression. Looking at Canaren with those honey dripping eyes, who would see that as arguing?

Thanks to that, Roana was in the middle and was doubly ready to die.

‘These humans! Let’s fight love together! Is this a love fight in the first place? Are they proud of it ? Love bragging?’

“Oh, my lord. Why are you still here? Everyone is impatient and upset. Come quickly, come quickly!”

A familiar voice echoed from the end of the hallway. He couldn’t live because of the lord! The other pitiful soul who rubbed Yulif’s back with tears in his eyes was Derek.

Derek pushed and pulled with his whole body, but Yulif didn’t move like a rooted tree. But as Canaren’s eyes widened, Yulif turned back as if he couldn’t help it.

Derek and Roana exchanged glances in a brief passing moment.

—You’ve worked hard.

—You too suffer a lot.

—What sin have we committed to have to suffer like this?

—I wasn’t fooled by money.

The two of them, with shared pain, exchanged many stories with their eyes. Roana quickly closed the door as she saw Yulife descending the stairs thanks to Derek dragging him along. Canaren, who had entered the room first, was lying by the table.

“Yulif has turned into a child…”

“I know right. I was a little surprised too. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him like that.”

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“He wants me to go to the place where he works tomorrow… Can I do that?”

“If our lord wants to do that, I guess no one would complain”

Roana replied with a look of boredom. With the crown prince preparing for the coronation, the real ruler of the Imperial Palace was Duke Rubius, so no one would stop him even if he danced naked in the hallway.

And it was most likely that the place where Yulif wanted to take Canaren was not the meeting room where the nobles who wanted to see Canaren gathered, but the office that was tucked away in a shady corner. He never would show Canaren to others. He hated it when anyone even said Canaren’s name to anyone other than himself.

She didn’t know what they were gonna do there alone.…. Yes, Canaren, who didn’t know anything asked innocently, “Can I follow him?” Roana only smiled vaguely, neither affirming nor denying.

‘You look happy though.’

Yulif and Canaren looked so happy that they could not control the expression of happiness that came to them. Rumors have already spread in the Imperial Palace about how affectionate and loving their eyes for each other were

It was said that Duke Rubius, who without blood or tears brought down even his brother, risked his life to protect the duchess. It was also said that the duchess used all her powers to save such a duke.

Roana still got goosebumps when she thought about the time when Yulif was driven to the brink of death. Yulif was a fool, thank goodness he was saved. If he had died, Canaren would have followed him and thrown away her life as well.

Ugh. It’s terrifying just thinking about it. Roana rubbed her arm that had goosebumps. 

“Did you go for a walk in the morning? What do you want to do with me?”

“Well… Roana? Is there anything you want to do?”

“Didn’t I ask first?”

“I’m sorry.”

Being able to play such meaningless and trivial puns was happiness itself. Canaren and Roana looked at each other and smiled brightly. Then someone knocked on the door. Who is it? There were a limited number of people who would deliberately visit the secluded room inside the detached palace. Roana sharpened her senses and prepared to cast a spell at any time as she walked towards the door.

“Who is it?”

However, the person who answered her was a person whom she had never thought of.

“This is Estella. I came here because Lucian wanted to meet the Duchess.”

“Her Majesty the Empress…!”

As soon as Roana heard the answer, she pushed the door open. Canaren got up from the chair and ran as if she was bouncing. Estella, in a neat dress, and Lucian, dressed like a gentleman, were smiling at Canaren.

“May we come in?”

Credits goes to Anon for raw providing + translating, and Ame for proofreading.

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