Forbidden Forest

Chapter 43

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''Nolan you need to be careful to not let your anger control you, you need to be more gentle with her. ''Zeze said,

Ezra may look tough she just a fragile as any other woman Even Butterflies have scars on their wings. ''he said,

Nolan knew he was wrong for grabbing her. He went after Ezra to talk to her but he founded Ezra in the garden talking with Willis.

Willis made Ezra Laugh and smile Nolan stayed nearby waiting for Willis to leave. When Willis left Nolan walked up to Ezra he bow low

'' I am sorry for the way I acted, I am just scared of dragons but if you want to keep it then I will just have to overcome my fear. ''He said,

'' I am sorry to for overreacting. It just at that moment you remind me of someone I hate. ''Ezra said,

'' I understand ''Nolan said,

''Dragons are not that bad of creature they may look dangerous and mean but they are sweet creatures. Hopefully, I can restore your faith in them. ''Ezra said,

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''I would like that. ''Nolan said,

'Ezra about Lea and l having sex. ''Nolan said,

''Don't worry I am okay with it try not to do it in the open next time. ''She said,
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''Our Bedroom is off-limits. ''Ezra said,

''Of course. ''Nolan said,

Nolan was bothered that Ezra didn't seem to care. Nolan had an uneasy feeling in his stomach Nolan simply asked her.

''You don't seem to be bothered by me dating another woman. ''He said,

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''Are you upset that I am not bothered by it? ''She said,

''No it noting like that maybe I should not had said anything just forget about it. ''Nolan said,

''I get what you trying to ask me to put it simply your not my type your more like a younger brother. ''She said,

''No there no reason for me to be bothered by it besides it's not like we are in love. ''Ezra said,

Nolan Smile at that but deep down he felt discomposed by what Ezra said to him.

Ezra went to bed but Nolan stayed up wondering what was this strange feeling that was in his heart.

A Week Later

The teams started late on building the wall because of the ambassador because of the indent with Lea.

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Vin wasn't wishing to be ambassador the clan agree on another person he was a noble name John. Nolan also had guards outside of Lea's door to protect her.

Ezra was doing a lot of work she became exhausted Nolan gave her assistant Name Rose. Rose is a good looking woman with charming but Ezra didn't like her so she never had her do much work.

At the other end of the castle Maui came up with some new training plans for his team he works them hard and the result showed in their fighting skills. However, Eros still had his soldier stomp in their feet in the hot mud.

Some of Eros soldier was complaining because they feel like the training wasn't going anywhere but they still did the training. One day a soldier from Maui team saw what they were doing reported back to Maui.

He decides to go Brag to Eros about how better his training was Maui soldier march in line and went to Eros training camp.

When they got there they saw some of the men and women cutting down the trees and even carrying them and the other was in the mud pit stomping the mud. Some of Maui soldiers laughed quietly because they didn't understand what Eros was doing but Maui knew Exactly what he was doing.

While they Eros soldiers was doing their duty the training was strengthening their legs and arms. The soldiers was to busy competing that they didn't notices.

''What an ingenious thought ''Maui thought to himself''

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Maui left and went back to his camp to train his men. Leela would often have lunch with Eros like she always did. Eros started to like her but he never showed it in front of people meanwhile the team started working their assignment.

Everyone helps clean out the castle and to move the furniture outside all of the castle royal servants to move outside in tents. There was only an area for the royal staff and the King and Queen. There were wooden spike walls to prevent someone from trying to climb over. The tents was some distance from one other inside the tents was bathtubs and a small living area.

Zeze made the device for the dragon to get sunlight and moved it into Ezra tents inside Everyone Clear out the castle and took one last look of it. Zeze sent Exposed talisman in the castle the talisman went off and the castle exploded and everyone clapped their hands.


Red team clean up the bricks that left behind by the castle they also took the castle walls down that was still standing. Voss had a great idea to recycle the old bricks he sends the bricks to the green and Yellow team that was making bricks. Voss also had the people outline the land with white non-removable chalk.

Willis gave them blueprints of how the land should be laid out they started working on the inside of the land where the town and castle would be. Red team also close down the old tunnels by putting dirt in the tunnels they made new tunnels all connecting to the castles and some leading out from the castle.

They dug 30 feet underground to make the new tunnels than smoothed down the bottom of the tunnel floor with mud. Day by day they build the walls up and the floor and made them smoothe.

Then while the mud was still semi-wet they lay down the small but smooth rock into the foundation. Five tunnels were leading toward underground bunker was design to fit two thousand people it took Two weeks just to finish the underground bunker alone.

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