Forbidden Forest

Chapter 3

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Welcome back home

Erza finally returned home after a three month trip on the road. She went to visit the surrounding city and county to make new negotiations on behalf of her older sister. Normally the heir to the throne goes on the trip to negotiate new terms for the alliance. Novella refused to go on the trip, different countries heirs were displeased that Novella didn't show up for negotiations. Erza did her best to smooth things over with the other country. While Ezra was traveling around different cities and counties, she met a young prince named Van. Prince Van is the heir of the third-largest kingdom. He is very handsome and a womanizer, he's known for sleeping with multiple women. Ezra didn't care about his past because he always treated her right. They both promised to continue to be friends and write a letters to each other. When Ezra returned to the castle She was happy to go back home and see her family.

The carriage stopped at the main castle gates. Erza was so excited, that she swung the door wide open. While the driver was standing there trying to let her out. She hit him in the face with the door erza felt bad so she apologized and ran toward the castle doors. She pushed the castle door open and the maids saw her first standing there. The maids ran towards her and hugged her. They had so many questions. Ezra tried to answer everyone's questions. She was happy that the maids were showing so much love.

"Back up dirty maids " Novella said to the maids

All the maids went back to their work when they heard Novella's voice.

Novella walked up to Ezra wearing a big fancy dress that touched the ground. The dress was tight-fitting around her stomach and the dress also had a flared bottom. Novella was wearing an olive green color with golden patterns on the dress. The dress matched her pale skin and blonde hair. She walked over toward Ezra and gave her a big hug.

''I have missed you so much you were gone too long '' Novella said to Ezra

"I have missed you to how are mother and father?" Ezra replied

"They missed you too and can't wait to see you" Novella said.

Erza and Novella continue their conversation while walking to the main dining hall. Their father and mother were in the main dining hall, before Ezra went into the dining hall she went to go wash up before visiting her parents. Novella decides to wait for her sister outside the dining hall. Novella leans up against the door frame when she leans against the door. She overheard her mother and father having a conversation. She couldn't hear at first but Novella put her ear to the door than she could hear clearly.

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Inside the dinning hall

The King and Queen were eating at the dining table, the Queen looked at the King and said.

''I overheard the maid talking about Ezra coming back in the Castles'' the Queen said.

The King's face became distorted with rage

"I just wish she would die like her mother, she has been nothing but a burden to me." The king said

'Yes I know every plan we had to kill her had failed. I am getting tired of pretending, it makes me sick to my stomach" the Queen said.

''Poor Novalla she loves her so much she can't see that Ezra is a monster'' the Queen said.

''Do you think we should tell Novella the truth about Ezra?" the Queen asked.

"Of course not what if other people find out. you know that Novella cant keep a secret from Ezra. We did everything we could to cover up this situation. We just have to keep pretending." the King said to the Queen

Novella stood there in shock. She was confused as to why would her mother and father would try to kill Ezra their own daughter, she wanted to know that truth. But most importantly she wanted to protect her little sister. Ezra finally came out of the dressing hall and went to meet Novella. However, Novella redirects Ezra towards away from the dining hall and into the ballroom. Novella made small talk while walking to the ballroom, Ezra told her all about the adventures that she incurred while traveling. Ezra also talked about a young prince she met while traveling from different Cities. Novella remembers that Ezra had a lot of mail that was sent to her.Novella put all the mail inside of her room Meanwhile, they arrive at the ballroom.

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At the ballroom

Novella pushes the big doors open to the ballroom, white and gold decorations were beautifully everywhere.

"This is beautiful what is this for, " Erza said

"This is a welcome back party/Marriage interview," Novella said,

"Father and Mother is throwing a marriage interview isn't it kinda early for that " Ezra said,

" Well yeah but this give me first pick on the handsome prince I want," Novella said,

"I guess your right" Erza giggled

Novella took her Ezra by the arm and then showed her around the ballroom. Novella planned every detail out so everything was perfect. The banquet was going to start this weekend its to last for three days after talking with her sister Ezra went upstairs to her room she found a big bag on her bed with letters inside of them. Prince Van wrote her every day she read all of them then replied to each one of them. Ezra fell asleep writing the letters at her desk. She woke up the next morning with her hair messed up and drool on her face. She quickly cleans up and got dress and went to see her Mother and Father. They were all eating at the dining hall Novella was already at the table.

The Dining Hall

Ezra walked into the dining hall smiling she yells "Good morning family!!"

The King and Queen were irritated and it showed on their faces they quickly put on a fake smile and said good morning back, Ezra didn't seem to notice their face expression but her sister did she wanted to know why they acted that way toward her.

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Ezra sat down the table an started a normal conversation with her parents. after breakfast, she went to her office to write a report on her travel, she went in the training area Novella found her there Practicing her sword skills and she ran up to Ezra with a dress in her hand.

'' Oh Ezra looked what I got" Novella said
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Ezra turns and looks at Novella had a sliver slim silk dress her hand. The dress was very sparkly with two thin straps on each shoulder.

"That dress is pretty are you wearing it to the banquet," Ezra asked

"Of course not.. but you are," Novella said

"Novella I don't think I want to go I am kinda busy with paperwork," Ezra said

"Nonsense, you're going to the party we have to find you a king too," Novella said

"I am too young to get married plus I don't have the time," Ezra said

''Please I am begging you I can't go without you, " Novella said

" Fine I will go but only for you," Ezra said

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" Great lets go try on this dress then " Novella said

Ezra and Novella went to the dressing room to make a full outfit, they tried on dresses while standing in the mirror. Ezra tried on the dress her sister gave her but it was too big for her. The maid had to make changes to the dress.

Meanwhile Novella puts on a golden ombre mermaid dress. the dress had a lot of different vibrant colored stones on it. The top of the dress had a heart shaped Neckline, Novella immediately fell in love with it. She was happy about the event she was ready to get married and fall in love. Even though Novella was open minded about finding a husband. She already likes Prince Kanji is very vain he is the heir of the second-largest Kingdom. Prince Kanji is known for being a jerk he sleeps with anyone he wants and he treats people like slaves even nobles. He wasn't always that way he used to be a kind man with great values. However, his pass has a bitter memory of the girl he once loved. Prince Kanji breaks the law and party all day Novella has been in love with him for a long time since they grew up together. Novella became lost in thought while thinking about him she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

" Are you okay?" Ezra said

"Of course, I am fine I was just thinking about tomorrow banquet" Novella

"Don't worry about it you are going to be the most beautiful girl there," said to Ezra.

"We are going to be the most beautiful young Ladies. I don't know what I would do without you," Novella said.

"Me either Novella," Ezra replied

They hugged afterward and started to try on more dress, Novella told the maid to set extra dresses for her. The rest of the day went normal Ezra finished the letter and sent it to Prince Van. His Kingdom is not that far from the Lucky Kingdom.


Novella was being very arrogant and rude to the maids, so to get revenge they tampered with the measurements of her golden dress. Novella would beat the maid without a reason or explanation. She was a slob, a heavy eater and gains a lot of weight with her unhealthy eating.

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