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Canaren hastily tried to escape away from him. Unfortunately, Deltinus was faster.

Pressing her shoulders down, Deltinus moved his hand again. His fingers ran up her straight neck and tapped her lips. It was a light touch like a knock, but Canaren felt his dirty desire in it. No matter how hard he tried to hide that kind of desire, he couldn’t conceal it completely.

She was right in thinking so. Deltinus had come to her with an obvious purpose.

At first it was because of his anger towards her and Yulif.

The knights who were sent to watch Canaren and keep her from escaping were attacked by a mysterious assailant and locked in a corner of the weapons warehouse, and his maids were also lying in the food warehouse in a similar state. Moreover, Yulif stood guard over Canaren’s door and made sure no one entered.

Deltinus burst into laughter as soon as he received the report.

An unknown assailant? How comical. There was only one person in this world who would do this.

An arrogant guy who had funny thoughts about him – the emperor and brother.

The sound of things breaking resounded in Deltinus’ office. The valet locked the door to prevent anyone from entering and guarded the front.

Deltinus thought as he wandered around his messy office.

Yulif, who he thought had a heart made of steel and ice, suddenly had feelings.

Even so, he could never forget the sight of Canaren spreading her wings and singing in the banquet hall.

Thanks to Yulif who wrapped himself around her, Deltinus’s lust was also ignited as he watched them.

Deltinus, who stormed into Canaren’s room with his guards, was curious. This was because there was no Yulif, who he thought would stand like a gatekeeper.

This was a good thing.

Looking at the sleeping Canaren, Deltinus’ mind hardened.

‘Today, I must make this beautiful bird my own.’

He came here to instill his frustration at Yulif, but seeing Canaren in person like this, he really liked her. Her lips, which were red and thick like ripe fruits, seemed as if it would burst with juice when bitten lightly. Her bright blonde hair, which became whiter towards the end, shimmered like a star even at night, and her pale skin had a sweet smell, as if sprinkled with milk.

What he was most looking forward to was the sound of Canaren’s cry. He couldn’t resist at the thought of raising that clear, beautiful voice, and hearing it moan.

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“I was the first to discover you. The one who brought you to the Imperial Palace, the one with the chain, and the one with the key. It is I, not Yulif, whom you have to obey.”

Deltinus pulled Canaren’s chin down and forced her mouth open.

Canaren struggled hard to turn her head to avoid his hand and groped under her pillow. A hard thing touched the tip of her finger.

It was Yulif’s pocket watch.

‘No matter when or where you are, I will come.’

Yulif’s voice echoed in her head. Canaren held the watch in front of Deltinus’ eyes.

For a moment, Deltinus’ movements stopped at the sudden action, and then he laughed out loud.

“What is this? You mean Yulif gave you the watch he was carrying around like a treasure? What did he say? Will this protect you?”

Canaren clenched her teeth. She had to do something while Deltinus’s attention was focused on the watch.

She wished she had hidden a weapon as well.

She probably wouldn’t have been able to use it anyway, but Canaren had a brief moment of meaningless regret.

“How dare you try to stop me with a broken watch. I don’t buy that courage.”

Deltinus reached out his hand. He was about to pull Canaren’s fingers, which was holding the watch, to take the watch and throw it on the floor.

A red light flashed from the face of the watch.


As if his hand was burning, a piercing pain swept over Deltinus. The pain did not end in his hands, but spread through his veins and throughout his body. Deltinus rolled off the bed and fell to the floor. The unexpected pain choked him.

The magic of Yulif, which he experienced for the first time, was terrible.

While Deltinus moaned on the floor, Canaren picked up the watch and ran to the door.

“You think that will stop me!”

Awakened by the power of anger, madness filled Deltinus’ eyes. Just before Canaren could open the door, he crawled across the floor and grabbed her ankle.

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The strong force that pulled her at her ankles momentarily caused Canaren to lose her balance and fall right in front of the door. She lost the watch she was holding in her hand. Deltinus pushed the watch away with his foot.

“Can’t you lie down quietly and accept this Emperor’s love!  How dare you injure this Emperor’s body?”


Deltinus visciously grabbed Canaren’s hair with one hand and lifted her up. A scream of pain escaped her mouth.

Deltinus smiled ferociously and slapped her on the cheek. Her lips ripped apart and blood gushed out.

“The best way to tame an animal is to beat it. And I like to tame animals. It feels good every time a cheeky creature becomes docile.”

Canaren clenched her teeth. Deltinus rejoiced whenever she cried or screamed. At least, she didn’t want to give him the reaction he wanted. That was the best act of defiance that Canaren could do right now.

“You know what this Emperor wants too. You could give it to me, so why are you so stubborn? Hm?”

Deltinus pressed Canaren’s cheeks and forced her lips to open. A warm, alcohol-smelling breath stuck to her lips.

Canaren tried to avoid lips that came close to her, but the hold on her cheeks was too strong.

“Yulif has abandoned you. You can tell by the fact that he hasn’t come yet.”


“It seems that you don’t even have the energy to struggle. This is not bad either.”

His cold hands dug into her clothes. Everywhere he touched with his snake-like hand, goosebumps and a terrifying feeling arose.

Canaren squeezed her eyes shut and fumbled.

‘Please, if I can reach anything. It doesn’t have to be Yulif’s watch. Please…!’

Crackle. At the same time as the terrifying sound of fabric tearing, a bright light flashed over her eyes.


Deltinus, who was holding down Canaren’s body, flew away. The sound of something breaking echoed loudly in the room.

Canaren opened her eyes. As soon as she did, she met Yulif’s eyes.

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Yulif made eye contact with her and smiled faintly. As if trying to reassure her fear.

With  a smile, he took off his coat and put it on Canaren. She received the coat with trembling hands.

“I’m sorry I’m late. Come behind me.”

Canaren, hiding behind his back, grabbed the hem of his robe with one of her hands.

Yulif’s expression became cold as he turned and faced forward. His sharp gaze was fixed on the Deltinus lying on the rubble of the smashed desk.

“Damn it…… Yulif, do you know what you are doing now!”

To Deltinus, who was about to stand up from the ground, Yulif spoke with an expressionless face that showed no emotion.

“I hate breaking promises. As Your Majesty knows.”

“Ha! I don’t believe you! You must be really out of your mind! You have the same beliefs as I, I know it!”

“How long does His Majesty think such absurd beliefs will protect you?”

Yulif’s shoes gently stepped on Deltinus’ hands. A sharp, agonizing scream rang out.

Although Deltinus was screaming, something felt strange.

At this amount of noise, soldiers should have come running, but why hadn’t anyone looked into it? No, more than that. How could this man do him harm?

“I said it clearly. I will accept this as a reasonable price.”


Yulif applied force with his feet, squeezing Deltinus’s fingers. The sound of bones breaking was drowned out by Deltinus’ screams. Five of his fingers were smashed, as well as the bones of the back of his hand.

“No one will come. Even if they come, it will be of no use.”

“Yu… Lif!”

“There is no guarantee that just these bones will break next time.”

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It wasn’t just a threat to scare Deltinus and get what he wanted. Yulif was speaking with sincerity.

Fury and fear were fiercely confronting within the Deltinus.

He knew Yulif’s skills best. Yulif always came back alive despite numerous assassination attempts. Had it not been for the oath their mother made Yulif perform, he would have died earlier at Yulif’s hands.

So it was even weirder. Yulif could not do any harm to Deltinus.

Obey the orders of Deltinus without endangering his life. No matter what happens, he wouldn’t hurt Deltinus.

Those were the contents of the oath that their mother, who was about to die, had proposed to Yulif.

Yulif followed their mother very well. Perhaps she was the only human Yulif had affection for. Maybe that was why he accepted the oath without resisting and had kept it very well so far.

‘The oath…… Has it been released?’

No way. It wasn’t just an oath made with good words, but it was close to a curse. He could never release it himself.

Tears flowed from Deltinus’ eyes, unable to overcome the pain and anger.

“You’ve endured the belief well so far, so what is the reason for this all of a sudden? Are you really doing this because of that one girl!”

“Your Majesty will not understand, so I will not answer.”

Yulif took his feet off him. And he magically healed Deltinus’ hands, which were grotesquely broken and tattered. It’s not because he likes Deltinus. This was to destroy evidence that he had touched the emperor’s body.

Deltinus was rather fed up with Yulif’s overly calm appearance.

Yulif lowered his head and hid the pushed Canaren behind him again.

“And make sure you never call Canaren so thoughtlessly again.”

At the end of those words, the surrounding landscape was distorted like a haze.

The vertigo went away and Deltinus found himself thrown out of the room. Yulif used space movement magic to move him.

“……Yulif, Yulif, Yulif!”

Deltinus screamed and threw the belongings in his room at random. The servant, who was passing by the office, ran in, startled. The sight of Deltinus smashing the window with red-hot eyes was like seeing a madman.

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