For You In The Cage

Chapter 18

Episode 18: The Memories of the First Opera that was Not Beautiful (III)

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Yulif, who had been looking forward and walking all this while, slowly turned his head.

Canaren did not avoid his gaze. She slowed her steps down a bit because of that.

「Didn’t I tell you? There is a Hwira person I know.」

「But when I think about it, it’s strange. I am not that person.」

Yulif was silent for a moment.

Canaren was nervous even after having asked her question. Then, she worried about what would happen to her if she got a negative answer, like if he would withdraw his favors.

「Do I need any other reason?」

Fortunately, his answer wasn’t what she worried about, but it wasn’t a clear answer either. Rather, Canaren became confused.

Rather than needing any other reason… She asked because she was curious.

She also felt that he was disrespectful for answering questions with questions.

「Our people say that unpaid favors cannot be easily exchanged even among his family members.」

「If it’s in return, I’ve received enough. Enough to overflow.」

「Huh? When? I haven’t even sung a song yet…」

「Even if I tell you, you won’t understand.」

Yulif spoke firmly. Canaren’s expression grew more and more curt.

‘Even if I tell you, you won’t understand. Don’t you have to say something first?’

She glanced at the side of Yulif’s face, who went back to facing the front again. His bluntly closed lips seemed unwilling to open.

‘Sometimes he’s really kind, but he suddenly behaves coldly. I have no idea what Yulif was thinking.’

There were countless people in the world, and there were countless relationships that were entangled with each other. The emotions that arose in a relationship could make the relationship stronger or weaken. Sometimes people made new relationships, and sometimes they covered their eyes so that they wouldn’t let go even though they knew it’s already over.

Just as there were many different types of relationships, there were countless emotions, and there were many things that cannot be defined by a single one. So, even the person who has the emotion sometimes doesn’t know exactly what kind of emotion it is.

It could be that Canaren’s relationship with Yulif and her feelings for Yuliff were very vague and complicated, and it wasn’t her, but Yulif that didn’t seem to understand.

Because that was how her Yulif treated her.

Even though he was kind enough to tickle her chest, he pushes her away if she was drawn to him by that kindness.

As in the back of the detached palace.

「If you need a real reason.」

Before long, the two arrived at the door leading to the outside.

Standing in front of the door, Yulif turned his body towards Canaren and said,

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「Think of it that I owe her a debt, and I pay that debt through you.」

「Um, I don’t even know who she is, would that be okay?」

「It’s okay. She is a kind person.」

Yulif’s eyes softened slightly as he said that. Eyes that rarely show emotion were covered with distant emotions.

Canaren knew the emotion in those eyes. No, she had no choice but to know. It was so heartbreaking and earnest that she had to know.

Yulif, did you love her?

That question almost came out of her mouth.

Yulif and that woman’s love probably didn’t come true. Considering what he said, it was an easy conclusion to draw.

But if she asked a question like that… Yulif would be hurt.

Canaren quickly shut her mouth and nodded her head.

「Shall we go? To make your wish come true.」


In front of the main gate of the main palace, a carriage with the imperial design was waiting.

The chief servant wandered around the carriage with an uneasy gait.

There was no news from the maids who took Canaren. He was afraid because he didn’t know when the Deltinus would decide to explode.

In fact, just being quiet until now was a miracle.

Then the door opened and the person he was waiting for appeared.

Blood drained from the face of the chief servant, who was so happy that he wanted to bow down.

Duke Rubius was escorting Canaren and approaching this way. Of all people, it was Duke Rubius.

‘I should have known from the moment the Duke stepped in.’

“Forgive me for the lack of belief that made you walk this far.”

“Tell His Majesty.”

“She is the only one who has been ordered to be brought by His Majesty”

“Shall I tell him?”

The chief servant would rather lose his mind and faint. He was a villain to him, whether he was the emperor or the duke.

Reluctantly, as he turned towards the carriage, and opened the door. A man with a familiar face got off the carriage.

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When Canaren saw him, she quietly swallowed her groan. Her hand that was holding Yulif’s hand tightened.

“Ha. I thought my ears were spoiled.”

Deltinus raised his chin. He stared at the hands of the two that were tightly joined together.

“What other bizarre things are you planning?”

“I heard that Your Majesty is leaving the palace, but you are leaving without an escort. Today, I will see Your Majesty.”

“This is one of the funniest jokes I have ever heard. Hahahaha.”

The forced laughter suddenly ceased.

Deltinus came closer to the two of them. Canaren stopped herself from unwittingly trying to hide behind Yulif’s back.

‘How long will I run away? There is Yulif by my side. It’s okay. Don’t run away.’

“You have become more courageous. Have you simply forgotten the memories with me? Or is it because of the Duke?”

Deltinus smiled bitterly and reached out towards Canaren. He thought he would grab her shoulder, waist, or even her wrist, but he withdrew his hand and clenched his fist. Then he spoke to Yulif in a voice filled with anger.

“It’s an unfair contract. I can’t allow that.”

“Your Majesty has accepted it.”

“When I saw it right in front of my eyes, my stomach twisted. If it is a ploy to turn my insides upside down, I will praise you. It worked.”

“You have to leave early to arrive on time. If you don’t want to go, Canaren and I will go instead.”

“Do you think you’ll be safe like this?”

“Do you think you can touch me?”

It was a blatant provocation. Deltinus’ eyes were filled with blood.

He was a man who would not be happy even if Yulif lived at his feet, crushed by the oath for the rest of his life. Such a guy was interfering with Deltinus in every way, taking Canaren and stretching out, and now even touching his pride.

Deltinus rolled his eyes and grabbed Yulif’s collar.

“I don’t know what the trick is, but I’ll be happy to play with you.”

“It would be an honor.”

“In the end, it’s not going to go your way. Even if I break a bird’s wings and twist its neck, I won’t let you have it.”

In an instant, an eerie flash of light flashed in Yulif’s eyes. Murderous intent was obvious. 

Deltinus saw it and laughed out loud.

Indeed, it’s only Canaren that made Yulif emotional.

As he breathed, he tried to ignore the cold sweat running down his spine, and he pushed Yulif away.

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“Let’s go. We must not be late for the promised time.”


The scenery inside the carriage was strange.

Yulif tried to sit next to Canaren, but was unsuccessful with Deltinus’ interference. It ended up being an eccentric scene with the brothers sitting side by side and Canaren sitting opposite.

Canaren sat close to her door, holding the handle in one hand and Yulif’s pocket watch in the other. It wouldn’t have happened if Yulif was by her side, but as he moved away from her, her uneasy feelings kept growing and she couldn’t help it.

“I like you even more when you are decorated.”

Deltinus, who wore a displeased expression on his face right after getting on the carriage, opened his mouth.

Canaren’s shoulders twitched.

“I like you more and more, Canaren.”

The eyes of Deltinus were filled with her, and they gleamed.

She was a beautiful woman who was splendidly decorated, and she looked exquisite. In particular, her slender shoulders trembling as if frightened by his strangely instigating sadism drew him in.

‘Ahh I want to have her. I can’t stand the covetousness. If only it wasn’t for the damned Yulif.’

“There is nothing to be wary of. Because I can’t touch you anyway. My handsome older brother used a trick.”

For a moment, Canaren tilted her head slightly. She seemed to be interested in his words.

That’s right. An innocent bird has been caught. Deltinus rolled up his sleeves and showed his biceps.

“The Duke has cursed me. I want you to see for yourself. What kind of things the Duke you trust and follow is doing behind the scenes.”

At first glance, she thought poison had spread to his arm. When she looked closely, she saw a thick, blue snake wrapped around his forearm. Looking at the scales, vividly expressed like a living snake, made her feel a little nauseous.

‘Did Yulif really put such a curse on him? He can’t possibly do that.’

Deltinus said as if he had read her mind.

“People don’t know. The fact that the Duke hates me as much as I hate the Duke. Everyone points at me, saying I am anxious to kill my own blood and flesh. It’s unfortunate.”

She was stunned to see Deltinus spitting boldly without changing the color of his face.

She wanted to shoot back at him. Yulif was not that kind of person. She didn’t know why that arm became like that, but even if Yulif did, it was probably Deltinus that provoked Yulif first.

Thinking about Deltinus and Yulif and what she had seen and experienced so far was enough. At least, Yulif wasn’t like Deltinus, who took pleasure in tormenting people weaker than him.


But her tongue hardened and words could not come out. Canaren bit her lips.

She felt frustrated that she couldn’t even say a word, and Yulif, who didn’t respond at all, was also frustrated.

‘Say something. That person is cursing you.’

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Canaren lightly tapped Yulif’s knee. His closed eyes slowly opened.

Deltinus frowned as he saw Canaren’s finger touching Yulif’s knee.

“I thought you were always hiding your face, were you ever shy?”


“It would have been a little more beneficial and enjoyable without you. Wasn’t it you who intervened without notice?”

As if there was no point in replying, Yulif bit his tongue. He had a look of boredom.

Canaren looked at that expression and felt sorry. She seemed to have troubled Yulif by making a strange wish for nothing.

“You recognized me at a glance at Howon Lake.”

Deltinus pulled back his body, which had been leaning towards Canaren, and crossed his legs.

“How do you easily tell us apart?”

Canaren tilted her head slightly. When he asked a question, knowing she couldn’t speak, it meant he didn’t want an answer.

Even if she could speak, she wouldn’t have been able to answer him. Because there was no special way to separate the two.

There was no principle for actions that occur naturally like instinct. As if she didn’t realize it with every breath she took. It was similar when it came to distinguishing the two.

Yulif and Deltinus were very similar in appearance and voice, but apart from that, everything was different. Even now, sitting side by side in a narrow space, that fact was clearly revealed.

Deltinus was disorganized, buried deep in his chair. But Yulif was looking at her in a posture that had his back straight.

Yulif was a person who hid kindness behind a blunt expression. He sometimes joked and played pranks. Above all else, she felt comfortable when she was with him. It didn’t feel uncomfortable even if they didn’t say anything to each other.

After realizing that he could speak Hwira, she, being chatty, would speak to him first.

‘It’s like someone I’ve known for a long time.’

The reason she felt close to him was probably because he knew how to speak Hwira. Or maybe it was because they had gotten closer lately.

Canaren glanced at Yulif, who turned his head towards the window.

As the curtains swung, the sunlight intermittently shone through and scattered over his face. Even today, his face was beautiful and strong, but somehow he seemed a little tired. She wondered what he was thinking, and she felt uncomfortable because she couldn’t speak at will.

Next time, don’t make any strange wishes, and let’s go out alone. Canaren vowed.

Deltinus clasped his chin and stared intently at her. His tenacious gaze, containing his sticky heat, scanned every nook and cranny of Canaren’s body.

Canaren, who had completely fallen for Yulif, did not notice that he was looking at her.

Deltinus’ lips held a shady smile.

He was a person who had to have something once it caught his eyes.

Especially when it came to Yulif’s.

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