For You In The Cage

Chapter 89

Episode 89: The Duchess and Strangers (V)

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Canaren, who had lost all motivation because of the feathers, was on her way out of the garden as if being dragged by Roana. Rena, who was walking down the hallway, and Muasa, who was her escort, ran into them head-to-head.

Muasa, who recognized Canaren first, called her with an impeccable and bright expression.


Rena’s eyes widened as she heard the resounding whistle in the hallway. Canaren was equally startled and ran to Muasa, scolding him with the serious expression on her face.

“I heard from Yulif. He said you were going to stay in the castle? Don’t speak in Hwira in the future. People don’t understand.”

“You understand.”

“Muasa, Yulif did you a favor. If you act recklessly, Yulif will be in trouble. I hate that.”

“You are always worried about that person. Fine.”

“Don’t call him like that!”

Interest entered Rena’s eyes as she watched the two of them. Roana read her eyes and pulled Canaren, but she couldn’t stop Rena, who had already parted her lips.

“You seem to get along well, you two.”

“Muasa and I are childhood friends. Rather than that, you have to say hello first in this situation… I learned it.”

“I was surprised and have been rude. I have caused you much trouble. Hello, Your Grace. My name is Rena Harrodsell.”

Rena bowed politely and greeted her without a sign of embarrassment. As she viewed Rena as a lady, she felt as if she was beating a good woman, and Canaren glanced at Roana with a look of helplessness.

Help, Roana!

Roana held back her laughter and whispered to Canaren.

“Good job. You can be comfortable with it. Madam Canaren is a full-fledged duchess, and that woman… Lady Harrodsell is an uninvited guest, in a way.”

“Still… I can’t ignore the greeting.”

“Then just take it. It’s better if you do it for reference. Do you remember the lord? You can raise your chin slightly and say hello. Do that.”

Was that what Yulif did? It seemed that he did so to the people he encountered when giving noble guidance.

Canaren lifted her chin slightly, but Rena was tall and was wearing high-heeled shoes, so there was no effect of looking down on her arrogantly. Nevertheless, Canaren looked up at Rena with a firm look and said,

“You didn’t say hello.”

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“I have a feeling it must be because of me… wasn’t it?”

“Ye-yes. That’s right. Because of Lady Harrodsell, I have no appetite and I can’t sleep properly.”

It was an honest and cute confession. Rena lowered her head to hide her naturally rising smile, and Roana patted her on the forehead. But Canaren, who knew nothing, thought that Rena bowed her head to apologize and added more power to her voice.

“Let’s talk… Hmmm! I wish we could have an honest conversation while having a cup of tea.”

This time, Roana couldn’t help but smile. If it was the normal Canaren, she would be so different! She would have grabbed Rena’s arm and dragged her, but it seemed she wanted to appear in front of Rena as an elegant and dignified duchess. When did she learn to speak like that?

“Thank you for inviting me, Your Grace, but unfortunately, I will not be able to attend.”

An unexpected answer came back. Canaren rolled her eyes, and Roana glared at Rena with a murderous expression.

Rena was a little embarrassed. She had no ill feelings towards Canaren. She was just trying to keep Yulif’s word not to approach her. And it was obvious that the two of them would have to talk face to face at teatime. If she was going to talk about Yulif, then Rena would somehow hurt Canaren.

Rena was in love with this cute, innocent duchess. She didn’t want to inflict unnecessary hurt.

“If you have a chance next time, please invite me. Only today…”


Canaren’s little hand grabbed Rena’s wrist, which lifted the hem of her dress. It was a savage touch that did not match her small and delicate appearance.

“I won’t do anything bad. I’m just going to talk. Really.”

Why do you say it like it’s a bad thing? Rena sighed bitterly inwardly. It was she who was doing the duchess wrong now. Either way, she made a deal with Yulif behind the scenes.

“Then let’s not do this here, let’s go to the garden.”

Canaren didn’t know what to say to her, so she grabbed the still Rena and dragged her. Roana and Muasa followed suit with dissatisfied expressions on their faces.


Flowers were in full bloom in the most splendid garden of the ducal castle. Rena sat at the tea table in the shade and watched the flowers swaying in the wind.

Canaren said she would change her clothes and disappeared with Roana. It seemed like she would have to wait a while.

It didn’t look like that hard Duke Rubius would have even paid attention to a garden like this. Thinking it might be the touch of a cute duchess as sweet things seemed to reflect her taste, time was spent well in its own way.

But whenever Rena was bored, even in the capital, it was the flower viewing she did. Her attention, which quickly waned, naturally turned to Muasa, who stood behind her.

“Did the Duchess say you are her hometown friend?”


“Is that really all there is to it? Isn’t there something you’re hiding?”

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“If you have any questions, just ask. I don’t know why humans always talk so annoyingly. Do you think you’re gonna die if you ask me directly?”

Muasa narrowed one of his eyes and grunted wildly. Rena found Muasa’s reaction very fresh. He didn’t say much, but it was enough, and Canaren didn’t seem accustomed to hiding her feelings either.

‘Isn’t it his personality?’ While trying to refute it, Rena smiled when she remembered that Muasa was talking about humans at the end of every word.

“Excessive honesty can sometimes be rude. So, all of the Hwira are rude and crude like you?”

“This is my personality. The other guys are generally kind and friendly. You can tell just by looking at Canaren, right? Don’t assume that those of the same Hwira clan will all be like that.”

“Then don’t go overboard by saying that I’m the same human being, and that everyone is annoying you. Hmm?”

Muasa, who had nothing to say, licked his lips again and bit his mouth. Rena covered her mouth with her hand and smiled.

“Muasa, are you in the castle because of the duchess?”

“Yes. I was trying to take Canaren back to her village. I failed.”

“She is married to the duke, isn’t she? Why to the village?”

“Are you really asking because you don’t know?”

Muasa’s stinging gaze poured out, as if rebuking her. Aha This Hwira man also liked the duchess. Rena, having fixed half of the puzzle pieces scattered in her head, rested one hand on her chin.

“I wonder why you failed. May I ask?”

“Why? It’s because the duke or something was interfering. Obviously, I didn’t feel anything, but where did he appear?”

Rena tilted her head slightly. She knew if she would have been the duchess, she wouldn’t go because she loved the duke.

The day she first met Duke Rubius flashed through her mind. The duke said strange things, but also to not approach his wife more than necessary. The duke’s voice, calling the duchess ‘my wife’, was blunt, but it was full of affection that couldn’t be hidden.

She saw in the dining room the duke couldn’t take his eyes off the duchess and was convinced that he was in love with his wife. The story of how this Hwira man was prevented from taking his wife added weight to that conviction.

‘Then why don’t you drive this man out instead of letting him stay in the castle?’

The painstakingly put together puzzles split and spread at random. Rena grinned at Muasa, who was still staring at her with his bloody eyes.

“But still, you remain in the castle, does that mean you haven’t given up yet?”

“If Canaren is happy, I would give up. But he brought you in. He even married Canaren. I can’t forgive him. I’m going to take Canaren out somehow.”

“Oh, I’m scared. You said you’d protect me, but you’re not going to kill me, are you?”

“Who’s going to kill you? You’re being monitored, Don’t do weird things to Canaren.”

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Even though they were straight-forwards that didn’t even look like it took a fingernail’s worth of effort, it didn’t feel bad. It was more comfortable for her to deal with this open dislike rather than sarcastic babbling behind her back.

The antipathy toward her was just fine. Rena became curious. Will Muasa be able to run away with the duchess?

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Rena got up from her chair at the sound of Canaren’s voice coming from behind her. With the sound of the hem of her robe rubbing against the soft grass, Canaren passed by her side and sat across from her. Rena’s eyes widened.

‘Oh my goodness.’

In a light purple dress, Canaren was very beautiful. She was much prettier than the first time she met her at the dining hall. Her brightly exposed nape was pale thanks to her gracefully curled up hair. Although she was not overly decorated, she was dazzling as if she was shining everywhere. In particular, her bright golden hair and brilliant golden eyes caught her attention.

The delicate features that still retain the girly look aroused a protective instinct even in a fellow woman. Rena dared not imagine what it would be to the duke or Muasa.

‘Duke Rubius doesn’t seem to want to let his wife go…’

Rena had a good eye for picking her good stuff. The dress that Canaren was wearing, and the accessories she wore were top-notch, like that one. She was at a level that would not be a problem even if it was delivered to the imperial family right away. Was it just the dress? The work clothes she was wearing in her hallway earlier. It was the same. Leather, fabrics, finishes, threads, and even small jewels in the braids that tied her hair. She didn’t know, but the price of a headband would be more than enough to buy a carriage.

The duke surrounded the duchess with all kinds of precious and expensive things from her head to her toes. It wasn’t a matter of money. Such attention would have been impossible without obsessive affection. The duchess in front of her seemed unaware of that fact.

“Excuse me… Aren’t you going to sit down?”

“I’m sorry. Your Grace is so beautiful that I lost my mind for a moment.”

At the sudden praise, Canaren’s face reddened involuntarily. The pretty Rena said that. The dress Rena wore suited her well, she was much taller than herself, she has dark hair like Yulif, and her eyes seem to show dignity.

‘I mustn’t lose. I am the one who married Yulif. Be bold.’

“Oh, you don’t have to force yourself to praise me. That will never change my mind.”

“I have been involved in the religious circles of the capital for a long time, but I am not the type of person who talks nonsense. You seem to be underestimating yourself.”

Rena’s tone was calm, with no hint of sarcasm. So Canaren’s face blushed once again.

She had never been told that she was pretty, except when adults in town told her she was pretty. Everyone grew up together since they were young, so there was no atmosphere of unfamiliar praise.

But when she came out of town, all the people were busy giving her compliments. It’s like she came here to hear all the praises of her life. She was always happy to be complimented, but she didn’t think it was sincere. It was obvious that the people of her castle were squeezing out praises because she was the duchess.

So Canaren was most delighted to hear the praise from Yulif. Partly because she liked Yulif, and because he had sincerity in his compliments.

When she thought of Yulif, her heart, which had melted at her praise, hardened again. Canaren cleared her throat and put on the most arrogant expression she could make.

“I didn’t bring you here to talk about this. Do you mind if I speak first?”

“Yes, yes. Please feel free to speak.”

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“I couldn’t finish the wedding properly because of the accident, but I am the Duchess of Rubius.”

“Of course, Madam. I know it well.”

“I had known Yulif long before Lady Rena came. Yulif took me out of the Imperial Palace and married me. And, um, Yulif proposed to me first. I didn’t do it first.”

“It’s the first I’ve heard of it. You must have been very happy.”

Canaren gripped the hem of her dress with the hand on her lap. Since she resembled the woman who Yulif loved so desperately that she didn’t exist anymore, she couldn’t have been happier with the proposal to stay by his side instead. Now, after a long time, when she thought about her again, her chest hurt as if it was being cut.

Still, she couldn’t afford to throw away the hydrangeas Yulif gave her, so she put it in a vase and left it in the room. She was afraid the light would wither and fade, so she asked Roana to cast magic.

Canaren suppressed her sorrow and endured it. Because she was in front of Rena.

“I’m happy. Now that I’m accustomed to Pionia to some extent, I’m trying to study as well. I will do anything to help Yulif. After all, I am Yulif’s wife.”

She was the duchess. After the wedding, he said they were a legally recognized couple. So, Rena should give up on Yulif.

In fact, she wanted to say it so openly. However, since it was not elegant, it was not an aristocratic way of speaking, so the words kept spinning because she kept saying different things. She felt that she was rambling on by herself, so her ears began to heat up in shame.

“I don’t know if you believe me, but the Madam doesn’t have to be wary of me.”

Hearing Rena’s calm voice, Canaren lifted her slightly bowed head and looked at her. There was really no emotion in her expressionless face. Their eyes met in the air filled with the scent of flowers, and Rena smiled.

“I do not covet the wife’s seat, nor do I stand by the duke to take his wife’s place.”

—So rest assured. 

But despite the friendly words, far from reassuring Canaren, she became more anxious.

It was like she was saying ‘You can take the seat of the duchess, which I don’t need. I’ll have Yulif.’ Rena said she would take his heart. It’s different from herself, who was obsessed with the position of being his wife. The confidently shining blue-gray eyes were saying so. Rena was asking if Canaren could say that her love was pure and sadder than her love.

“…It’s the same with me. I, I just…”

‘This is the only thing I can put forward. Because I can’t tell you that Yulif married me without loving me.’

“Anyway, I will definitely send you back to the capital. I will protect Yulif’s side.”

She would never give up on Yulif. If she let Rena go, another person might appear. She didn’t know how many times she had to repeat this.

“For sure.”

She wouldn’t give up until Yulif looked only at her.

Hearing Canaren’s words, which were close to a promise, Rena gave her an inexplicable smile. The blue-gray eyes that seemed to be making fun of Canaren or cheering her on moved silently and stayed at Muasa for a while. Muasa was staring painfully at Canaren, who showed her absolute affection for Yulif.

‘I’m really curious. Can that man really take the duchess out?’

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