Episode 2: Appointment (II)

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The man’s face was the same as that of the emperor, Deltinus.

Although the faces of the two facing each other were identical, the feeling was different.

Unlike Deltinus, who looked colorful and decadent with long hair that reached his waist, Yulif was neat and tidy. It seemed more flawless in conjunction with his expressionless face.

Deltinus didn’t even like that. Although he followed his own orders not to grow his hair.

“Why is the Duke here, aren’t you supposed to be in the North? You never contacted me.”

Deltinus was blatantly displeased. The intention was to restrict Yulif’s words and actions by firmly imprinting his status as an uninvited guest.

“I belatedly discovered that Your Majesty had visited the estate. I came here to apologize for the rudeness of not being able to attend to Your Majesty there.”

It was funny. It had been two months since Deltinus had captured Canaren from Yulif’s estate. Yet it was only now that he came to announce the story.

Deltinus snorted.

“Isn’t it too late to apologize? Well, I’m happy to hear that the Duke thinks so much about the Emperor. Shall we listen to the singing of the Hwira tribe in return? Can you move out of the way, Duke?”

Deltinus took a step towards Canaren with a smile. Feeling Deltinus’ gaze that was like a cold blade, Canaren flinched. The original fear that had been forgotten at the sudden appearance of Yulif was soon revived.

At the same time, Yulif moved slightly to block access to Canaren with his body. His broad shoulders were more than enough to hide all of Canaren’s slender physique.

The corners of Deltinus’ lips twitched finely.

“To dare block the way of the Emperor on the subject of a Duke. Are you crazy?”

“I heard that you hunted the Hwira tribe in the Rubius territory.”

The village where the Hwira people lived was in Yulif’s estate. Yulif even enacted a territorial law to ban hunting, but he could not stop Emperor Deltinus.

Deltinus smiled at Yulif. His lips drew a relaxed curve, but his eyes were cold as he glared at Canaren

“Yes. Thanks to you, I found a bird I liked.”

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“At least in my territory, hunting the Hwira is against the law.”

“Do you think territorial law is above the Emperor? Duke Rubius, you dare not know the subject.”

“Your Majesty should be the one to set an example for the people of the Empire. Do you have to break a trivial territorial law just because of one woman?”

A spark of tension flashed between Yulif and Deltinus.

A chilly air blew through the banquet hall. The nobles bowed their heads in fear of disobeying the angry Deltinus, but this unexpected situation was very interesting.

Yulif never went against Deltinus. No matter how unreasonable the order was, he carried it out without a word. Despite the humiliating order to have the royal family’s last name ‘Elemian’ taken away from him, and to use the last name ‘Rubius’, Yulif never showed any displeasure – even when he had to deal with barbarians single handedly.

For him to openly confront Deltinus meant there was a reason.

“Shut up. If you don’t get out of the way, you will be beheaded for disobedience.”

Despite the threats from Deltinus, Yulif stood firm without wavering. Canaren hid completely behind his back such that one could not even see her hair.

In Deltinus’ eyes, Yulif and Canaren seemed to be working together to make fun of him.

Deltinus’ patience, which was not much, soon reached its limit. Deltinus, whose eyes were turned over, threw away his whip and instead drew his sword from his waist. With an eerie sound, a silvery-white blade was aimed at Yulif’s neck.


Canaren’s lips, which had been closed the whole time, opened. Her sweet voice flowed through her red lips. It was a beautiful song, not a terrified cry or a refusal to come near. A calm melody overlaid her clear voice like a bird chirping.

The song, which was composed of melodies, rhythms, and Canaren’s voice without lyrics, gradually drove away the strife and malice casted in the banquet hall.

Not only the nobles, but also Deltinus who held the sword looked at Canaren with eyes filled with amazement.

Canaren closed her eyes to avoid people’s gaze. The reason she opened her mouth was simple. She didn’t want to see Yulif, who was trying to save her, get hurt. Her singing was the only way to help Yulif.

Her song flowed naturally like water. The hearts of those who listened to her song became calm and calmer. Some recalled the lullaby their mother had sung a long time ago, while others recalled the voice of an ex-lover who comforted their terribly sad heart.

The melody gradually increased and her voice carried emotions. As her song reached its climax, Canaren unwittingly spread her wings without realizing it – it was a habit. From her wide-spread, pure white wings, little lights that twinkle like stars fell.

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Yulif silently stared at the spread wings, it was as if they were hugging him from behind. He cautiously reached out. The tips of his fingers brushed against the edge of her feathers. It was soft and warm. Yulif’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment.

Then the song was over. The magical time that brought peace to everyone was over. He lifted his eyelids as Canaren caught her breath. Everyone around them stared with captivated eyes.

Only then did Canaren realize that she had accidentally spread her wings and quickly folded her wings back, blushing. She was somewhat embarrassed to show her entire wings to these wingless humans.

“Ha. It’s hard to listen to the song once.”

Deltinus made a short sound that could not be identified whether it was a sigh or a laugh. Annoyance was evident in his motion of sweeping his long hair.

Canaren felt a strange aura and grabbed the hem of Yulif’s coat. She was worried about what would happen to her if this man brushed her hand away, but luckily Yulif didn’t respond.

Canaren was much more comfortable with the cold-hearted Yulif who never gave her a single glance. At least Yulif did not feel unpleasant. There was hostility or desire there, she thought.

“My bird seems to be a little shy, so I’ll let it rest now. Come on.”

Canaren’s song disturbed the atmosphere he had best set. Deltinus went past Yulif and approached Canaren, grinding his teeth inwardly.

After the banquet, he would have to punish the stupid bird that didn’t seem to recognize its owner.

Yulif’s declaration of war flew by as he lifted the chains attached to the shackles at her ankles.

“I will take her.”

“…What did you say?”

“To His Majesty, she may just be entertainment, but to me, she is a permanent resident to be protected. We cannot ignore the permanent residents who are treated like slaves.”

“Don’t get me wrong. As the Duke of the Empire,  I do not hand her over to anyone.”


Deltinus violently pulled on the chain attached to Canaren. Although Yulif’s arm was still wrapped around Canaren’s waist, she suddenly lost her balance and was helplessly dragged towards Deltinus. At the same time however, the chains that bound Canaren were cut like a thread. Yulif, who had broken the chain with magic, gave a little strength to the arm that was holding Canaren to keep her close.

Deltinus’ expression hardened as he looked at the two of them close together.

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“Canaren belongs to nobody.”

“I am the master of the Empire. Everything that belongs to the Empire belongs to me. Without a single exception!”

“Canaren will be the exception. I will make it happen.”

“Where are the guards!? Arrest Duke Rubius for not obeying the Emperor right now!”

Deltinus exclaimed in anger. The royal knights, who were guarding the outside of the banquet hall, rushed in and surrounded the three of them. But no one rushed forward. Yulif was a sorcerer who transcended human limits. He was not an opponent where one could fight recklessly just because their number of allies were several times larger.


At that time, a knight, unable to overcome the pressure, lost his mind and rushed towards Yulif.

“You fool.”

A strong gust of wind blew before the cool voice could even disappear. An orthodox knight was swept away by the wind and crashed into the wall of the banquet hall. Shattering stone. Everyone’s faces turned white at the sight of the armor being wrecked.

In the Imperial Palace, in front of the emperor, Yulif used magic. Everyone thought this was impossible.

“I didn’t kill him.”

“You are really crazy.”

“I think it is also the duty of the Duke of the Empire to resist the wrong orders. Please take back the orders you gave to the knights. I will not back down until I have done my duty.”

As if to prove his words, Yulif, who was raising his magic power, suddenly stopped moving. Canaren, who was in his arms, was trembling. Every tremor of his passed from his skin to hers.

He comfortingly stroked Canaren’s head. His hand felt big and warm. It was different from Deltinus’ hands, which were always cold and wet; even the touch of the emperor’s fingertips was unpleasant.

Canaren unconsciously raised her head to look at him.

She thought he was looking ahead, but Yulif was looking at her. Quietly and calmly.

From the gaze she faced, she felt an unknown warmth. However, with no relief from the warmth, Yulif avoided her eyes. He didn’t turn his eyes naturally, but he avoided hers clearly.

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Maybe it was because her tear-stained face was dirty. Canaren gently rubbed her cheeks with the back of her hand.

“Don’t pretend to be noble suddenly.”

There was no elegance in Deltinus’s voice, it was as if he was chewing and spitting. Because the knights who were supposed to threaten Yulif were terrified when they saw their fellow knight being thrown against the wall.

Deltinus had no idea that Yulif would rebel so openly. He clicked his tongue inwardly.

“We are leaving now. I hope you have a great banquet.”

Yulif did not miss the opportunity. He carefully lifted Canaren into his arms.

Canaren only blinked her round eyes, shocked.

Yulif said nothing. He just firmly supported her knees and her back, making sure as he didn’t want to put her down.

It would be comfortable to wrap her arms around his neck, but she was reluctant to touch his body. She was afraid of Deltinus’ wrath. Therefore, she clasped her two hands neatly in front of her chest.

“In the end, you’re doing this because you want to own that child* too!”
(*Canaren is not a literal child, it’s just Deltinus’ way of expression.)

Deltinus’s shouts hit Yulif’s back as he left the banquet hall.

Really? Really, this person also… Would he lock her up in a room like Deltinus, saving her in order to beat her? Would he play the ‘father’ role and make her sing her lullaby every night?

“Oh, uh…”

“Don’t listen. Those are useless words.”

Yulif dismissed it with a firm voice. He had an attitude as though he knew what she was thinking even if she didn’t say it.

Canaren felt a little relieved, then she questioned again.

‘Then, why did he save me?’

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