For You In The Cage

Chapter 68

Episode 68: Wedding (I)

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11. Wedding

Canaren looked in the mirror quietly. After dressing up, which began at dawn, she became a completely different person. It was thanks to the fresh and bright makeup and accessories with topaz to match the color of her eyes. Her attention soon shifted to the dress she was wearing.

The upper waist, lavishly decorated with lace and diamonds, was somewhat expected. Of course, it was much more glamorous than she had imagined, and it seemed as if it was shining on its own, but it must be because it’s a wedding, she thought, and moved on. Still…

Canaren got up from her chair and lowered her head slowly. She looked under her skirt where her white legs seemed to be layered with white lace flower petals, which seemed awkward.

The wedding dress brought by the maid had a short skirt. Her knees were clearly visible. It was only back in her village that she ran well in shorts, but she was not in the village now. In addition, all kinds of nobles would be coming. She was worried that Yulif would be pointed out for being out of formality.

“Is it okay to wear something like this?”

“Yes. His lordship chose this for you.”

“Yulif chose this?”

Canaren tilted her head. It was just her idea, but somehow it was hard to believe that Yulif seemed to choose this dress.

‘By the way, I haven’t seen Roana since morning.’
(T/C: lmao, sneaky Roana.)

‘She said she had an important job, and she seemed to be very busy. Then what should I do?’

Canaren was troubled as she touched the hair that had been braided in a thick braid. She was at a loss because she had not been informed of what she had to do at the wedding.

Should she wait for someone to come here?

Then the dressing room window swung open. A gentle breeze whirled through Canaren’s body. A wind that was too weak to open the window.

What? Canaren was startled as she turned her body unconsciously.


Yulif was not aware of the situation for a moment. He was a little distracted when Canaren’s little hand touched his shoulder.

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To her surprise, Yulif was kneeling down with one knee on the floor. Looking closely, the other foot was hanging on the carpet.

‘Did he trip over the carpet? Him?’

She was confused. He swore it was the first time he had tripped over something after learning to walk. Although he’s a wizard, Yulif was also very good at swordsmanship and had a unique reflex. Carpet… he was never a person who would trip over the carpet.

“Are you okay? Are you not hurt?”


Yulif was stunned speechless. Whose milky skin that fills his field of vision is that? His gaze, which had unwittingly skimmed over her bare legs, was blocked by the skirt, which was piled up like flower petals.

That alone was enough. He could see the clean, white thighs that seemed to have hardened by pouring milk.

Yulif sprang to his feet. He needed to get his act together. Yulif, who was about to slap himself on the cheek, found Canaren’s wide-open eyes and lowered his hand.

“Yo-You’re okay, right?”

Yulif nodded his head silently, but Canaren thought he was behaving oddly. He wasn’t serious from the moment he appeared. It was because Yulif didn’t use the door and came in through the window like a thief.

Even that could have been moved on somehow, but the problem was next. Shortly after her eyes met Yulif, who had passed the window frame, he fell flat down. Why did Yulif fall so heavily?

At closer inspection from the side, his eyes were a little red. The ears, which were not covered by neatly trimmed hair, were bright red. Canaren touched his forehead in a hurry and was surprised. It was too hot.

“Yulif, I think you have a fever.”

“No, that’s not it.”

“No! You just stumbled over your feet because you must be dizzy from the heat. Stay here, I’ll call the healing wizard.”

“…Are you going to leave like that?”

As soon as Canaren was about to run out of the room, she was caught by Yulif by her wrist. She tilted her head to one side. She looked down at herself. Her skirt was crumpled a little because she was sitting on the floor trying to get Yulif up. She slightly pulled the crumpled side with her hand and unfolded it.

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“Is it strange? It’s the clothes Yulif chose…”

“Me? No way.”

Yulif answered firmly. The more Canaren talked to him, the more she felt lost in mystery. She didn’t think the maid who helped her dress up was lying…….

Anyway, the important thing now wasn’t who picked the clothes, it was to bring down Yulif’s fever. Canaren twisted her wrist caught by him.

“Let go. You have a really bad fever. I’ll be back soon.”

“No. Do not go.”

“Stop being stubborn! You don’t know how hot your body is right now, right? Your hands are like balls of fire.”

“I’m not like this because I’m sick.”

“Are you sure?”

Yulif was really embarrassed. He was more embarrassed than when he realized he had tripped over the carpet, and his mind went blank. How to explain it. No, it was difficult to even judge whether this was the right explanation.

Canaren’s eyes grew sharp as she looked at him, who was speechless. Yulif, who was looking at her eyebrows that soared into the sky with a complicated feeling, barely opened his mouth.

“Change your clothes. Then we’ll talk.”

“Is it that strange? Is it enough not to show it to others?”

“Yes. I don’t want to show it.”

“…All right. Then I’ll change my clothes and go.”

Her voice, which answered like she was talking to herself, was gloomy. She tried not to show it, but she couldn’t help feeling sad.

Canaren understood Yulif’s position. As soon as she saw the outfit, she too thought it was too revealing. Still, why was he being so cold when it was him who chose it? Besides, today… Today was the wedding. There was nothing wrong with changing her clothes. If Yulif was just a little kinder, it would have been all right if she had to change a few dozen clothes.

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‘If you marry a woman you don’t love, even Yulif won’t feel good about it.’

The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. Canaren bowed her head and stepped forward to pick out another dress to change into. Her dresses were displayed in similar colors for easy identification.

‘Is it better to wear a white dress for a wedding?’

She went to the place where the white dress was hanging while in trouble thoughts as Yulif called her from behind. Canaren didn’t turn her head, she just moved her mouth.

“What is wrong?”

“Which one would you choose?”

Then Canaren turned her body. The three dresses that Yulif had chosen were erected upright by magic for easy viewing. All three looked pretty and elegant in her Canaren’s eyes, so it was difficult for her to choose one.

“Please choose Yulif. I like everything.”

“Then let’s go with this.”

Yulif quickly picked one. It was a quick choice, as if Canaren was the one who waited for Yulif to pick.

Innocent Canaren didn’t notice that Yulif chose the dress with the least exposure, or that all the dresses he selected as candidates were long enough to cover her ankles. She was just happy to wear a dress that Yulif picked out for her this time.

She changed her dress again with the help of the maid, and only then did Yulif’s expression loosen up. Perhaps because he had taken a break while changing clothes, the fever in his body, which had been boiling hot, had subsided a lot.

Thanks to this, Canaren regained peace of mind, and Yulif’s iwizard was properly captured in her eyes.

Yulif was always handsome and tall, but today especially so. Maybe it was because of his hair that was parted to his side. Rather than the characteristic rigid feeling, it gave off a sophisticated yet colorful atmosphere. The purple eyes surrounded by deep, cool eyes shone mysteriously and elegantly. His lips, which looked a little redder than usual, were both beautiful and bizarre.

Canaren recalled the time he suddenly grabbed her wrist. His large and strong hands were so hot that she thought her skin was scorching.

She lowered her eyes to see where she had been caught. Her skin was white and weak, and she was prone to wounds. Again, although faintly, the traces left by Yulif were stained red. Canaren lightly touched the traces of it.

How nice it would be if he held her hand instead of her wrist.

“Are you done?”

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“Ah yes. Are we going to say hello to the guests now? What am I supppose to do?”

“They have already gone to replace us.”

“On our behalf? Who?”

Yulif shrugged his shoulders instead of answering. A refreshing yet strong scent rose from him as he quietly approached. Canaren held her breath as much as she could and inhaled the air that was tainted with his body.

What should she do? Being alone with Yulif made her keep talking in the office and be conscious of her actions.

“Leave this to the others, and I’m thinking of going out for a while.”

“Is this okay though? The emperor… I heard he is coming.”

That’s why they would have to go even further.

Yulif did not respond. Canaren did not want to see the emperor more than anyone else. Nevertheless, she felt that she should go and greet him for fear of being a nuisance to Yulif and ruining the important wedding. But she couldn’t say anything. Not ‘I love you’ or ‘I didn’t sleep a wink all night before my wedding.’

Yulif took Canaren’s hand. His heart ached as he watched her brighten even in his casual touch, which could never be called affectionate. He shouldn’t have given her hope. He clasped the hem of his robe in Canaren’s hand with the feeling of cutting his arm himself.

“Hold on. We’re moving with magic.”


“It’s not a quiet, high place, but it’s something you’ll like.”

“…Can I look forward to it?”

Canaren met his gaze and struggled to smile. It was a pathetic attempt to hide her disappointment.

—Yes. Look forward to it. Because it’s a place you really wanted to go.

Yulif only whispered in his heart and used magic.

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