For You In The Cage

Chapter 52

Episode 52: Pionia (I)

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9. Pionia

Upon arriving at Yulif’s estate, Pionia, Canaren fell asleep. It was a reaction that surfaced as the extreme tension was released and the burden on the body came rushing in at once.

Yulif did a search in Pionia like a scavenger and mobilized all the healing wizards. All the wizards who could use even a little bit of healing magic came together.

The spirit of the lord who returned after a long time bore the momentum to even dig up the basement, so no one dared to speak to him.

Derek sighed as he looked at the office door that had not been opened for days. Wouldn’t it be great if Roana was okay at this time? He didn’t know the day would come when he would miss the noisy and frivolous Roana.

As he was about to sigh again, someone slapped him in the back of the head.

“Ah! What kind of bastard? Do you want to die?”

“What is a nosebleed to someone who doesn’t know what it really means to die?”

“What, who are you? Roana… you! Whoa! Are you all right? Is everything better?”

Roana, who had a fierce battle in Robelheim, was surprisingly not in a bad condition. However, due to the depletion of her magical powers, she was forced to stay in bed for several days.

Roana grinned in front of Derek.

“It was all right. Who is this Roana? She is a capable magician, who will come back alive from hell.”

“Hey. Who was it that made the lord return to clean up?”

“Shut up. It was because my magical power dried up and so I collapsed.”

Roana clenched her fist and waved it around. Derek shrugged his shoulders.

“Where’s the lord?”

“He’s inside, but…… Don’t mess with him now. It’s a first-class alert.”

Yulif’s subordinates created a system of several levels of alerts according to the mood of their superior. The first level was an imaginary alarm that existed only in legends and had never been triggered. Yulif was never the type of person whose emotions surpassed reason, and the range of emotions was not large in the first place. No matter how much Deltinus turned inside out, he was a human being who could not even trigger the weakest level 5.

Derek had never in his life thought to speak of a first-level alert.

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“My Lord, this is Roana. May I come in?”

“Go away.”

A voice full of life was terrifying. ‘Didn’t you hear what I just said?’ Derek looked at Roana with pity for fearlessly knocking and then being swore at.

But Roana did not back down.

“I will go in. I have something to tell you about Miss Canaren.”

“Hey, hey! You really want to die don’t you..”

The door swung open. It was not opened by Roana, but by Yulif. As soon as Roana entered, the door slammed close. Bang!

Derek’s face became pale as if he had seen a ghost.

The office was tidy as usual, but Yulif sitting at the desk was not. Not his body, but his mind seemed troubled.

Roana looked at his rough face and her thoughts became even more complex.

“Tell me the gist.”

“I don’t know if I can say this…”

“I told you to just say the main point.”

“This is what Miss Canaren told me to not say to the Lord.”

A blue light flashed from his eyes. Roana’s legs trembled spontaneously because of the instantaneous impact on her. She swallowed dry saliva.

“Report everything, even the smallest details.”

“She intentionally cut herself and gave me blood. But it was no ordinary blood. The taste was good, but above all, though I just drank it, my broken bones suddenly healed.”

“Continue. Don’t stop talking until I tell you to.”

It was strange to think back on that time. Roana squeezed her last memory.

“Just before I fainted, I overheard some bastard talking. He said it’s called ‘a bird that escapes death.’ He was referring to Miss Canaren.”

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She hadn’t heard the conversation between the two beyond that, but that was enough for her to draw a conclusion.

Roana presented her views with difficulty to her superior, who could kill people with his eyes.

“Canaren seems to have special powers.”

After a brief report, Roana went out. Even after a long time had passed, Yulif sat there without moving.

Roana’s words were intertwined with random thoughts.


He let out a simmering sigh from within his stomach, and he calmed the emotions running wild within him.

He squeezed his temples and closed his eyes. It was a natural habit for him to do that when his mind was complicated.

It was as expected. Canaren had other powers in addition to the commonly known abilities of the Hwira tribe. With that power, she saved Roana, who had been injured, and him from drowning in the lake.

When he returned to Robelheim, he saw a smashed castle and corpses strewn here and there, demonstrating the seriousness of the situation. However, compared to the situation, Roana was not seriously injured, so he was puzzled.

Maybe it was because of Canaren.

‘You have intentionally wounded yourself to share your blood.’

It must be the power of Canaren’s blood itself, or the ability to use blood as a medium. In any case, this means that he himself drank her at the lake.

Yulif realized this and couldn’t stop swearing

“Damn it.”

Where and how did she get more hurt than that day? If it had been a conspicuous wound, he would not have known until now.

It didn’t matter anyway. Yulif was about to go crazy because of the fact that Canaren cut her skin and bled in some way.

How did she feel? How did she try to save him? He couldn’t remain a good person to her. That’s not right. She must hate him as much as the emperor. He should be regarded as terrifying as the emperor, and as disgusting as the emperor. It should be this way.

Yulif thought of Canaren’s arm that was holding him. He would never forget the joy he felt when her slender arms pulled him tighter.

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If he could, he wanted to die at that moment. Could there be a more perfect death than dying in her arms, filled with happiness from head to toe?

“It’s a sin to be happy without knowing my place.”

Yulif gave up on himself. After Canaren died instead, all his time was for atonement and punishment.

However, he felt happiness, big and small, by the side of Canaren who returned. He took a peaceful walk, danced with her, and looked at and touched her as much as he could when she was asleep.

Yulif lost his mind when he found Canaren with her injured wings and her blood dripping from her calves in Rovellheim. He was so mad that it was difficult to control his magic so that she wouldn’t get caught up in it.

But on the other hand, it felt rather fortunate. She hurt her wings and legs, so she couldn’t run away anymore. There was a part of his heart that was relieved to think so.

Hopeless rubbish

His utter self-disillusionment made him even more angry.

He returned to his residence and locked himself in his office for no other reason. He saw the injured Canaren and he thought that he could not forgive himself. He didn’t deserve to see Canaren.

“You always thought of saving me.”

After speaking to himself in a hoarse voice, Yulif removed his hand that was over his eyes. Under the distorted eyebrows, his cool eyes gleamed sharply.

‘I didn’t turn back time to see you throw yourself away and save someone’s life.’

There was no chance that Canaren would tell him about her abilities. Even in his previous life, where she loved Yulif more than her own life, she kept it a secret until the end.

‘I should go to the Hwira village.’

Did Canaren say that her mother was the chieftain? Even if no one else knows, she will know exactly what Canaren’s abilities are.

There were also other issues he wanted to check.

Yulif placed a hand on his chest. The heart was beating at regular intervals.

‘Is her blood still flowing in my body?’

He didn’t even know how to reflect, and it was ridiculous that he thought of the damn thing again. He stifled a laugh.

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Canaren opened her eyes. It was as natural as waking up in the morning after a good night’s sleep. She blinked at the white canopy hanging from the ornate ceiling.

‘Where am I?’

“Miss Canaren! Miss Canaren, are you okay? Do you see me? Can you hear me?”

Her mind was clear, but her head didn’t work well. It felt like she had been squatting for a long time and then suddenly tried to move her body.

Canaren turned her head in the direction of the hoarse voice. Roana was in tears at her bedside.

“Remember me? Remember? This is Roana. Roana Orcard! Say something. Are you sure you can’t speak? Yes?”

“Miss Roana…”

It was an unfamiliar voice that had been locked up. Canaren cleared her throat.

“A-Are you okay?”

“Wow, really. I’m going to explode. Who is caring about who now? Do you know how many days you slept? It’s a week. one week! You sleep like you’re dead without waking up even once for a week.”

Roana hit her chest with her fist. One week…? Canaren, who slowly understood her words, lifted her upper body with a jerk.

“Did I sleep for a week?”

“That’s right. If you don’t believe me, ask these people here. I will also kindly tell you how worried the lord and I were.”

As Roana said, she looked around her and saw several people circling her bed. Except for Roana, no one looked familiar.

She stretched her neck, just in case, and looked at the door, but she didn’t see the person she was looking for.

“Miss Canaren? I understand who you are looking for, but calm down for a moment and get medical treatment.”

“Oh, no. I’m looking for anyone.”

“Yes Yes. That’s what you say.”

Roana didn’t even listen to Canaren’s lies. Canaren, embarrassed that she wasn’t very discreet after all, quietly received treatment from the wizards.

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