For You In The Cage

Chapter 40

Episode 40: Save Me (VI)

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Nobles did not accompany the emperor’s perilous night hunt. Although Deltinus showed signs of reluctance, it was a good opportunity to keep an eye on the duke while the emperor was away. The nobles, who were hiding behind the pretext of neutrality, could not miss the opportunity.  Like Deltinus, they set up a temporary shelter near Lake Nice and found Yulif.

At that time, Yulif was drenched in water and had lost consciousness.

Tired of searching for Yulif, not even seeing a single hair of his, the nobles that were divided into powers or friendly relations and had a party.

Canaren, who returned to the entrance of the hunting ground with Yulif, was surprised. It was a completely different scene from the small lake full of life.

The sounds of laughter and conversation leaked from the tents decorated with the coats of arms of each family, and servants constantly carried food and alcohol into the tents.

Was it because it smells delicious? An unbearable hunger came over her. It was also thanks to the release of tension from being away from Deltinus.

But she couldn’t hope in Yulif any more. Even if it was a piece of hard bread. It was she who turned down Yulif’s offer to stay by his side and made his work harder. Yulif fell into a trap of Deltinus while trying to find her, and he almost died.

He fell into the lake, and she thought she had saved him and paid off her debts, but it wasn’t. Without Yulif, she would have been captured by Deltinus who came to find her.

Would she be able to properly reward Yulif for his efforts?

Canaren let out a small sigh.

If it’s difficult for her to reciprocate, then she shouldn’t accept it. She thought so, and was about to let Yulif’s hand go.

“It’s okay.”

「I didn’t say aything…….」

“Whatever you are thinking, everything is fine.”

Yulif took her hand and took the lead.

Could a wizard like Yulif be able to read people’s minds and thoughts? It might be better than that. It would be nice if Yulif could define and organize her complicated and tangled mind.

Canaren was confused as she followed Yulif. His back seemed broader and firmer today.

The place where Yulif stopped was a tent a little far from the tents of the nobles. At first glance, the dark blue tent without a coat of arms was different from other tents in size. It was much larger than the emperor’s residence she had seen.

Likewise, men in dark blue cloaks stood guard around the tent.

Canaren found a familiar face among them.

“Miss Canaren!”

Roana rushed over and smiled broadly at Canaren. Canaren smiled awkwardly as she glanced at Yulif.

Maybe she should say hello to her boss, Yulif, first. What if Yulif gets angry? But Yulif was expressionless as usual.

“I was waiting for you to come. Oh, do you not remember me? I’m Roana Orcard. Last time I gave Miss Canaren a dress…….”

“Did you prepare as I’ve instructed?”

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“Of course! Come in and check it out. We can be confident that this is the perfect accommodation, designed with Canaren’s taste in mind, as the Lord has ordered.”


“Yes, My Lord!”

“You talk too much.”

“But, we’re in front of Miss Canaren, so you should politely tell me. As usual, close your mouth…….”

“Be quiet, knight.”

Yulif led Canaren into the tent. Canaren looked back secretly.

Roana, who was following the two with a smile like she was seeing something enjoyable, winked when their eyes met.

As soon as she stepped inside, warm, fragrant air enveloped Canaren.

Then, at the scene that entered her eyes, Canaren exuded sincere admiration.

「Oh my gosh…….」

The inside of the tent was filled with luxurious furniture in a combination of soft yellow green and gold. Bed, dressing table, wardrobe, sofa, bookshelf, table…… Even a softly burning fireplace.

In addition, there was a window overlooking the open plain. It was a landscape that could not be considered a tent at all.

“How is it? Do you like it?”

Canaren nodded her head several times. The rooms she had been in so far were either overly desolate or overly glamorous. There was little sense of comfort, perhaps because she wasn’t the owner of her room.

But it was different here. She really liked it, even if it was a tent set up on a hunting ground.

Yulif couldn’t take his eyes off Canaren, who looked around the tent with her eyes wide open. Then, with a gesture of his chin, he called for Roana.

“Prepare warm water and a meal. Bath in the tent. The food is not burdensome.”

“All right. But can I ask you one thing? I’m really curious, I’m going crazy.”

Yulif’s silence was consent. A wicked smile appeared on Roana’s lips.

“What was the Lord doing alone until this late hour…….”

Yulif waved his hand roughly. Before Roana could finish her words, she was forced to leave the tent.

“Damn it! You’re killing me by shutting your mouth so skillfully! I will definitely find out!”

Roana screamed loudly and left. The skillful and quick-witted Roana, Yulif had a problem with her talking too much.

As Yulif closed his eyes and tried to calm his throbbing head, Canaren called him in a small voice.


Canaren approached him, looking up at him. When their eyes met, she bit her lips a few times and opened her mouth with difficulty.

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「Thank you.」

“You don’t have to say that. You saved me.”

Canaren blinked slowly.

‘You fell into the lake trying to save me.’

She had a lot to say, but she didn’t in the end. It was a little hard for her to think of those blood-stained wings, or Yulif, who jumped into the lake when he saw it.

Maybe it was the same for Yulif. Canaren suddenly had that thought.

“Thank you for saving me.”

「……As I’ve said before, I paid off my debt. There is no need to thank me.」

Yulif laughed quietly. The memories of her turning her back were overlaid with the scene of her lowering her head. 


Who the hell sealed that entire memory? It was a memory that was nothing special to anyone other than Yulif.

Looking at Canaren’s reaction, it seemed that she didn’t remember the past either.

Though he didn’t know if Canaren had her memories sealed, or if she had forgotten because she was simply too young.

And there was one more thing that bothered him.

His unstable magic has completely subsided. He did not vomit blood, despite the massive space-shifting magic, and he did not experience any terrifying pain. It disappeared as if it had been a lie that he had suffered persistently.

There were two possibilities. Either Canaren did something that had an effect on his body, or the wait and time wasted was worthwhile.

“Canaren, did you do something when I fainted?”

He knew it’s a vague question, but it was the best he could come up with.

It wasn’t a crazy idea at all.

The Hwira people were born with special abilities that humans do not have, and each one has different abilities. It was possible to heal wounds with songs, or to manipulate people’s minds at will. Canaren probably has at least one unusual ability.

Perhaps that thought was wrong, for Canaren shrugged her shoulders with a confused expression.

「Umm…… all right?」

“I’m feeling better.”

Yulif said frankly. In fact, he had never been in such good condition after returning. It was refreshing as if waking up from a deep sleep after several days, and above all, it was nice to be able to use magic without hesitation.

He didn’t have to look at Deltinus anymore.

Canaren didn’t answer right away. Her wandering eyes seemed very troubled.

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He wanted to say it was okay, that she didn’t have to if she didn’t want to. He meant to say that, but Canaren’s reply was quicker.

「I sang a song. It has the power to help you heal. It might make you sleep better…….」

“Right. Thank you.”

「Are you unwell? Since when? Are you okay now?」

“Okay. Everything is fine thanks to you.”

That’s fortunate. Canaren muttered. It was a word with several meanings. After getting out of the lake without incident, Yulif’s health improved, so her abilities were not discovered.

When they ran out of things to say, the two shut their mouths as if they had earlier agreed. The sound of fire burning intermittently cut through the strange silence.

“Excuse me! The bath water is ready! May I come in?”

Roana’s lively shout could not have been this welcome.

It’s timely.

Yulif praised Roana inwardly.

“I’ll just go out and take a look. If you need anything, tell Roana. Even if you are tired, eat and sleep at least a little.”

「Isn’t Yulif going to eat together?」

“I will take care of it. Get some rest.”

Canaren bit her mouth before she said something more.

It would make her uncomfortable if he stayed up. She didn’t want to sit at the same table, she said in the cabin.

Yulif went out. His eyes met with Roana’s, who was making the bathtub float with magic.

“After bathing, let her eat and sleep.”

“Huh? Isn’t the Lord going to eat together?

Roana shrugged her shoulders behind Yulif’s back as he went into the tent next to her without answering.

As she entered, Canaren with a dark expression was standing there.

Why was the atmosphere like this? Roana put down the tub, convinced it would make a strange noise, which she didn’t care about if she was being blunt.

“Have you been waiting long? Please leave the bath and meal to me. I’m also very good at it.”

Canaren was not used to being served by anyone, and she couldn’t entrust herself to Roana, who looked like a talented person in a single glance.

Canaren fiddled with her hands, and Roana skillfully undressed her and guided her into the bathtub. The pleasant warm water smelled good. Canaren’s tensed body began to loosen.

“But can I ask you one thing? The Lord did not answer me. As you know…… he’s like that.”

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As she looked at Canaren’s gradually relaxing face, Roana’s instinct to chatter slowly lifted its head.

It was surprising because it was the first time someone spoke of Yulif in such a way. She seemed to know what she meant.

Canaren smiled slightly and nodded her head.

“What have you two been up to at this hour?”

Why? The moment when Yulif and her lips met earlier flashed past Canaren’s eyes.

The moment when she was desperate to save him, with no self-interest.

Still, her face caught fire.

Seeing Canaren’s blushing up to her neck, Roa’s eyes gleamed mischievously.


A meaningful sound from Roana ignited the fire. The embarrassment that dyed Canaren’s face red spread over her neck and down to her collarbone and shoulder.

‘No. No. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it’s not like that!’

Canaren let out a silent cry.

She swore she had no personal feelings really, really! She didn’t! The only thought she had at the time was that she had to save Yulif. She wasn’t crude enough to harbor dark feelings for someone who had fainted, and she had never thought of Yulif that way in the first place.

“Hahaha. It’s okay. I understand everything. The Lord’s personality is not very good, but outwardly he is tall and in good shape. Oh, I’m sorry. I said something bad about someone you like.”

Roana scratched her head as she said she was sorry.

It was decided that two people who liked each other did something like that in a dark place until late.

Canaren wanted to cry. No, it’s not really like that. Her voice was choked and lodged in her throat, perhaps because she was startled and bewildered. Her plight of not being able to speak the common language had never been more embarrassing than it was now.

“For some reason, the Lord is strange these days. When it comes to the Imperial Palace, there was something suspicious about the fact that the person who used to avoid it has been in the palace for over a month…… and he’s telling me to prepare a dress, to buy all the pretty furniture, or to go hunting?”

Roana gently rubbed Canaren’s back with a foamy sponge. It tickled unbearably on her back, foam dripping down.

“I almost passed out when he asked me to buy a dress. Everyone did too. I was also worried that the Lord might scream. It is said that when a person suddenly changes, he dies. But I saw Miss Canaren that day and realized why.”

When Roana opened her mouth, embarrassing words came out, but why wasn’t Canaren feeling so bad? Could the joy in Roana’s voice be transferred?

Canaren looked at her rubbing her arms without meaning. The tickle that started on her back was spreading all over her body.

“Love is also coming to the Lord. Even if no one knew about it, the Lord thought that even if the world was to fall, he would die while chewing on solitude. Oh, I want to love too!”


Canaren’s mind flashed.

It was love. Between Yulif and her, the never-existing, non-existent emotion was love.

Yulif…… Because Yulif has someone else he loves.

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