For You In The Cage

Chapter 79

Episode 79: An Undelivered Gift (III)

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Canaren touched her belly secretly, hoping Yulif didn’t notice it.

‘It looks like a boat. I wore a dress for nothing.’

Today, Sir George’s cooking was so good, she couldn’t control herself and ate everything. In particular, the lemon crème brûlée at the end of the meal was very sweet in her mouth, and she thought she could eat up to five if she tried hard

Even Sir George, who has such great skills, said that it was a difficult dessert to make, so she tried to be satisfied with just one.

Canaren looked at Yulif, pressing her convex belly with both her hands.

She got to know him while having breakfast together for the past few days, but Yulif wasn’t the type to eat breakfast in the morning. He didn’t even pay attention to his food, although he was sitting with her at the table. He drank tea at best, but sometimes he didn’t and just looked at her in silence.

At the second meal, Canaren thought he was giving her a hint. His dry eyes seemed to ask, ‘Is it good that you eat well alone?’ She felt frustrated.

She left half of the dessert on that day but ate it all during the third meal, when Yulif suddenly spoke to her.

“It isn’t to your taste?”

“Oh, no. It’s delicious. It’s delicious…”

Canaren blurs the tip of her tongue. She said it wasn’t a matter of whether the food was tasty or not, and she was sorry if she had bothered George for nothing. Yulif looked at her like that and called an attendant.

“Bring a new dish. Put them all away.”

“IIt’s because I feel sorry for Yulif because I’m eating alone! It’s not because it doesn’t taste good.”

“I don’t care. I only drink tea in the morning.”

“Is that so? Then it’s just because of me…”

“This is way better than saying we’ll see each other in bed, so that’s enough.”

At Yulif’s harsh reply, Canaren’s face burned. Finally, towards the end of the third breakfast, Yulif made a startling remark.

“George will cook again from dinner, so it will be much better.”

“Isn’t this what Sir George made?”

To Canaren who asked him in surprise, Yulif only shrugged his shoulders. Maybe it really was George’s skill, as the food served at dinner tasted better.

Canaren wanted to ask George what had happened, but Yulif didn’t seem very open to answer.

Canaren had spoken timidly to Roana and Derek, who filled in for Yulif.

“I think we should change the time I eat together with Yulif.”

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“I thought we’d have the most fun in the morning, so I said I’d see him then…but because Yulif didn’t eat anything. I feel sorry that it is only me eating.”

“Madam Canaren, it’s because you worry too much. Just leave the lord alone.  He is usually like that in the morning.”

“Roana is right. And doesn’t His Grace like breakfast time? Doesn’t he always come to the dining hall first?”

“No. I’m often the first.”

“It can’t be… His Grace always leaves very early. I thought he went to the dining hall?”

“You don’t even know where His Grace is going? Why don’t you do your job right?”

Roana and Derek, who quarreled whenever they had time, started arguing.

Canaren tilted her head at the thought of Yulif, who always came into the restaurant just before she started eating. He never came first. Anyway, it made her feel more at ease knowing that Yulif, and even Roana and Derek, didn’t  normally eat breakfast.

“Dessert. If you want more, eat.”

At Yulif’s suggestion, Canaren woke up from her thoughts. She shook her head. If she ate more, her stomach became more convex than it is now, and it seemed that Yulif would find out. The mere imagination was shameful, so she shook her head once again as if determined.

No way. She must have gained weight after just rolling around in the castle these days. She has to move as hard as she eats. Canaren carefully opened her mouth.

“Dessert is ok… Is it okay if I also fly? I think I need to do some exercise.”

Yulif said she was free to do whatever she wanted, but flying was a slightly different matter. Even if it was widely known that she’s from the Hwira tribe that has wings, if they see the duchess flying in the sky, the new residents might say, ‘What is that?’

She started thinking about what kind of exercise she could do if Yulif said no.

“No one will point a finger at you no matter what you do. It’s okay to do anything you want.”

The reason Yulif can answer so confidently is probably because this is his territory. The permanent residents, like Roana and Derek, had strong faith in Yulif. At least in Pionia, Yulif took precedence over the emperor.

Having married such a person, Canaren was also in a similar position here.

But more than the many benefits that Canaren enjoyed directly from him, it was better for her to say something that seemed to recognize her as his wife.

“Instead, don’t leave the castle. Take Roana with you.”

“Yes. All right.”

Canaren nodded her head immediately. The grand ducal castle was very wide. If you include the wall and the moat that surrounds the castle, it was a sufficient range to exercise. She had no intention of showing off the figure of her flying all over Pionia in the first place.

“I finished eating. Shall we get up now?”

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“All right.”

As usual, Yulif got up from his seat and headed for the door. Canaren sprinted to walk side by side next to him.

After a while she came to a fork in the road. It was a road that had a path to the left for Yulif, while the right was Canaren’s. Canaren walked to the left without a word, and greeted Yulif.

“Thank you for keeping your promise today. See you tomorrow, Yulif. Have a nice day.”

Yulif glanced back at her and walked away without saying a word. It was a pity that his broad stride and tall figure quickly disappeared from view.

Canaren looked at him until he completely disappeared from her sight, then turned around. The sigh that she had held back leaked out of her mouth.

“Whoa! I almost got caught.”

When she loosened her full strength, her stomach swelled slightly, round. As Canaren tapped her stomach, she thought she should immediately find Roana and do some exercises.


It was a sunny day with not a single cloud in the sky. The wind was blowing and the weather was perfect for flying.

When she said she was going to do a short flight as a workout, Roana became excited and led Canaren to the high tower. Derek, who happened to be with Roana, tried to follow her with his eyes shining, but unfortunately, he couldn’t join. It was because Yulif called him as if he was aiming for this moment.

“In the future, just make sure…! Please take me with you!”

Derek departed, shedding tears, as if he was really sad.

Canaren closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze that whirled around her body. Moments later, two pairs of wings spread out from her back.

“Wow. Can I touch it just once?”

“Yes. As long as you don’t hold it too hard, it’s fine.”

Roana carefully followed the instructions, sweeping Canaren’s wings. The pure white feathers were as soft as it looked, and the wings were also stronger than she had imagined.

Canaren laughed briefly, as Roana was so careful with her hand that the place she touched was tickling. Roana followed suit with a smile and raised her hand.

“Okay, I’ll be back!”

After the greeting, Canaren bravely flew up.

Her hair fluttered in the gusts of her four large wings. Roana looked up at the sky, holding down her hair that was fluttering wildly with her hand. At the same time, admiration burst out of her mouth.

Flying through the open skies, Canaren seemed very free. As if she was not bound by anything, her flight was so free and natural that it felt even beautiful. Her golden hair, scattered in the air, reflected the sunlight and shimmered.

Roana put her hands together and brought them to her mouth, and she cried out loudly.

“Go higher!”

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Hearing Roana’s cry, Canaren flapped her wings, raising her altitude. As she climbed much higher than the bell tower, everything around entered her view.

‘Will this be enough to see those in the village? I might see it if I get a little closer.’ Canaren suddenly became curious and turned towards the village.

Her gaze was so far away that she didn’t notice that she had strayed slightly from the walls surrounding the castle. It was also due to a lack of sense of distance due to being quite far from the ground.

In an instant, she felt a strange sensation. It felt as if someone or something was pulling her gently away. The energy was warm and gentle like a spring breeze, but at the same time a sense of stubbornness that it would not let her go was evident.

Canaren stopped and looked around. Of course, there was no one but her. It was strange. Canaren, who tilted her head with a puzzled expression, was startled when she realized that she spanned between the wall and the moat. She quickly turned around.

During the not-so-short flight, she had similar sensations several times after that. When she came to her senses and looked down, she was always on the verge of going out of the wall. Canaren, who went back to the tower because both times were strange, asked Roana.

“Roana, did you use magic on me?”

“No. I haven’t had time to do that because I’ve been busy watching you below!”

“Then who did the magic on me?”

“Ah, it’s impossible. I’ve never felt magical powers, and who would dare to use magic on you? Especially without the lord’s knowledge.”

“I see…?”

“Yes. Anyway, shall we fly together next time? I’ll make wings! How about it?”

More excited than Canaren, Roana clapped and folded her arms. Roana was the second most talented wizard after Yulif. It wouldn’t be a big deal if she didn’t feel weird.

‘Did I mistake it because it’s been a while?’

Canaren got caught up in Roana’s chatter and quickly forgot the sensations she had felt during the flight.


It seems that Roana was very impressed with Canaren’s flight. All the way down from the tower, she was busy talking about how to make her own wings and how to move her wings to help her fly.

Canaren smiled awkwardly and nodded or responded with a grunt. There was something else she wanted to say to Roana.

‘Roana is a wizard, so why does she need wings…? Can’t she just fly by magic? Yulif used to do that.’

It was her thoughts as she remembered Yulif, who followed her and soared lightly into her skies. But somehow, she didn’t ask because she felt like Roana would hurt if she asked that question. Canaren was now instinctively aware of the huge difference in skill between Yulif and Roana.

There was a bathroom near Canaren’s dressing room. An extravagantly luxurious bathroom, where one could enjoy bathing while looking at the garden through a window specially treated with magic, was only available to Canaren.

It was too burdensome at first. When she refused to use the bathroom, they brought a portable bathtub into the room, so from then on, Canaren was forced to use the luxurious bathroom. She really didn’t want to see several people groaning while carrying the bathtub for her sake.

Roana left out the part that she moved the bathtub using very simple magic. This was because she knew Canaren felt burdened with the bathroom but was happy every time she did.

“Is the water temperature okay? Is it too hot or too cold?”

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“Yes. it’s good.”

“Then I’ll add some lavender oil.”

There was a faint scent of lavender. Canaren swung her wings out in the water. The maid who attended her bath looked surprised at first, but she quickly casually helped wash her wings. She was so good at serving her that Canaren was able to finish her bath without doing anything.

“Aren’t you bothered by the wings?”

“No. Please don’t say that. That’s what I should do.”

Only a voice came from behind. There was a sense of distance in the polite but slightly rigid voice. Perhaps because there was no Roana who always talked to her next to her, the bathroom was filled with only the sound of water flowing and falling.

As she pondered, she realized she didn’t really know anyone who worked at the castle except for Roana, Derek, and George. Roana felt it would come naturally if she stayed in the castle, but Canaren was impatient.

She had only been given three months. She, of course, would do her best to change Yulif’s heart in the meantime, but apart from that, she couldn’t remain like this for three months. She herself is, after all, the Duchess of Rubius!

“Um, what’s your name?”

“Yes? Why, my name… Did you feel any discomfort during the bath? If you tell me, I will fix it right away.”

“It’s not like that. You help me every day, but I don’t know your name, so I’m curious.”

“Ah… That’s what you meant. My name is…”

The maid, who was about to say her name, suddenly shut up. After a while, her words continued, rubbing the foamy brush on her back.

“I really want to tell you… I’ll tell you later when I get a chance. sorry.”

Canaren wondered as the maid’s voice showed signs of hesitance. ‘Is there some reason she can’t tell me her name?’ Canaren just nodded because the maid kept forcing herself to say that.

She had no idea that there was an ominous rumor among the employees that the duchess should not know their name because of George’s incident— if the duchess calls a staff member’s name in a friendly manner, he or she would be fired without a rat’s knowledge by a jealous lord.

After the bath, the maid changed her clothes swiftly, greeted her, and left the bathroom. Canaren was a little embarrassed to see the large amount of feathers scattered on the bathroom floor. It seemed like it was time to organize her wings.

Roana, who was waiting outside the bathroom reading a spell book, greeted her.

“Well! Madam Canaren smells good. A cozy scent.”

“I just took a bath. But Roana, are those feathers mine?”

“They fell from the tower earlier and I picked them up because they were so pretty.  I think they’d be perfect to use as a bookmark. You’re not going to ask for it back because I picked it up, right? I picked it up, so it’s mine!”

Roana grabbed a feather and hid it behind her. As if hiding her favorite toy. Canaren briefly laughed out loud.

Thanks to her Roana she had a great idea. How to tidy up her wings and make friends with the people in the castle!

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